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Last active November 15, 2018 09:44
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Logger system basic boilerplate
// api - req/res, duration, failures+count+reqId
// action - user actions or general report
// perf - durations
// error - all errors, or custom (similar to capturing in sentry)
class Logger {
static type = {
api: {
name: '',
rules: {},
// ...
action: {
name: '',
rules: {},
// ...
static PERSIST_INTERVAL = 30000
constructor (props = {}) {
// in-memory collection of logs type-wise
// these logs would be periodically synced with storage and flushed in-memory
this._accumulatedLog = {
// api: [{Log, Log, ...}],
// action: [{Log, Log, ...}],
this.__processLogs = throttle(this._processLogs, Logger.PERSIST_INTERVAL)
if (props && Object.keys(props).length) {
this.props = props;
// accumulate the logs in
// priority logs can immediately sync or report if required
_addLog = (type, log:Log, options = {}, priority, ...) => {
if(!this._accumulatedLog[type]) this._accumulatedLog[type] = {}
// ...
// ...
_processLogs = ({immediate = false}) => {
const clonedLogs = {...this._accumulatedLog} // or something faster than spread
this._accumulatedLog = {} // either here or once persis
// write all or specific type log to the relevant storage
_persistLogs = (logsToPersist) => {
// write logic to idb, s3, or file system etc
// this._accumulatedLog[type] = {}
if(this.props.persistLogs) {
// can be overwritten for desktop, logsToPersist)
return false;
// ... default
// sync specific or all logs with s3 or required server service for debug or remote access
_syncLogs = () => {
if(this.props.syncLogs) {
// can be overwritten for desktop
return false;
// ... default
// flush logs (periodic, specific type, or all) from storage on need/logic-basis
_flush = () => {
// or purge
// log.api()
api = () => {this._addLog('api', ...)}
// log.action()
action = () => {this._addLog('action', ...)}
// log.perf()
perf = () => {this._addLog('perf', ...)}
export default new Logger()
// Desktop - extend a new class
class DesktopLogger extends Logger {
static PERSIST_INTERVAL = 120000
constructor () {
_persistLogs = () => {
// fs based storage
_syncLogs = () => {
// if need an overwrite
// Log - model
class Log {
type: 'api|action|perf', // index
timestamp: Date().now(), // index
name: 'some-event-name', // index,
objectId: null, // index, if object id available for faster search
data: {},
// ...
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