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Last active December 15, 2015 16:39
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Save scepion1d/5290457 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
select rownum as "№", cipher_list.*
from (select to_number(m.material_id) as "Код материала",
nvl(m.tns, m.proportional_tns) as "Тонны",
dv.code as "Шифр MES",
(select max( keep(dense_rank last order by po.prod_oper_time)
from rs_product@erp p,
rs_prod_oper@erp po,
rs_transform_oper@erp tro,
acc_ware@erp aw
where p.rs_product_guid = c.document_guid
and po.rs_product_id = p.rs_product_id
and tro.rs_transform_oper_id = po.rs_transform_oper_id
and tro.type_sid in (54700001) -- сдача
and aw.acc_ware_id = po.oper_acc_ware_id
and po.parent_rs_prod_oper_id is null
and not exists (select 1
from rs_prod_oper@erp po1
where po1.rs_prod_oper_id = po.parent_rs_prod_oper_id
) as "Шифр ERP",
to_char(crs.shift_date, '') as "Дата сортамента",
nvl(, '') as "РО"
from material m, -- Result Material
material_desc md,
description_type dt, -- Cipher
description_value dv, -- Cipher Value
document_line cdl, -- Claim Lines
documents c, -- Claim
document_type ct, -- Claim Type
document_route_step crs, -- Claim Route Steps
operation o, -- Claim Operation
document_line wsdl,-- Wagon Specification Lines
documents ws, -- Wagon Specification
document_type wst -- Wagon Specification Type
where m.material_id = md.material_id
and md.description_type_id = dt.description_type_id
and dt.code = 160 -- Cipher Code
and md.description_value_id = dv.description_value_id
and cdl.material_id = m.material_id
and cdl.status = 'Created'
and c.document_id = cdl.document_id
and ct.document_type_id = c.document_type_id
and ct.code = 22 -- Claim Code
and c.document_id = crs.document_id
and crs.shift_date between
to_date('01.04.2013') and -- Begin Date
to_date('02.04.2013') -- End Date
and crs.operation_id = o.operation_id
and o.type = 'Document'
and o.code = 642 -- Finish Production Code
and wsdl.material_id = m.material_id
and ws.document_id(+) = wsdl.document_id
and ws.document_type_id = wst.document_type_id
and wst.code = 7 -- Wagon Specification Code
) cipher_list
where cipher_list."Шифр MES" != cipher_list."Шифр ERP"
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