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Last active August 28, 2016 08:38
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"""finds the shortest path that an ant could take to reach a point from another
constraint: the ant can move only to the right or up at any point
grid_order = 4
grid = {}
index = {}
rev_index = {}
adj_list = {}
def make_grid():
"""initializes the basic grid of order n*n"""
global grid
order = grid_order + 1
grid = [(x, y) for y in xrange(order) for x in xrange(order)]
def make_index(grid):
"""creates an index and a reverse index for each node that is in the grid"""
global index
global rev_index
for idx, i in enumerate(grid):
index[idx] = i
for i in index:
rev_index[index[i]] = i
def can_be_neighbours(n1, n2):
"""decides whether two nodes/vertices can be neighbours"""
not_similar = n1 != n2
right = n2[0] - n1[0] == 1 and n1[1] == n2[1]
up = n2[1] - n1[1] == 1 and n2[0] == n1[0]
return not_similar and (right or up)
def make_adj_list():
"""this adj list is the graph made out of the grid. i.e, this list will
only have neighbours of each node and eliminates those nodes that cannot
be reached. essentially this eliminates the nodes that are to the left and bottom
one step to a node.
global index
global adj_list
global grid
for idx, i in enumerate(index):
adj_list[idx] = [rev_index[x] for x in grid if can_be_neighbours(index[i], x)]
return adj_list
def traverse(adj_list, start, end, path=[]):
"""finds shortest paths from a starting point to an end point - idea referred from python docs"""
path = path + [start]
if start == end:
return path
if not adj_list.has_key(start):
return None
shortest = None
for vertex in adj_list[start]:
if vertex not in path:
newpath = traverse(adj_list, vertex, end, path)
if newpath:
if not shortest or len(newpath) < len(shortest):
shortest = newpath
return shortest
#print grid
#print index
#print rev_index
adj_list = make_adj_list()
#print adj_list
print traverse(adj_list, 0, 24)
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