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Created November 13, 2017 09:20
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/* Genetic Algorithm implementation
var GeneticAlgorithm = function(max_units, top_units){
this.max_units = max_units; // max number of units in population
this.top_units = top_units; // number of top units (winners) used for evolving population
if (this.max_units < this.top_units) this.top_units = this.max_units;
this.Population = []; // array of all units in current population
this.SCALE_FACTOR = 200; // the factor used to scale normalized input values
GeneticAlgorithm.prototype = {
// resets genetic algorithm parameters
reset : function(){
this.iteration = 1; // current iteration number (it is equal to the current population number)
this.mutateRate = 1; // initial mutation rate
this.best_population = 0; // the population number of the best unit
this.best_fitness = 0; // the fitness of the best unit
this.best_score = 0; // the score of the best unit ever = 5;
this.in_un = 3;
// creates a new population
createPopulation : function(){
// clear any existing population
this.Population.splice(0, this.Population.length);
for (var i=0; i<this.max_units; i++){
// create a new unit by generating a random Synaptic neural network
// with 2 neurons in the input layer, 6 neurons in the hidden layer and 1 neuron in the output layer
var newUnit = new synaptic.Architect.Perceptron(2, 6, 1);
// set additional parameters for the new unit
newUnit.index = i; = 0;
newUnit.score = 0;
newUnit.isWinner = false;
// add the new unit to the population
// activates the neural network of an unit from the population
// to calculate an output action according to the inputs
activateBrain : function(bird, target){
// input 1: the horizontal distance between the bird and the target
var targetDeltaX = this.normalize(target.x, 700) * this.SCALE_FACTOR;
// input 2: the height difference between the bird and the target
var targetDeltaY = this.normalize(bird.y - target.y, 800) * this.SCALE_FACTOR;
// create an array of all inputs
var inputs = [targetDeltaX, targetDeltaY];
// calculate outputs by activating synaptic neural network of this bird
var outputs = this.Population[bird.index].activate(inputs);
// perform flap if output is greater than 0.5
if (outputs[0] > 0.5) bird.flap();
// evolves the population by performing selection, crossover and mutations on the units
evolvePopulation : function(){
// select the top units of the current population to get an array of winners
// (they will be copied to the next population)
var Winners = this.selection();
if (this.mutateRate == 1 && Winners[0].fitness < 0){
// If the best unit from the initial population has a negative fitness
// then it means there is no any bird which reached the first barrier!
// Playing as the God, we can destroy this bad population and try with another one.
} else {
this.mutateRate = 0.2; // else set the mutatation rate to the real value
// fill the rest of the next population with new units using crossover and mutation
for (var i=this.top_units; i<this.max_units; i++){
var parentA, parentB, offspring;
if(this.iteration <={
if (i == this.top_units){
parentA = Winners[0].toJSON();
parentB = Winners[1].toJSON();
offspring = this.crossOver(parentA, parentB);
} else if (i < this.max_units-2){
// offspring is made by a crossover of two random winners
parentA = this.getRandomUnit(Winners).toJSON();
parentB = this.getRandomUnit(Winners).toJSON();
offspring = this.crossOver(parentA, parentB);
} else {
// offspring is a random winner
offspring = this.getRandomUnit(Winners).toJSON();
if (this.iteration % this.in_un == 0){
parentA = parentB = Winners[0].toJSON();
offspring = this.crossOver(parentA, parentB);
parentA = Winners[0].toJSON();
parentB = Winners[1].toJSON();
offspring = this.crossOver(parentA, parentB);
// mutate the offspring
offspring = this.mutation(offspring);
// create a new unit using the neural network from the offspring
var newUnit = synaptic.Network.fromJSON(offspring);
newUnit.index = this.Population[i].index; = 0;
newUnit.score = 0;
newUnit.isWinner = false;
// update population by changing the old unit with the new one
this.Population[i] = newUnit;
// if the top winner has the best fitness in the history, store its achievement!
if (Winners[0].fitness > this.best_fitness){
this.best_population = this.iteration;
this.best_fitness = Winners[0].fitness;
this.best_score = Winners[0].score;
// sort the units of the new population in ascending order by their index
this.Population.sort(function(unitA, unitB){
return unitA.index - unitB.index;
// selects the best units from the current population
selection : function(){
// sort the units of the current population in descending order by their fitness
var sortedPopulation = this.Population.sort(
function(unitA, unitB){
return -;
// mark the top units as the winners!
for (var i=0; i<this.top_units; i++) this.Population[i].isWinner = true;
// return an array of the top units from the current population
return sortedPopulation.slice(0, this.top_units);
// performs a single point crossover between two parents
crossOver : function(parentA, parentB) {
// get a cross over cutting point
var cutPoint = this.random(0, parentA.neurons.length-1);
// swap 'bias' information between both parents:
// 1. left side to the crossover point is copied from one parent
// 2. right side after the crossover point is copied from the second parent
for (var i = cutPoint; i < parentA.neurons.length; i++){
var biasFromParentA = parentA.neurons[i]['bias'];
parentA.neurons[i]['bias'] = parentB.neurons[i]['bias'];
parentB.neurons[i]['bias'] = biasFromParentA;
return this.random(0, 1) == 1 ? parentA : parentB;
// performs random mutations on the offspring
mutation : function (offspring){
// mutate some 'bias' information of the offspring neurons
for (var i = 0; i < offspring.neurons.length; i++){
offspring.neurons[i]['bias'] = this.mutate(offspring.neurons[i]['bias']);
// mutate some 'weights' information of the offspring connections
for (var i = 0; i < offspring.connections.length; i++){
offspring.connections[i]['weight'] = this.mutate(offspring.connections[i]['weight']);
return offspring;
// mutates a gene
mutate : function (gene){
if (Math.random() < this.mutateRate) {
var mutateFactor = 1 + ((Math.random() - 0.5) * 3 + (Math.random() - 0.5));
gene *= mutateFactor;
return gene;
random : function(min, max){
return Math.floor(Math.random()*(max-min+1) + min);
getRandomUnit : function(array){
return array[this.random(0, array.length-1)];
normalize : function(value, max){
// clamp the value between its min/max limits
if (value < -max) value = -max;
else if (value > max) value = max;
// normalize the clamped value
return (value/max);
randomSelect : function(a, b){
return Math.random() >= 0.5 ? a : b;
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