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Created August 28, 2014 10:38
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Vimgor listfacts
13:35 <sakkemo> listfacts
13:35 <vimgor> osx, forget, vimperator, vcm, vimtiny, ggVGd, vim's like a big school, norc, really?, dvsm, easymotion, esc, vlm, whitelines, VAM, faq, netlib, :v, dvorak, buftabs.vim, insert mode, magic, help!, helpme, colorcoke, screen =~ s/a/Screen, leader, try, dists, :W, what's up, doesn't work, :Sex, format code, vimdictive, comment text object, textobjectify, html with php, asif, vim or emacs, macro (16 more messages)
13:35 <sakkemo> more
13:35 <vimgor> articles, clipboard, vimball, nickanswer, tips, elebird, vimregrap, movement, last-position, recommended plugins, hates away updates, fugitive, ranger, ubuntu, test3 test4?, Not sure if I know how to use that?, good night, neovim =~ s/^/neovim, yank all, janus, vimple, pick, e9, options, bof, recursion, install pathogen, filetype, paste me a column, _Cody, tmux, vim, Houl, capslock, I always lie; I, (15 more messages)
13:36 <sakkemo> more
13:36 <vimgor> e30, duck, tools, vimpire, regex, vba2zip, e6, tim-tiny, html and php, angry, perl, easter egg, mhinz, vim fairy, newviml, mapleader, pandajail, NERD_Commenter, shellasync.vim, godlygeek, is useless, none, CSExact, why hjkl, london, cat, thank you, vim-cat, :kill_kittens, xptemplate, colourschemes, scripting, history, sleuth, are you in the mood?, nexus, chip, sudo, tyrmored, sm2, tabular, tab, tail (14 more messages)
13:36 <sakkemo> more
13:36 <vimgor> recursion, how i met your editor, enc, vimdoc, amazing, vimhelp, colorschemes, supertab, map, restart-vim, wallpaper, mapping, var är japh, Fanf,ingTastic;, ff, php with html, phy1729, viminfo, gundo, e25, vimranger, ide, e20, e21, vimpoint, e23, platypus, e29, tiktok, nancy, enter, talk, pentadactyl, wup, what i meant to say, space.vim, ZoomWin, no, easter eggs, fakeclip, keyboard, installer, (13 more messages)
13:36 <sakkemo> more
13:36 <vimgor> behaving badly, accordion, window, ls, hidden, infobot, then what about the cake�, noh, python, vimpipes, unimpaired, macvim, vimgym, rails.vim, pandajails, habits, t_Co, debug, vim-script-runner, logs, vimtabs, fish, idea, logo, vimscript, buffers, colorscheme editors, gpg, statusline, e5, :helptags, smartindent, insertnav, xcape, vcs, dollar sign, he's back!, amazing!, map esc, mmw, bsdbeard, (12 more messages)
13:36 <vimgor> tias, putty, cookie, e8, drchip, ask, e4, e7, thanks anyway, beginning, e0, e3, e2, limit-to-selection, ggVG, indent, user commands, dists2, motion, grok, ultisnips, FireFly, bisectly, foldexpr, lettuce, xy, paren-crosshairs, owner, card back, startify, didn't work, leaders, neovim, vim-minimal, >gv, vi bindings, stupid bot, redondo, vimetor, vimbar, rails, anyone, pastebins, local vimrc, (11 more messages)
13:36 <sakkemo> more
13:36 <vimgor> programming fonts, matchit, is a bot, colorchart, hug, vimgor, neverland, brains, hotel, e26, bairui's statusline, e27, copy, NERD, indentsettings, command-t, e22, can i ask you a personal question, vimgor, no, easter eggs, pathogen, usr_41, and, snipmate, pb.vim, then what good, flying vim, mail lists, gvim, delimitMate, shell, I have that on, good to know. So how do I debug behavior I'm seeing (10 more messages)
13:36 <sakkemo> more
