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Created August 26, 2014 03:36
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Clojure Transform Attempt
(ns sample.core)
(use '[ :as data.xml])
(use '[ :as io])
(defn process-contact
"I don't do a whole lot."
(println contact)
(println (:content (:first (:content contact))))
[:id (:id (:attrs contact)) :first-name (:first (:content contact)) :last-name (:last (:content contact)) :email-address (:email (:content contact))]
(defn contact-seq
(->> (:content (data.xml/parse rdr))
(filter #(= :contact (:tag %)))
(map process-contact)))
(defn run-sample
(contact-seq (io/input-stream "contacts.xml")))
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