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scateu / init.el
Last active January 15, 2025 08:19
Minimalist Emacs Org Capture Configuration - Using Emacs as a notebook and notebook only
; Usage:
; put the following files to ~/.emacs.d/init.el
; Fire up Emacs.
; C-c c t will add an todo item to ~/org/
; C-c c j will add a journal item to ~/org/
; C-c s will add some date, before you check it later with C-c a t
; Org Capture Template borrowed from Doom Emacs. Thank you!
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c l") #'org-store-link)
(global-set-key (kbd "C-c a") #'org-agenda)
scateu / pbpaste2keynote.scpt
Last active October 24, 2024 02:32
-- credit: ChatGPT.
-- This script fetch text from pasteboard and append to the end of opened Keynote.
-- If multiple Keynote opened, the most front will be selected.
-- Usage: Open it in Script, export it as an Applcation. Then drag it into Dock.
-- KNOWN BUG: "shortcuts not allowed to sent keystroke, system events blahblah', just kill "System Events" from Activity Monitor.
-- tell application "System Events" to keystroke "c" using command down
tell application "System Events"
if not (exists (processes where name is "Keynote")) then
EDL 01:31:06,916 01:31:10,291 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | We saw it with our own eyes\Nusing a telescope.
EDL 01:31:11,360 01:31:13,583 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | we took a fucking picture of it!
EDL 01:31:13,583 01:31:15,291 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | What other proof do we need?
EDL 01:31:46,215 01:31:48,166 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | I don't know why we didn't do it.
EDL 01:32:08,666 01:32:11,000 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | I'm just telling you the fucking truth.
EDL 01:32:17,041 01:32:21,750 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | Right, well, the president\Nof the United States is fucking lying!
EDL 01:32:21,750 01:32:23,125 | Dont.Look.Up.2021 | [ SPACE 1.4 secs ]
scateu / gist:6ceb04c2f107924d58374bb962cdcf76
Last active September 13, 2021 04:19
# Open "", add a new "Quick Action"
# Workflow receives current "files or folders" in "Finder"
#+ Run Shell Script
#+ Shell: /bin/bash
#+ Pass input: as arguments
# Deployment: Keyboard / Shortcuts, bind 'Cmd-Shift-V'
# Usage: copy something to clipboard, click on a folder, press 'Cmd-Shift-V'.
# Contents will be pasted into 'pbpaste.txt'.
scateu /
Last active February 23, 2022 12:09
haolify - 下一代防火墙
sed 's/[^ -z,。:?!《〈〉》︽︿()﹀︾【】〖〗「」、~]/好/g'
# Example output regarding
# 好好:好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好?
# 好好:好好好好好好好好好好好:好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好!好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好。
# 好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好。
# 好好好好好好好好,好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好。
# 好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。好好好好好好好好好好好,好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好好。
# Credit: 侯海洋:
scateu /
Last active August 6, 2020 11:10
A sendmail wrapper for rss2email to write mail directly into mbox
# A wrapper for rss2email
# Usage: in ~/.config/rss2email.cfg
# email-protocol = sendmail
# sendmail = ~/bin/sendmail_localhost_mbox
while [ -e ~/Mails/RSS.mbox.lock ]; do sleep 0.01; done
touch ~/Mails/RSS.mbox.lock
scateu / dot-cargo-slash-config
Last active May 18, 2020 02:46
newsboat - inoreader thread patch - for homebrew
replace-with = 'tuna'
registry = ""
CUTTER = python3 jumpcutter/
%_0.3.mp4: %.mkv
ffmpeg -i $< -c:v copy $(basename $<).mp4
if [ -d ./TEMP ]; then rm -r ./TEMP; fi
${CUTTER} --silent_threshold 0.3 --input_file $(basename $<).mp4 --output_file $(basename $<)_0.3.mp4
%_wechat.mp4: %_0.3.mp4
ffmpeg -i $< -c copy -t 00:05:00.00 $@
%_0.1.mp4 %_0.2.mp4 %_0.3.mp4: %.mp4
if [ -d ./TEMP ]; then rm -r ./TEMP; fi
scateu / gist:695adcb37a563489832516dcb26283c5
Created February 11, 2019 06:49
十分凶残的feed to maildir
while read LINE
NAME=$(echo "$LINE" | cut -d, -f1)
URL=$(echo "$LINE" | cut -d, -f2)
wget --timeout=4 --tries=2 --retry-connrefused $(echo $URL | tr -d '"') -O - | feed2maildir -s -m ~/mail/feeds/ -n "$NAME" &
done < ~/.feeds
scateu /
Last active September 13, 2018 02:54
trap abort SIGINT
abort() {
echo "Abort."
timelimit -p -t20 -T10 youtube-dl --proxy socks5://localhost:1080 -f bestaudio $1
while [ $RET -ne 0 ]