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Forked from pbosetti/shared.rb
Created September 16, 2018 15:13
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IPC shared memory access via FFI
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# untitled.rb
# Created by Paolo Bosetti on 2011-04-22.
# Copyright (c) 2011 University of Trento. All rights reserved.
require "rubygems"
require 'ffi'
module Shared
extend FFI::Library
ffi_lib FFI::Library::LIBC
# Tries to execute a block. If the block return value is -1 then
# raises a RuntimeException.
# @param [String] what a String description of what we're trying to do
# @yield an FFI mapped function to be executed
# @yieldreturn [Fixnum] a numerical value, as returned by FFI functions
# @return [Fixnum] the result of the FFI function
# @todo Implement better error management
def Shared.try(what="Shared::Mem operation")
result = nil
if block_given?
result = yield
if result == -1 then
case FFI::errno
when 4
warn "EINTR"
raise RuntimeError, "Error code #{FFI::errno} in #{what}"
return result
end # Shared::try module function
# Shared memory constants, as defined in sys/ipc.h
IPC_CREAT = 001000
IPC_EXCL = 002000
IPC_NOWAIT = 004000
SEM_UNDO = 010000 # Semaphore undo
IPC_R = 000400 # Read permission
IPC_W = 000200 # Write/alter permission
IPC_M = 010000 # Modify control info permission
IPC_RMID = 0 # Remove identifier */
IPC_SET = 1 # Set options */
IPC_STAT = 2 # Get options */
# Semaphore control constants
GETNCNT = 3 # [XSI] Return the value of semncnt {READ} */
GETPID = 4 # [XSI] Return the value of sempid {READ} */
GETVAL = 5 # [XSI] Return the value of semval {READ} */
GETALL = 6 # [XSI] Return semvals into arg.array {READ} */
GETZCNT = 7 # [XSI] Return the value of semzcnt {READ} */
SETVAL = 8 # [XSI] Set the value of semval to arg.val {ALTER} */
SETALL = 9 # [XSI] Set semvals from arg.array {ALTER} */
# Attaching functions for Shared Memory management
attach_function :ftok, [:string, :int], :int
attach_function :shmget, [:int, :int, :int], :int
attach_function :shmat, [:int, :int, :int], :pointer
attach_function :shmdt, [:pointer], :int
attach_function :shmctl, [:int, :int, :pointer], :int
# Shared memory class.
# @example Producer:
# msg_writer = :access => Shared::IPC_W
# msg_writer.write(str)
# ...
# msg_writer.mem.write_array_of_float(ary)
# @example Consumer:
# msg_reader = :access => Shared::IPC_R
# puts
# ...
# p msg_reader.mem.read_array_of_float(ary.size)
# @author Paolo Bosetti
class Memory
attr_reader :mem, :id
# Initializer. It prepares all the dirty stuff needed to have a
# communication endpoint. Also initializes the @mem attrivutes,
# which holds a reference to a FFI::Pointer instance that can be used for
# more tricky message passing (_e.g._ C arrays).
# @param [Hash] args the arguments hash
# @option args [String] path the path endpoint (don't change it)
# @option args [Fixnum] id an endpoint index, can use different for concurring operations
# @option args [Fixnum] len the reserved memory area in bytes
# @option args [Fixnum] mode creation mode. See man shmget
# @option args [Fixnum] access access mode. See man shmat
def initialize(args={})
@cfg = {
:path => __FILE__,
:id => 0,
:len => 1024,
:mode => Shared::IPC_CREAT,
:access => Shared::IPC_W | Shared::IPC_R
@cfg.merge! args
@key = Shared::try("ftok") {Shared::ftok(@cfg[:path], @cfg[:id])}
@id = Shared::try("shmget") {Shared::shmget(@key, @cfg[:len], 0666 | @cfg[:mode])}
@mem = Shared::shmat(@id, 0, @cfg[:access])
# Closes the shared memory area end frees its content.
def close
Shared::try("dhmdt") {Shared::shmdt(@mem)}
Shared::try("shmctl") {Shared::shmctl(@id, Shared::IPC_RMID, nil)}
# Read len bytes.
# @param [Fixnum] len the number of bytes to be read
def read(len=nil); @mem.read_string(len); end
# Writes a string len bytes.
# @param [String] str the string to be written
# @param [Fixnum] len the number of bytes to be written
def write(str, len=nil)
raise ArgumentError, "str must respond to :to_s" unless str.respond_to? :to_s
@mem.write_string(str.to_s + "\0", len)
end #Memory class
# Semaphores sembuf FFI::Struct
class Sembuf < FFI::Struct
layout :sem_num, :ushort,
:sem_op, :short,
:sem_flg, :short
attach_function :semget, [:key_t, :int, :int], :int
attach_function :semctl, [:int, :int, :int, :varargs], :int
attach_function :semop, [:int, :pointer, :size_t], :int
# Simple management of IPC semaphores.
# @author Paolo Bosetti
# @example lock/unlock a semaphore, process A:
# KEY = 314159
# sem =
# sem.lock
# # do something
# sem.unlock
# @example wait for a semaphore to be unlocked, process B:
# KEY = 314159 # MUST BE THE SAME!
# sem =
# sem.wait
class Semaphore
attr_reader :key
def initialize(key)
@key = Shared::try("ftok") {Shared::ftok(__FILE__, key)}
@op =
@op[:sem_num] = 0
@op[:sem_op] = 0
@op[:sem_flg] = 0
@ops =, 1)
@id = Shared::try("semget operation") {
Shared::semget(@key, 1, 0666 | Shared::IPC_CREAT)
# Operates on the semaphore.
# @param [Fixnum] val the operation value (addendum value)
# @return [Fixnum] result of the semop() call
def operate(val)
# Old version
# @op[:sem_op] = val
# struct_bytes = @op.pointer.get_bytes(0, Shared::Sembuf.size)
# @ops[0].put_bytes(0, struct_bytes)
# New, extra-cool version after Wayne Meissner's hint:
s0 =[0])
s0[:sem_op] = val
Shared::try("semop operation") {
Shared.semop(@id, @ops, 1)
def lock; operate 1; end
def unlock; operate -1; end
def wait; operate 0; end
# Initializes the semaphore.
# @param [Fixnum] val the value for the semaphore to be initialized to
# @return [Fixnum] result of the semctl() call
def init(val=0)
Shared::try("semctl operation") {
Shared::semctl(@id, 0, Shared::SETVAL, :int, val)
# @return [Fixnum] the value of the semaphore.
def value
Shared::try("semctl operation") {
Shared::semctl(@id, 0, Shared::GETVAL)
end # Semaphore class
end # Shared module
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