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Last active May 7, 2020 18:06
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Calcula da hessiana e atualização - Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS)
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg as la
import numpy.linalg as ln
#Busca valor de alpha
def LineSearch(f,g,x,p):
a,b = 1 - 2/(1 + np.sqrt(5)), 2/(1+np.sqrt(5))
alpha = 1.0
while (f(x+alpha*p) > f(x)) + a * alpha*,p) :
alpha *= b
return alpha
#Desenvolvimento do método BFGS
def BFGS(f,g,x,eps,maxiter=10, alfa=0.1,inv_hessian=None):
#Se não houver valor para Hessiana
if inv_hessian is None:
H = scipy.eye(g(x).shape[0])
print('Hessiana: ', H)
#Inicializa a variável
i = 0
#Lopping do método onde interrempo a iteração ao atingir os critérios de parada
while ln.norm(g(x),2) >= eps and i < maxiter:
p =, g(x))
#Tamanho do passo
alpha = LineSearch(f,g,x,p)
s = alpha * p
#Calcula gradiente em x
grad_m1 = scipy.zeros(g(x).shape)
grad_diff = g(x) - grad_m1
#Atualizando o valor da Hessiana
ys = np.inner(grad_diff, s)
Hy =, grad_diff)
yHy = np.inner(grad_diff, Hy)
print('Passo 1: ', (ys + yHy) )
print('Passo 2: ', np.outer(s, s))
print('Passo 3: ', ys ** 2)
print('Juntando 1: ', (ys + yHy) * np.outer(s, s))
print('Juntando 3: ', (ys + yHy) * np.outer(s, s)/ ys ** 2)
H += (ys + yHy) * np.outer(s, s) / ys ** 2
print('atualiza H: ', H)
H -= (np.outer(Hy, s) + np.outer(s, Hy)) / ys
# p = -np.linalg.solve(H,g(x))
# print('Direcao: ', p)
# alpha = LineSearch(f,g,x,p)
# print('Alfa:', alpha)
# s = alpha * p
# print('Valor gradiente :', s)
# y = g(x+alpha*s) - g(x)
# x = x + s
# H = H + np.outer(y,y)/np.inner(y,s) - (H@np.outer(s,s)@H.T)/(s.T@H@s)
# print('Atualiza Hessiana: ', H)
i += 1
return x, i
#Função a ser otimizada e minimizada
def f(x):
return x[0]**2 + 2*x[1]**2 + (-2*x[0]*x[1] - 2*x[1])
# Encontra a matriz da função a partir da derivada primeira
def f1(x):
return np.array([2 * x[0] - 2, 4*x[1] - 4])
x0 = np.array([1,2])
eps = 1e-8
x, iteracao = BFGS(f,f1,x0,eps)
print('Iteracao = ', iteracao)
print('valor de x: ', x)
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def LineSearch(f,g,x,p):
a,b = 1 - 2/(1 + np.sqrt(5)), 2/(1+np.sqrt(5))
alpha = 1.0
while (f(x+alphap) > f(x) + a *,p)) : #
alpha *= b
return alpha

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