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Last active February 27, 2020 21:54
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Calculate modified Hargreaves reference ET with gridded data
# The refet() function assumes that the rasters are ordered Jan-Dec
# if a different order is required, make sure a z-index is provided for
# the Tmin raster. The refet() function will then calculate
# julian dates and month lengths off this z-index.
Tmin <- resample(crop(x = getData("worldclim", res = 10, var="tmin"),
y = extent(c(-20,160,50,80))),
y = raster(res = 1, ext = extent(-20, 160, 50, 80)))
Tmin <- Tmin / 10
Tmax <- resample(crop(x = getData("worldclim", res = 10, var="tmax"),
y = extent(c(-20,160,50,80))),
y = raster(res = 1, ext = extent(-20, 160, 50, 80)))
Tmax <- Tmax / 10
Prec <- resample(crop(x = getData("worldclim", res = 10, var="prec"),
y = extent(c(-20,160,50,80))),
y = raster(res = 1, ext = extent(-20, 160, 50, 80)))
refet <- function (Tmin, Tmax, Prec, SolarRad = NULL, seasonal = TRUE) {
stopifnot(exprs = {nlayers(Tmin) == 12
nlayers(Tmax) == 12
nlayers(Prec) == 12})
stopifnot(exprs = {inherits(Tmin, c("RasterBrick", "RasterStack"))
inherits(Tmax, c("RasterBrick", "RasterStack"))
inherits(Prec, c("RasterBrick", "RasterStack"))})
if (is.null(getZ(Tmin))) {
warning("No z-index for Tmin. Assuming Jan - Dec")
ET0 = Tmin * NA
Tavg = (Tmin + Tmax)/2
Trange = Tmax - Tmin
Trange[Trange < 0] = 0
## estimate monthly solar radiation from latitude if not provided
if (is.null(SolarRad)) {
## set julian day if no z-index is provided
jd = if (is.null(getZ(Tmin))) {
c(15, 46, 75, 106, 136, 167, 197, 228, 258, 289, 320, 350)
} else {
## else calc julian day from dates
## raster of latitudes
SolarRad = brick(nl = 12, nrow = nrow(Tmin), ncols = ncol(Tmin),
crs = crs(Tmin),
xmn = xmin(Tmin), xmx = xmax(Tmin),
ymn = ymin(Tmin), ymx = ymax(Tmin))
SolarRad[] <- NA
## for each julian day
for (i in jd) {
## for each row in the raster (same lat!)
for (j in 1:nrow(SolarRad)) {
## extract the cell numbers
cellNums <- cellFromRow(SolarRad, j)
## calculate the latitude
lat <- xyFromCell(SolarRad, cellNums[1])[2]
## calculate the solar radiation
ra <- as.numeric(sirad::extrat(i = i, lat = sirad::radians(lat))[1])
## set the value of all cells in that row to the solar radiation value
SolarRad[[which(i == jd)]][cellNums][] <- ra
names(SolarRad) = paste0("SolarRad_",
ab <- Trange - 0.0123 * Prec
ET0 <- 0.0013 * 0.408 * SolarRad * (Tavg + 17) * ab^0.76
ET0[is.nan(ab^0.76)] <- 0
ET0[ET0 < 0] <- 0
## month lengths
ndays <- function(d) {
x <- zoo::as.yearmon(d)
d <- as.numeric(zoo::as.Date(x + 1/12) - zoo::as.Date(x))
d[which(d == 28)] <- 28.25
## if no z-index assume Jan-Dec year
mlen = if (is.null(getZ(Tmin))) {
c(31, 28.25, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
} else {
## else get month lengths from zInd
sapply(getZ(Tmin), ndays)
## Multiply by month lengths to get monthly ET0
ET0 <- ET0 * mlen
month.names = if (is.null(getZ(Tmin))) {
} else {
names(ET0) <- paste0("ET0_", month.names)
ET0[["AnnAvgET0"]] <- calc(ET0, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
if (seasonal) {
djf <- which(month.names %in% c("Dec", "Jan", "Feb"))
mam <- which(month.names %in% c("Mar", "Apr", "May"))
jja <- which(month.names %in% c("Jun", "Jul", "Aug"))
son <- which(month.names %in% c("Sep", "Oct", "Nov"))
ET0[["DJF"]] <- calc(ET0[[djf]], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
ET0[["MAM"]] <- calc(ET0[[mam]], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
ET0[["JJA"]] <- calc(ET0[[jja]], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
ET0[["SON"]] <- calc(ET0[[son]], mean, na.rm = TRUE)
# # If using refet() function in a loop it is quicker to
# # pre-compute solar radiation and provide it in as a raster brick
# jd <- as.POSIXlt(seq(as.Date("1980-01-16", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
# as.Date("1980-12-16", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
# by = "month"))$yday
# sr <- brick(nl = 12, nrow = nrow(Tmin), ncols = ncol(Tmin),
# crs = crs(Tmin),
# xmn = xmin(Tmin), xmx = xmax(Tmin),
# ymn = ymin(Tmin), ymx = ymax(Tmin))
# sr[] <- NA
# for (i in jd) {
# for (j in 1:nrow(sr)) {
# cellNums <- cellFromRow(sr, j)
# lat <- xyFromCell(sr, cellNums[1])[2]
# ra <- as.numeric(extrat(i = i, lat = radians(lat))[1])
# sr[[which(i == jd)]][cellNums][] <- ra
# }
# }
# names(sr) <- paste0("SolarRad_",
ET0 <- refet(Tmin = Tmin, Tmax = Tmax, Prec = Prec, SolarRad = NULL,
seasonal = TRUE)
testCell <- cbind(c(56),c(55.5))
cellFromXY(ET0, testCell)
## have to subset to 1:12, other layers are annual averages and seasonal
ras_ET0 <- as.numeric(ET0[[1:12]][4397])
calc_ET0 <- as.numeric(SPEI::hargreaves(Tmin = as.numeric(Tmin[4397]),
Tmax = as.numeric(Tmax[4397]),
# Ra = as.numeric(sr[4397]),
Pre = as.numeric(Prec[4397]),
lat = 55.5))
# Cor = 0.99997. Difference is due to slight difference in
# solar radiation calc.
# Calculate sr, and then uncomment Ra line above and cor = 1
cor.test(ras_ET0, calc_ET0)
# # Testing a different month order
# order <- c(6,7,8,9,10,11,12,1,2,3,4,5)
# Tmin <- Tmin[[order]]
# Tmax <- Tmax[[order]]
# Prec <- Prec[[order]]
# Tmin <- setZ(Tmin, seq(as.Date("1980-06-16", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
# as.Date("1981-05-16", format = "%Y-%m-%d"),
# by = "month"), "Date")
# Tmin
# ET0_zInd <- refet(Tmin, Tmax, Prec, SolarRad = NULL, seasonal = TRUE)
# spplot(ET0_zInd)
# identical(ET0[["ET0_Jul"]][], ET0_zInd[["ET0_Jul"]][]) ## TRUE
# identical(ET0[["JJA"]][], ET0_zInd[["JJA"]][]) ## TRUE
# spplot(stack(ET0[[7]], ET0_zInd[[2]]))
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Updated to return annual averages, and seasonal averages if required.

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