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Created January 18, 2018 23:52
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Possible refactoring of ExTwillio.ResultStream
defmodule ExTwilio.ResultStream do
@moduledoc """
Generate a stream of results for a given Twilio API URL. Pages are lazily
loaded on demand.
## Example
|> call -> call.sid end)
|> Enum.take(5)
# => [%ExTwilio.Call{ ... }, %ExTwilio.Call{ ... }, ...]
alias ExTwilio.Api
alias ExTwilio.Parser
alias ExTwilio.UrlGenerator
alias ExTwilio.Config
@type url :: String.t
@doc """
Create a new Stream.
## Parameters
- `module`: The name of the module to create a Stream of results for.
## Example
def new(module, options \\ []) do
url = UrlGenerator.build_url(module, nil, options)
fn -> {url, module, options} end,
fn _ -> nil end
@spec fetch_page(url, module, options::list) :: {list, url, module, options::list}
defp fetch_page(url, module, options) do
results = Api.get!(url, Api.auth_header(options))
{:ok, items, meta} = Parser.parse_list(results, module, module.resource_collection_name)
{items, {meta["next_page_uri"], module, options}}
@spec process_page({list | nil, url | nil, module, options :: list}) :: {:halt, nil} |
{list, {nil, url, module}}
defp process_page({nil, _module, _options}), do: {:halt, nil}
defp process_page({next_page_uri, module, options}) do
|> next_page_url
|> fetch_page(module, options)
defp next_page_url(uri), do: "https://#{Config.api_domain}" <> uri
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