13:36 <vimgor> when I know vim, table-mode, bgrep, WWBD, :noh, bsfl, easybuffer.vim, preserve case, scriptnames, cheatsheet, commentary, x11sel, unstack, python-indent, plugin manager, monastery, :unsure:, newline, vim-pipes, follow my leader, toplevel, ^M, learning curves, latex, all of those words, windows, mru, Ni!, tagbar, vim and vigor, vim-tiny, pipes, hjkl, ctab, random, surround.vim, syntax, hi!, colors, (9 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> registers, shibboleth, font, ugt, cockie, e18, neovim =~ s/^neovim, eat chips., e11, :filetype, e13, e12, e15, caps lock, e17, e16, terminal, vim-jedi, osse, apprentice, LearnVim, do, <gv, bufexplorer, iterm2, regwhy, vis.vim, latex-suite, which vim, vimgame, bar, neobundle, forget how far, admins, e10, mhi^, tmuxify, amazing., vim-bindings, mixed-filetypes, jamessan, view, respond, pvp, signify, (8 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> terminalkeys, your name, humans, sex, goodnight, imho, multicursor, term-issues, tags, zzzomg, macros, happiness, vim-airline, efmc, gnome-terminal, Fanf,ingTastic, screen, shell-integration, mswin.vim, modeline, thanks!, putty-256color, vimrc, reverse, colorscheme, admin, unite.vim, e14, how do you not know about tea, it, spiiph, can i ask you a personal question?, bots, fileformat, can't you?, (7 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> color, MetaCosm, fixpep8, dispatch, vimaholics anonymous, :bd, :help, vim-latex, insertlessly, bairui, lol that, sintax, caret, worthless, packages, cycling, ☑, tabs, json, tutorials, no, can you hear me?, life, evil away, Haha, fair enuf., I would agree with you, except vim, bull, argh!, example vimrc, nohls, shut up, ^, align, Blockwise visual, tpope, Kill!, fun, cleopatra, udioica, vimlint, <3, (6 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> vi, vim bindings, sushi, ii, mouse, area-41, if, area41, whichwrap, trailing, gdefault, unite, FuzzyFinder, buftabs, regtutor, I, conque, kill, evim, e24, install pathogen =~ s/Come to the Bright Side/"I, practical vim, digmbot, e1, vim-mode, modes, vimgor, colorcoke, thx, thw, colour, sudoedit, no admin, deleting buffers, pep8, firstly, vimgolf, FanfingTastic, latest,, reghelp, how do you (5 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> feel about sourcing your vimrc?, sparkup, mswin, easytree.vim, thanks, cheat sheet, facts, NERD_Tree, slimv, vim's learning curve, tmux-OSX, graywh, power of g, autocomplpop, vundle, f,ing, scrooloose, e31, win32-patched, color-problems, sjohnson, pebcak, easter, not sentient yet, learning curve, :nohl, ops, viml, libtermkey, vimgor colorcoke, you, rnu, debug viml, asyncfinder.vim, xptemplate (4 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> screencasts, answer_to_everything, kweasy, night, bisecting, csapprox, google, tommcdo's plugins, spacecadet, no, thank you!, -u NONE, vfm, how do you list your buffers?, salt to taste, bairui: all of the above, latex-box, usehelp, images, omnicomplete-ruby, tutorial, fov, smartquotes, vimpager, weird error, rename.vim, redir, skybison, everything, <C-@>, backspace, give peace a chance, nlnul, bd, (3 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> vimtutor, hug me, ask him!, Yeah, I, nails, bw, YCM, bs, regexp, vim-plug, paste, borked, :-*, indent-guides, about, gnome, romainl, ack, biscuit, lvsthw, the answer to life the universe and everything, LustyExplorer, surround, compatible, off-topic, no, vcs, netrw, Shelley, nohl, color-check, are you a bot?, vimler, free wifi, relativenumber, Araxia, by whom?, pastebin, thankful, subaru, syntastic, (2 more messages)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> vimlatex, :open, pcre, vi-bindings, vim-stack, flying, hex, lol, emacs, waz, vimfu, raimondi, ctags, ctrlp, e28, happy, hit-enter, kittens, but, works for me, hi, why set nocompatible, Bear!, learn vim, vimmy the pooh, heartwarming, vimpeg, text-objects, markmywords, s/null, cake, WWOS, speeddating.vim, quickfix, vidir, noremap, better than :buffers, z-in-your-code, intro, distributions, cream, e36, (1 more message)
13:37 <sakkemo> more
13:37 <vimgor> e35, e34, e33, e32, syntax-enable, doubletap, 42, nav, test, latexsuite, to Xterm R6, askhole, repeat, learnviml, asciidoc, screencasts, c_readline, not sentient yet?, searchparty, zencoding, to have a cookie, vsearch, buffalo, and scroll
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