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Created October 16, 2009 19:53
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def run_cmd(cmd)
puts "\nRunning: #{cmd}"
raise "#{cmd} failed" unless system cmd
def current_branch
`git status`.gsub(/On branch (.+)/) do
return $1
return nil
def reset_branch(branch)
run_cmd "git branch -D #{branch}"
run_cmd "git push origin :#{branch}"
run_cmd "git checkout master"
run_cmd "git checkout -b #{branch}"
run_cmd "grb publish #{branch}"
def each_branch(regex = //, &block)
branches = `git branch`.split("\n")
branches.each do |branch|
branch = branch.gsub(/\*/, '').strip
yield(branch) if regex.match(branch)
namespace :git do
desc 'update all branches to have most recent changes from master'
task :catch_up do
each_branch /devel-/ do |branch|
puts "Integrating latest changes from master into branch #{branch}"
run_cmd "git checkout #{branch}"
run_cmd "git pull origin #{branch}"
run_cmd "git pull origin master"
run_cmd "git push origin #{branch}"
desc 'merge latest changes from master into devel branches and regenerate the staging branch'
task :update_staging_branch => ['git:catch_up', 'git:generate_staging_branch'] do
desc 'merge devel- branches into the staging branch'
task :generate_staging_branch do
run_cmd "git remote prune origin"
run_cmd "git branch -D staging"
run_cmd "grb track staging"
run_cmd "git checkout staging"
run_cmd "git pull origin staging"
run_cmd "git pull origin master"
run_cmd %Q{for i in `git branch -r | grep devel-`; do echo 'merging: ' $i; echo $i | awk -F\/ '{print $1" "$2}' | xargs git pull ; done}
run_cmd %Q{for i in `git branch -r | grep client-`; do echo 'merging: ' $i; echo $i | awk -F\/ '{print $1" "$2}' | xargs git pull ; done}
run_cmd "git push origin staging"
desc 'reset the staging branch to remove old devel branches etc'
task :reset_staging_branch do
desc 'cleanup files from merge conflicts'
task :cleanup do
run_cmd 'find . -name *.orig -exec rm {} \;'
desc 'update the current feature branch to have latest changes from master'
task :update do
run_cmd "git pull origin #{current_branch}"
run_cmd 'git pull origin master'
run_cmd 'git push origin HEAD'
desc 'release the current feature branch to master'
task :release => ['git:update', 'test'] do
require 'readline'
exit unless Readline.readline('This will release this branch to production. Are you sure (y/n)? ') == 'y'
feature_branch = current_branch
run_cmd 'git checkout master'
run_cmd 'git pull origin master'
run_cmd "git pull . #{feature_branch}"
run_cmd 'git push origin HEAD'
run_cmd "grb rm #{feature_branch}"
desc 'integrate the current feature branch into staging'
task :integrate => 'git:update' do
feature_branch = current_branch
run_cmd "git remote prune origin"
raise "Only master and devel branches should be integrated into staging. rename your branch and try again." unless feature_branch == 'master' || feature_branch.starts_with?('devel-')
run_cmd "git branch -D staging"
run_cmd "grb track staging"
run_cmd 'git checkout staging'
run_cmd "git pull . #{feature_branch}"
run_cmd 'git push origin HEAD'
run_cmd 'cap staging deploy'
run_cmd "git checkout #{feature_branch}"
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