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Last active July 4, 2016 23:09
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Simple js script to load data into table using ajax request
scanzytable: function (options) {
//saves root, options and load items function
var t = { root: this, options: options, loadItems: function (requestdata) {
var root = this.root;
//loads request data
if (requestdata == undefined) requestdata = options['request']['data'];
else //uses data passed as param to update data stored in object
for (var attr in options['request']['data']) requestdata[attr] = options['request']['data'][attr];
//loading message
root.find(".loading-items").show(); root.find(".loading-items-error").hide();
//sends request
$.ajax({ url: options['request']['url'], method: options['request']['method'], data: requestdata })
.success(function (data) {
//default no rows check callback
if (!('check_empty' in options))
options['check_empty'] = function (data) { return (data.length == 0); }
//checks no rows
if (options['check_empty'](data)) root.find(".no-items").show();
else {
//default behaviour (if no callbacks)
if (!('fetch' in options)) options['fetch'] = {};
if (!('content' in options['fetch'])) options['fetch']['content'] = {};
var html = ""; //detects fetch mode
if (options['fetch']['content'] instanceof Function) //single function
html = options['fetch']['content'](data);
else {
//default behaviour (if not all callbacks specified)
for (var col in options['columns_names'])
if (!(col in options['fetch']['content']))
options['fetch']['content'][col] = function (data) { return data; };
//default open-close row tags
if (!('row' in options['fetch'])) options['fetch']['row'] = {};
if (!('start' in options['fetch']['row'])) options['fetch']['row']['start'] = function() { return "<tr>"; };
if (!('end' in options['fetch']['row'])) options['fetch']['row']['end'] = function() { return "</tr>"; };
//default open-close cell tags
if (!('cell' in options['fetch'])) options['fetch']['cell'] = {};
if (!('start' in options['fetch']['cell'])) options['fetch']['cell']['start'] = function() { return "<td>"; };
if (!('end' in options['fetch']['cell'])) options['fetch']['cell']['end'] = function() { return "</td>"; };
//one function per column
for (var i in data) {
html += options['fetch']['row']['start'](i, data[i]); //for each row
for (var col in options['columns_names']) {
var celldata = undefined;
if (col in data[i]) celldata = data[i][col]; //for each cell
html += '' + //opens tag, puts content and closes tag
options['fetch']['cell']['start'](col, celldata, data[i]) +
options['fetch']['content'][col](celldata, data[i]) +
options['fetch']['cell']['end'](col, celldata, data[i]);
html += options['fetch']['row']['end'](i, data[i]);
//fetches table
//hides loading text and triggers callback
.always(function () {
if ('done' in options['request']) options['request']['done']();
//handles errors, shows message and uses callback
.fail(function (xhr, text, error) {
if ('error' in options['request']) options['request']['error'](xhr, text, error);
//adds html for searchbar and new item btn
if (('search_placeholder' in options) || ('new_text' in options)) this.append('<div class="row">' +
(('search_placeholder' in options) ? ('<div class="col-xs-8 col-md-6 col-lg-4"> \
<input type="text" class="form-control input-sm items-search" placeholder="') : "") +
(('search_placeholder' in options) ? options['search_placeholder'] : "") + '"/></div>' +
(('new_text' in options) ? ('<div class="col-xs-4 col-md-6 col-lg-8 right"><button class="btn btn-sm btn-success new-item" type="button"> \
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus"></span> <span>' + options['new_text'] + '</span></button> </div>') : "") + '</div>');
//adds html for table
var thead = ""; for (var i in options['columns_names']) thead += "<th>" + options['columns_names'][i] + "</th>";
this.append('<div class="table-responsive"><table class="table"><thead><tr>' + thead + '</tr></thead><tbody></tbody></table></div>');
//adds hidden texts for hints
this.append('<div class="center-p grey"><p class="no-items" style="display:none;">There are currently no elements</p><p class="loading-items" style="display:none;">Loading data...</p> \
<p class="loading-items-error" style="display:none;"><span>Error while loading files data</span> <a href="" class="items-load-retry"">Retry</a></p> \
<p class="no-items-results" style="display:none;"><span>No rows matching searched string</span> <a href="" class="items-clear-search">Reset search</a></p></div>');
//handlers for new button, retry loading, reset search
if ('new_click' in options) this.find(".new-item").click(options['new_click']);
this.find(".items-load-retry").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); t.loadItems(); });
this.find(".items-clear-search").click(function (e) {
e.preventDefault(); t.root.find(".items-search").val(''); //resets search input (shows all rows)
t.root.find(".no-items-results").hide(); t.root.find("tr").show(); $(".items-search").focus();
//handler for searchbar
this.find(".items-search").bind('input', function () {
var searchstr = $(this).val().trim().toLowerCase(); //gets input
if (searchstr == "") t.root.find("tr").show(); //shows all if no input
t.root.find("tbody tr").each(function () {
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().indexOf(searchstr) == -1) //finds elements
$(this).hide(); else $(this).show();
(t.root.find("tbody tr:visible").length == 0) ? // controls "no items found" visibility
t.root.find(".no-items-results").show() : t.root.find(".no-items-results").hide();
return t; //returns table object ref
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8" />
<title>scanzytable.js test</title>
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div class="container">
<div id="files-list"></div>
<script src="scanzytable.js"></script>
//inits files table
filestable = $("#files-list").scanzytable({
search_placeholder: "Search files...",
new_text: "New file", new_click: function () { alert("Not implemented "); },
columns_names: {
"Url": "File path (URL)",
"ContentId": "File content",
"Buttons": ""
request: { url: "./", method: "GET", data: { request: "file", action: "get" },
error: function (xhr, text, error) { alert('error'); }, //called on error
done: function () { return; } //called after data loaded
fetch: {
content: {
'Url': function (url) { return '<a href="../' + url + '" target="_blank">/' + url + '</a>'; },
'Buttons': function (x, data) {
return '\
<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-success" onclick="\'../' + data['Url'] + '\');">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-eye-open"></span> <span>View</span>\
</button> \
<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-warning" onclick="alert(' + data['ContentId'] + ');">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-edit"></span> <span>Edit</span>\
</button> \
<button type="button" class="btn btn-xs btn-danger" onclick="alert(\'' + data['Url'] + '\');">\
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-trash"></span> <span>Delete</span>\
cell: { start: function (col) { return (col == "Buttons") ? "<td class='right'>" : "<td>"; } }
//loads items
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