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Created November 29, 2018 04:53
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Create a multivariate, multi-dimension (x,y,t) netCDF file from raster data in R
prec <- getData("worldclim", res = 10, var = "prec")
tmax <- getData("worldclim", res = 10, var = "tmax")
tmax[] <- tmax[]/10
plot(prec, col = rev(bpy.colors(101)))
plot(tmax, col = heat.colors(101))
# Change NA values to -999
prec[] <- tmax[] <- -999
# Make sure rasters are identical
compareRaster(prec, tmax, extent = TRUE, rowcol = TRUE,
crs = TRUE, res = TRUE, orig = TRUE,
rotation = TRUE)
# output filename
filename <- ""
# Longitude and Latitude data
xvals <- unique(values(init(prec, "x")))
yvals <- unique(values(init(prec, "y")))
nx <- length(xvals)
ny <- length(yvals)
lon <- ncdim_def(name = "longitude", units = "degrees_east", vals = xvals)
lat <- ncdim_def("latitude", "degrees_north", yvals)
# Missing value to use
mv <- -999
# Time component
time <- ncdim_def(name = "Time",
units = "month",
calendar = "gregorian",
vals = 1:12,
unlim = TRUE,
longname = "Month_of_year")
# Define the precipitation variables
var_prec <- ncvar_def(name = "precipitation",
units = "mm/month",
dim = list(lon, lat, time),
longname = "Monthly_Total_Precipitation",
missval = mv,
compression = 6)
# Define the temperature variables
var_temp <- ncvar_def(name = "temperature",
units = "degC",
dim = list(lon, lat, time),
longname = "Monthly_Avg_Temperature_degC",
missval = mv,
compression = 6)
# Write data to file
ncout <- nc_create(filename, list(var_prec, var_temp), force_v4 = TRUE)
print(paste("The file has", ncout$nvars,"variables"))
print(paste("The file has", ncout$ndim,"dimensions"))
# add global attributes
ncatt_put(ncout,0, "Title", "MultiDimesionsalNCDFTest")
ncatt_put(ncout,0, "Source", "Some example data from the raster package")
ncatt_put(ncout,0, "References", "See the raster package")
ncatt_put(ncout, 0, "Creation date", date())
# Place the precip and tmax values in the file
for (i in 1:nlayers(prec)){
ncvar_put(nc = ncout,
varid = var_prec,
vals = values(prec[[i]]),
start = c(1,1,i),
count = c(-1,-1,1))
ncvar_put(ncout, var_temp, values(tmax[[i]]),
start = c(1,1,i),
count = c(-1,-1,1))
# Always close the netcdf file when finished
# Open the netcdf file
nc <- nc_open("./")
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