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Automating workflows.

Seth Carstens scarstens

Automating workflows.
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scarstens / jquery-trigger-event-every-x-seconds.js
Created May 16, 2013 21:10
Use jquery to trigger an event every XX amount of seconds. In this example we will trigger the click event on the "increment" ID.
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
/// call your function here
}, 5000);
scarstens / Dockerfile
Created April 10, 2022 03:34
Dockerfile for production deploys
# Double-container Dockerfile for separated build process.
# If you're just copy-pasting this, don't forget a .dockerignore!
# We're starting with the same base image, but we're declaring
# that this block outputs an image called DEPS that we
# won't be deploying - it just installs our npm deps
FROM node:14-alpine AS deps
# If you need libc for any of your deps, uncomment this line:
# RUN apk add --no-cache libc6-compat
scarstens / nodemailer-smpt-connection-test.mjs
Created August 12, 2022 16:54
Nodemailer SMTP connection test
// Make sure you run this file from the project root
// or use `npm run email`
import nodemailer from "nodemailer";
import * as dotenv from "dotenv";
import path from "path";
// path: path.resolve(path.basename(path.dirname(process.cwd())), ".env"),
"Setup email config: ",
import { useRouter } from "next/router";
const function getAssetTypeFirstLetterUppercase(){
const { query } = useRouter();
// Format first letter to be capitalized
const assetType = query?.type
? query?.type[0].toUpperCase() + query?.type.slice(1)
: undefined;
scarstens / timer.class.php
Created September 18, 2012 17:45
PHP Benchmark Timer
$timer = new timer(1); // constructor starts the timer, so no need to do it ourselves
... mysql query ...
$query_time = $timer->get();
... page processing ...
scarstens / wordpress.different-langauges.php
Created April 28, 2014 17:45
Setup different languages for WordPress admin and front end
// setup one language for admin and the other for theme
// must be called before load_theme_textdomain()
function set_my_locale($locale) {
$locale = ( is_admin() ) ? "en_US" : "it_IT";
setlocale(LC_ALL, $local );
return $locale;
add_filter( 'locale', 'set_my_locale' );
scarstens /
Last active March 26, 2019 22:16
Lando Initializer
lando init --recipe=wordpress --webroot=. --option via=nginx --option php=7.2 --option database=mariadb --option xdebug=true --source=cwd --name=osp
lando start
lando wp core download
lando wp config create --dbname=wordpress --dbuser=wordpress --dbpass=wordpress
lando wp core install --quiet --admin_email="" --title="LandoSite" --admin_user=admin --admin_password=password --url=
lando wp theme delete twentythirteen ; lando wp theme delete twentyfourteen; lando wp theme delete twentyfifteen; lando wp theme delete twentysixteen; lando wp plugin delete hello; lando wp plugin delete akismet;;
scarstens / vvv-nginx-image-fallback-prod.conf
Created June 21, 2018 21:49
Nginx configuration based on FanSided's local development shows has to setup nginx fallback for images that exist in production, so that you don't need to download them locally.
#matches all .dev TLDs
log_format main 'MAIN: $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"';
log_format wpc 'WPCONTENT: $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
'"$request" $status $body_bytes_sent '
'"$http_referer" "$http_user_agent" "$gzip_ratio"';
log_format PROXY 'PROXY: $remote_addr - $remote_user [$time_local] '
scarstens / sunrise.php
Created August 23, 2017 03:13
if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']))
$site = get_site_by_path(strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']), '/');
define('COOKIE_DOMAIN', '.'.$site->domain);