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Last active October 29, 2021 05:01
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othrographic plots in r with sf and ggplot
ortho_plot <- function(poly, lat = 55, lon = 20, lwd = 0.25, bgc = "#bfd7ea") {
require(sf); require(mapview)
# Define the orthographic projection
# Choose lat_0 with -90 <= lat_0 <= 90 and lon_0 with -180 <= lon_0 <= 180
ortho <- sprintf('+proj=ortho +lat_0=%s +lon_0=%s +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +a=6371000 +b=6371000 +units=m +no_defs', lat, lon)
assign(x = "ortho_crs", value = ortho, envir = .GlobalEnv)
# Define the polygon that will help you finding the "blade"
# to split what lies within and without your projection
# buffer is == Semimajor radius of the ellipsoid axis
circle <- st_sfc(st_buffer(st_point(x = c(0,0)), dist = 6371000),crs = ortho)
# Project this polygon in lat-lon
circle_longlat <- st_transform(circle, crs = 4326)
if(lat != 0) {
circle_longlat <- st_boundary(circle_longlat)
circle_coords <- st_coordinates(circle_longlat)[, c(1,2)]
circle_coords <- circle_coords[order(circle_coords[, 1]),]
circle_coords <- circle_coords[!duplicated(circle_coords),]
# Rebuild line
circle_longlat <- st_sfc(st_linestring(circle_coords), crs = 4326)
if(lat > 0) {
rectangle <- list(rbind(circle_coords,
c(X = 180, circle_coords[nrow(circle_coords), 'Y']),
c(X = 180, Y = 90),
c(X = -180, Y = 90),
c(X = -180, circle_coords[1, 'Y']),
circle_coords[1, c('X','Y')]))
rectangle <- st_sfc(st_polygon(rectangle), crs = 4326)
} else {
rectangle <- list(rbind(circle_coords,
c(X = 180, circle_coords[nrow(circle_coords), 'Y']),
c(X = 180, Y = -90),
c(X = -180, Y = -90),
c(X = -180, circle_coords[1, 'Y']),
circle_coords[1, c('X','Y')]))
rectangle <- st_sfc(st_polygon(rectangle), crs = 4326)
circle_longlat <- st_union(st_make_valid(circle_longlat), st_make_valid(rectangle))
# A small negative buffer is necessary to avoid polygons still disappearing in a few pathological cases
visible <- st_transform(st_intersection(st_make_valid(poly), st_buffer(circle_longlat, -0.09)), crs = ortho)
# DISCLAIMER: This section is the outcome of trial-and-error and I don't claim it is the best approach
# Resulting polygons are often broken and they need to be fixed
# Get reason why they're broken
broken_reason <- st_is_valid(visible, reason = TRUE)
# First fix NA's by decomposing them
# Remove them from visible for now
na_visible <- visible[,]
visible <- visible[!,]
# Open and close polygons
na_visible <- st_cast(st_cast(na_visible, 'MULTILINESTRING'), "LINESTRING", do_split = TRUE)
na_visible$npts <- mapview::npts(st_geometry(na_visible), by_feature = TRUE)
# Exclude polygons with less than 4 points
na_visible <- na_visible[na_visible$npts >= 4, ]
na_visible <- subset(na_visible, select = -c(npts))
na_visible <- st_cast(na_visible, "POLYGON")
# Fix other broken polygons
broken <- which(!st_is_valid(visible))
for(land in broken) {
result = tryCatch({
# visible[land,] <- st_buffer(visible[land,], 0) # Sometimes useful sometimes not
visible[land,] <- st_collection_extract(st_make_valid(visible[land,]))
}, error = function(e) {
visible[land,] <<- st_buffer(visible[land,], 0)
# Bind together the two tables
visible <- rbind(visible, na_visible)
# Final plot
return({ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = circle, fill = bgc, size = lwd) +
geom_sf(data = st_collection_extract(visible), size = lwd) +
coord_sf(crs = ortho)})
mask_to_smooth_poly <- function(x, ...) {
reg <- rast(x)
poly <- as.polygons(reg)
poly <- st_as_sf(, geom = TRUE),
wkt = "geometry",
crs = crs(poly))
poly <- smoothr::smooth(poly, ...)
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