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Created October 17, 2018 23:40
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Simple LibreOffice Macro (VB) to render correctly latex content in .docx files exported from Dropbox Paper
'This script calls functions from the LibreOffice TexMaths extension
'Make sure TexMaths is installed, along with Tex
Sub PaperLatex
dim t as string
dim oDoc as object
dim oSearch as object
dim oResult as object
dim oCursor as object
'gets services
oDoc = thiscomponent
oCursor = oDoc.CurrentController.ViewCursor
oSearch = oDoc.createSearchDescriptor()
'search setup
with oSearch
.SearchString = "$$"
.SearchRegularExpression = false
.SearchCaseSensitive = true
end with
SetConfig() 'configures latex converter extension
'starts searching
oResult = oDoc.findFirst(oSearch)
Do While not isNull(oResult)
'selects first $$
oCursor.gotoRange(oResult, false)
Do 'expands selection to $$...$$
oCursor.goRight(1, true)
Loop Until Right(oCursor.string, 2) = "$$"
'gets text inside $$...$$
t = Mid(oCursor.string, 3,Len(oCursor.string) - 4)
'checks text too long
If Len(t) > 200 Then
'asks if contiue or not
If MsgBox(t,1) = 2 Then Exit Do
End If
'converts to latex
If MakeEquation(12, "inline", t, "svg", 600, FALSE, "") = -1 Then Exit Do
Wait 100 'this is needed, I don't know why...
'finds next $$
oResult = oDoc.findNext(oResult.End, oSearch)
End Sub
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