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Created July 17, 2012 23:55
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Save scarstens/3133020 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
UFC Theme Updater Modified for WordPress 3.4.1 theme
Current Theme Addon: Theme Updater for Whitelabel Framework on GitHub
Original Plugin Name: Theme Updater
Original Plugin URI:
Description: A theme updater for GitHub hosted Wordpress themes. This Wordpress plugin automatically checks GitHub for theme updates and enables automatic install. For more information read <a href="">plugin documentation</a>.
Original Author: Douglas Beck
Original Version: 1.3.4
Modified: 7/12/2012
add_filter('site_transient_update_themes', 'transient_update_themes_filter');
function transient_update_themes_filter($data){
$theme_data = wp_get_theme();
$theme_key = $theme_data->template;
if(!empty($theme_key)) $theme_data = wp_get_theme($theme_key);
$theme = $theme_data;
$github_username = 'scarstens';
$github_repo = 'whitelabel-framework';
$github_theme_uri = '';
$github_api_repo_uri = ''.$github_username.'/'.$github_repo;
// Add Github Theme Updater to return $data and hook into admin
remove_action( "after_theme_row_" . $theme_key, 'wp_theme_update_row');
add_action( "after_theme_row_" . $theme_key, 'github_theme_update_row', 11, 2 );
$url = $github_api_repo_uri.'/tags';
$raw_response = wp_remote_get($url, array('sslverify' => false, 'timeout' => 10));
if ( is_wp_error( $raw_response ) ){
$data->response[$theme_key]['error'] = "Error response from " . $url;
return $data;
$response = json_decode($raw_response['body']);
$errors = '';
foreach ( $response->error as $error) {
$errors .= ' ' . $error;
} else {
$errors = print_r($response->error, true);
$data->response[$theme_key]['error'] = sprintf('While <a href="%s">fetching tags</a> api error</a>: <span class="error">%s</span>', $url, $errors);
var_export($data); exit;
if(!isset($response) || count($response) < 1){
$data->response[$theme_key]['error'] = "Github theme does not have any tags";
var_export($data); exit;
//set cache, just 60 seconds
set_transient(md5($url), $response, 30);
// Sort and get latest tag
$tags = array();
foreach($response as $num => $tag)
$tags[] = $tag->name;
usort($tags, "version_compare");
// check for rollback
$data->response[$theme_key]['package'] =
$github_theme_uri . '/zipball/' . urlencode($_GET['rollback']);
// check and generate download link
$newest_tag = array_pop($tags);
if(version_compare($theme->version, $newest_tag, '>=')){
// up-to-date!
$data->up_to_date[$theme_key]['rollback'] = $tags;
return $data;
// new update available, add to $data
$download_link = $github_api_repo_uri . '/zipball/' . $newest_tag;
$update = array();
$update['new_version'] = $newest_tag;
$update['url'] = $github_theme_uri;
$update['package'] = $download_link;
$data->response[$theme_key] = $update;
return $data;
add_filter('upgrader_source_selection', 'upgrader_source_selection_filter', 10, 3);
function upgrader_source_selection_filter($source, $remote_source=NULL, $upgrader=NULL){
Github delivers zip files as <Username>-<TagName>-<Hash>.zip
must rename this zip file to the accurate theme folder
if( isset($_GET['action']) && stristr($_GET['action'], 'theme') ){
$upgrader->skin->feedback("Trying to customize theme folder name...");
if( isset($source, $remote_source) && stristr($source, 'whitelabel-framework') ){
$corrected_source = $remote_source . '/whitelabel-framework/';
if(@rename($source, $corrected_source)){
$upgrader->skin->feedback("Theme folder name corrected to: whitelabel-framework");
return $corrected_source;
} else {
$upgrader->skin->feedback("Unable to rename downloaded theme.");
return new WP_Error();
return $source;
Function to address the issue that users in a standalone WordPress installation
were receiving SSL errors and were unable to install themes.
add_action('http_request_args', 'no_ssl_http_request_args', 10, 2);
function no_ssl_http_request_args($args, $url) {
$args['sslverify'] = false;
return $args;
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