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Created October 1, 2018 09:26
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# Code from
# Implementation of the MapCurves algorithm (DOI 10.1007/s10109-006-0025-x)
mapcurves <- function(A, B, plotGOF = TRUE) {
## R implementation of the mapcurves goodness of fit measure
## (Hargrove et al. 20006, see full reference below) for comparing
## two categorical maps
## usage:
## out <- mapcurves(mapA,mapB)
## where
## mapA = a matrix or vector with integers, representing a categorical map
## mapB = a matrix or vector with integers, representing a categorical map
## out = a list with the (named) fields
## out$GOF = the mapcurves goodness of fit value (GOF)
## out$Refmap = the map to be used as reference map ('A' or 'B')
## out$GOFtable = the GOF for each pare of classes in maps A and B
## out$mGOF_A2B =
## out$mGOF_B2A = maximum GOF when using B as reference map
## out$BMC_A2B = best matching class (BMC)and corresponding maximum GOF
## when using map A as reference (data frame with three columns)
## out$BMC_B2A = BMC and corresponding maximum GOF when using map B as reference
## (data frame with three columns)
## additional requirements:
## - maps A and B should be matrices or vectors of equal size
## - missing values should be coded with NA and are disregarded
## in the comparison
## This implementation is based on the description of the Mapcurves algorithm
## by Hargrove et al. in the following paper:
## William W. Hargrove, Forrest M. Hoffman and Paul F. Hessburg (2006)
## Mapcurves: a quantitative method for comparing categorical maps.
## J Geograph Syst, 8, 187–208. DOI 10.1007/s10109-006-0025-x
## Emiel van Loon, May 2011
## University of Amsterdam
A <- as.vector(A) # required for the unique function
B <- as.vector(B)
# identify all unique values in maps A and B,
# the sort function automatically removes the NA values that
# are still reported by unique.
a <- sort(unique(A))
b <- sort(unique(B))
nra <- length(a)
nrb <- length(b)
tC <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nra, ncol = nrb)
rC <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nra, ncol = nrb)
for (i in 1:nra) {
for (j in 1:nrb) {
tC[i, j] <- sum((A == a[i]) & (B == b[j]), na.rm = TRUE)
Sa <- rowSums(tC)
Sb <- colSums(tC)
for (i in 1:nra) {
for (j in 1:nrb) {
rC[i, j] <- (tC[i, j]^2) / (Sa[i] * Sb[j])
rSa <- rowSums(rC)
rSb <- colSums(rC)
sSa <- c(0, sort(rSa), 1)
sSb <- c(0, sort(rSb), 1)
# percent of categories larger than this GOF value
PCLa <- c(1, seq(1, 0, length.out = nra), 0)
PCLb <- c(1, seq(1, 0, length.out = nrb), 0)
if (plotGOF) {
plot(sSa, PCLa,
type = "b", pch = 1, col = "blue", lty = 1,
xlab = "GOF score", ylab = "% of map classes < GOF score"
lines(sSb, PCLb, type = "b", pch = 1, col = "red", lty = 1)
# title(main='Mapcurves diagram')
legend(list(x = 0.7, y = 0.98),
legend = c("A as reference", "B as reference"),
col = c("blue", "red"), pch = c(1, 1), lty = c(1, 1)
# calculate surface under curve, when using
# respectively map A and map B
# calculation uses trapezium rule, which is
# exact for piece-wise linear as in this case
GOFa <- 0
for (i in 1:nra) {
GOFa <- GOFa + (sSa[i + 1] - sSa[i]) * PCLa[i + 1] +
0.5 * (sSa[i + 1] - sSa[i]) * (PCLa[i] - PCLa[i + 1])
GOFb <- 0
for (i in 1:nrb) {
GOFb <- GOFb + (sSb[i + 1] - sSb[i]) * PCLb[i + 1] +
0.5 * (sSb[i + 1] - sSb[i]) * (PCLb[i] - PCLb[i + 1])
# prepare data for output
if (GOFa >= GOFb) {
Refmap <- "A"
if (GOFa < GOFb) {
Refmap <- "B"
GOFtable <- round(rC, 3)
rownames(GOFtable) <- a
colnames(GOFtable) <- b
vb <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nra)
mg <- vector(mode = "double", length = nra)
BMC_A2B <- data.frame(A = a, B = vb, mGOF = mg)
va <- vector(mode = "integer", length = nrb)
mg <- vector(mode = "double", length = nrb)
BMC_B2A <- data.frame(A = va, B = b, mGOF = mg)
for (i in 1:nra) {
BMC_A2B$mGOF[i] <- round(max(rC[i, ]), 3)
BMC_A2B$B[i] <- b[ which.max(rC[i, ]) ]
for (j in 1:nrb) {
BMC_B2A$mGOF[j] <- round(max(rC[, j]), 3)
BMC_B2A$A[j] <- a[ which.max(rC[, j]) ]
GOF = GOF, Refmap = Refmap, GOFtable = GOFtable,
# TEST #
# A <- floor(matrix(runif(100,0,9), 10))
# B <- floor(matrix(runif(100,0,9), 10))
# C1 <- mapcurves(A, B)
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