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Created November 21, 2020 20:47
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To do: modify this interface for ROCm
#include "../core/global.h"
#include "../core/commontypes.h"
#include "../core/hash.h"
#include "../core/logger.h"
#include "../neuralnet/desc.h"
#include "../neuralnet/nninputs.h"
//Defined in nneval.h
struct NNResultBuf;
// A handle to cross-thread cross-gpu initialization state.
// Create one of these per process, although creating more is fine.
struct ComputeContext;
// A handle to the local compute backend. Not thread-safe, each handle should
// only be used by one thread.
struct ComputeHandle;
// The interface for the input buffers for the neural network. The MCTS code
// uses this interface to pass data into the neural network for computation.
struct InputBuffers;
// A handle to the loaded neural network model.
struct LoadedModel;
// Generic interface to neural net inference.
// There is a single CUDA backend.
namespace NeuralNet {
// Call globalInitialize() once upon program startup to construct the net.
void globalInitialize();
// Call globalCleanup() at program termination.
void globalCleanup();
//Print available backend devices
void printDevices();
// Model I/O -----------------------------------------------------------------
LoadedModel* loadModelFile(const std::string& file);
void freeLoadedModel(LoadedModel* loadedModel);
std::string getModelName(const LoadedModel* loadedModel);
int getModelVersion(const LoadedModel* loadedModel);
//Return the "nearest" supported ruleset to desiredRules by this model.
//Fills supported with true if desiredRules itself was exactly supported, false if some modifications had to be made.
Rules getSupportedRules(const LoadedModel* loadedModel, const Rules& desiredRules, bool& supported);
// Context -------------------------------------------------------------------
ComputeContext* createComputeContext(
//The indices of all gpus that this context will be used for.
//-1 as an entry indicates to select a default
const std::vector<int>& gpuIdxs,
Logger* logger,
int nnXLen,
int nnYLen,
const std::string& openCLTunerFile,
const std::string& homeDataDirOverride,
bool openCLReTunePerBoardSize,
enabled_t useFP16Mode,
enabled_t useNHWCMode,
const LoadedModel* loadedModel
//A ComputeContext should NOT be freed until all ComputeHandles created using it have also been freed.
void freeComputeContext(ComputeContext* computeContext);
// Compute Handle -----------------------------------------------------------------
// Any given thread should only ever create one of these at a time.
// When using the CUDA backend, will mutably set the GPU that this thread is
// associated with to the specified index. If logger is specified, may output
// some info messages to it. If requireExactNNLen is true, the backend is
// allowed to assume that all boards to evaluate will be of size exactly equal
// to (nnXLen,nnYLen) rather than smaller, and skip any masking operations.
// gpuIdxForThisThread == -1 indicates to select a default GPU.
ComputeHandle* createComputeHandle(
ComputeContext* context,
const LoadedModel* loadedModel,
Logger* logger,
int maxBatchSize,
bool requireExactNNLen,
bool inputsUseNHWC,
int gpuIdxForThisThread,
int serverThreadIdx
void freeComputeHandle(ComputeHandle* computeHandle);
//Input Buffers ---------------------------------------------------------------
InputBuffers* createInputBuffers(const LoadedModel* loadedModel, int maxBatchSize, int nnXLen, int nnYLen);
void freeInputBuffers(InputBuffers* buffers);
//The neural net takes in 2 tensors as input.
//One of them ("spatial") is 3-dimensional per-batch-element (4-dimensional including the batch dimension N),
//containing floats for the the values of different features (C) across the space of the board (H,W),
//such as placement of stones and prior move locations.
//The other ("global") is 1-dimensional per-batch-element containing floats for features that are
//global to the board state, such as game rules and komi.
//Perform Neural Net Evals ---------------------------------------------------------
// Preconditions:
// buffers inputBufs[nIdx]->{rowSpatial,rowGlobal} have been filled with input data for all values of nIdx in [0,numBatchEltsFilled-1]
// outputs has length numBatchEltsFilled containing allocated but possibly-uninitialized NNOutput structs.
// Result: mutably writes the results of the numBatchEltsFilled many parallel neural net evaluations
// into the NNOutput structs.
// All outputs are in logits - all final activation functions softmax, tanh, etc. are NOT applied.
void getOutput(
ComputeHandle* computeHandle,
InputBuffers* buffers,
int numBatchEltsFilled,
NNResultBuf** inputBufs,
int symmetry,
std::vector<NNOutput*>& outputs
//FOR TESTING -----------------------------------------------------------------------
//For all of the below, the input buffers must have exactly the size expected of the input for the operation.
//If useNHWC, assumes inputBuffer and outputBuffer are NHWC format, else assumes NCHW format.
//If the operation is implemented for testing, a backend should return true and evaluate the
//specific operation on the input buffer, resizing the output buffer and writing the result.
//If it is not implemented, backend should return false.
bool testEvaluateConv(
const ConvLayerDesc* desc,
int batchSize,
int nnXLen,
int nnYLen,
bool useFP16,
bool useNHWC,
const std::vector<float>& inputBuffer,
std::vector<float>& outputBuffer
//Mask should be in 'NHW' format (no "C" channel).
bool testEvaluateBatchNorm(
const BatchNormLayerDesc* desc,
int batchSize,
int nnXLen,
int nnYLen,
bool useFP16,
bool useNHWC,
const std::vector<float>& inputBuffer,
const std::vector<float>& maskBuffer,
std::vector<float>& outputBuffer
bool testEvaluateResidualBlock(
const ResidualBlockDesc* desc,
int batchSize,
int nnXLen,
int nnYLen,
bool useFP16,
bool useNHWC,
const std::vector<float>& inputBuffer,
const std::vector<float>& maskBuffer,
std::vector<float>& outputBuffer
bool testEvaluateGlobalPoolingResidualBlock(
const GlobalPoolingResidualBlockDesc* desc,
int batchSize,
int nnXLen,
int nnYLen,
bool useFP16,
bool useNHWC,
const std::vector<float>& inputBuffer,
const std::vector<float>& maskBuffer,
std::vector<float>& outputBuffer
} // namespace NeuralNet
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