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Created June 7, 2023 02:13
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  • Save scarf005/0b44459cd20796c4587cd1cc58317bb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save scarf005/0b44459cd20796c4587cd1cc58317bb5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
removes is:open from issues and discussions (only for Q&A).
const getUrl = (elem: Element) => elem.getAttribute("href")!.split("?")[0]
const setQuery = (selector: string, query: string) => () => {
const elem = document.querySelector(selector)
if (!elem) {
console.log(`elem with ${selector} not found`)
const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams({ q: query })
elem.setAttribute("href", `${getUrl(elem)}?${newSearchParams}`)
const showAllIssues = setQuery("#issues-tab", "is:issue sort:updated-desc")
const showAllDiscussions = setQuery("#discussions-tab", "")
const showAllQnA = () => {
const qna = document.querySelector("li.ActionList-item[item_id='q-a'] > a")
// @ts-ignore: idk why it errors but
const text = qna?.childNodes[3].innerText
if (!qna || !text) {
console.log("qna not found")
const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams({ discussions_q: `category:${text}` })
qna.setAttribute("href", `${getUrl(qna)}?${newSearchParams}`)
// TODO: remove is:open for q-a
const mount = (f: () => void) => {
document.addEventListener("turbo:render", f)
// showAllPullRequests
const fx = [showAllIssues, showAllDiscussions, showAllQnA]
console.log("remove is:open mounted.")
/* Deno */
import { assertEquals } from ""
document = undefined as any
Deno.test("can explicitly set search params to show all discussions", () => {
const before = ""
const expected = ""
assertEquals(`${before}?discussions_q=`, expected)
// ==UserScript==
// @name GitHub Remove is:open
// @namespace
// @version 1.0.0
// @description removes is:open from issues and discussions (only for Q&A).
// @icon
// @author scarf005 <>
// @license GPL-3.0-or-later
// @include*
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
const getUrl = (elem) => elem.getAttribute("href").split("?")[0]
const setQuery = (selector, query) => () => {
const elem = document.querySelector(selector)
if (!elem) {
console.log(`elem with ${selector} not found`)
const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams({ q: query })
elem.setAttribute("href", `${getUrl(elem)}?${newSearchParams}`)
const showAllIssues = setQuery("#issues-tab", "is:issue sort:updated-desc")
const showAllDiscussions = setQuery("#discussions-tab", "")
const showAllQnA = () => {
const qna = document.querySelector("li.ActionList-item[item_id='q-a'] > a")
// @ts-ignore: idk why it errors but
const text = qna?.childNodes[3].innerText
if (!qna || !text) {
console.log("qna not found")
const newSearchParams = new URLSearchParams({ discussions_q: `category:${text}` })
qna.setAttribute("href", `${getUrl(qna)}?${newSearchParams}`)
// TODO: remove is:open for q-a
const mount = (f) => {
document.addEventListener("turbo:render", f)
// showAllPullRequests
const fx = [showAllIssues, showAllDiscussions, showAllQnA]
console.log("remove is:open mounted.")
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