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Last active March 13, 2019 12:04
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Encryption in field [0..10**n) based on Feistel network.
package digcrypt
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.util.Random
import javax.crypto.Mac
import javax.crypto.spec.SecretKeySpec
* Digit encryption.
* Transforms non-negative decimal numbers of n digits into the same space of n digits.
* I.e. for any i in range 0 <= i < 10**n it will be encrypted into j in the same range.
* Useful for encryption of pin codes, public incremental ids (to hide total count of rows), etc.
* Security.
* This cipher is secure as long as encryption transformation used is secure.
* Encryption transformation need not to be reversible.
* Recommended approach is to use first 8 bytes of HMAC hash of input.
object DigCrypt {
* Number of decimal digits Long can contain
val maxN = Math.log10(Long.MaxValue).toInt // 18
* Number of rounds in Feistel network.
* Minimum is 3 but even number of rounds must be used for odd n
private val rounds = 4
private val pow10: Array[Long] = (0 to maxN).map(n => (0 until n).foldLeft(1L)((r, _) => r * 10)).toArray
private def left(l: Long, n: Int): Long = l / pow10(n / 2)
private def right(l: Long, n: Int): Long = l % pow10(n / 2)
private def leftSize(n: Int): Int = n - n / 2
private def rightSize(n: Int): Int = n / 2
private def mod(l: Long, n: Int): Long = {
val r = l % pow10(n)
if (r < 0) r + pow10(n) else r
private def combine(l: Long, r: Long, lsz: Int, rsz: Int) = mod(l, lsz) * pow10(rsz) + mod(r, rsz)
* Encrypt number v keeping n digits
* @param v number to encrypt
* @param n count of digits we use, v < n**10
* @param enc strong encryption transformation, not necessary reversible
* @return encrypted number 0 <= result < n**10
def encrypt(v: Long, n: Int, enc: Long => Long): Long = {
require(v >= 0, "value must be non-negative")
require(v < pow10(n), "value must fit to n digits")
require(n > 1, "n must be at least 2")
require(n <= maxN, "n must be not more than " + maxN)
var l = left(v, n)
var r = right(v, n)
var lsz = leftSize(n)
var rsz = rightSize(n)
var i = rounds
while (i != 0) {
r += enc(l)
r = mod(r, rsz)
val m = l
l = r
r = m
val mm = rsz
rsz = lsz
lsz = mm
i -= 1
combine(l, r, lsz, rsz)
* Decrypt number encrypted by encrypt function
* @param v encrypted value
* @param n count of digits used, same as passed to encrypt
* @param enc strong encryption transformation, same as used in encrypt
* @return decrypted value
def decrypt(v: Long, n: Int, enc: Long => Long): Long = {
require(v >= 0, "value must be non-negative")
require(v < pow10(n), "value must fit to n digits")
require(n > 1, "n must be at least 2")
require(n <= maxN, "n must be not more than " + maxN)
var l = left(v, n)
var r = right(v, n)
var lsz = leftSize(n)
var rsz = rightSize(n)
var i = rounds
while (i != 0) {
val mm = rsz
rsz = lsz
lsz = mm
val m = l
l = r
r = m
r -= enc(l)
r = mod(r, rsz)
i -= 1
combine(l, r, lsz, rsz)
* Make strong encryption transformation from given secret key
* @param key key to use
* @return encryption transformation for encrypt/decrypt functions
def makeEnc(key: Array[Byte]): Long => Long = {
val sha512_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256")
val keySpec = new SecretKeySpec(key, "HmacSHA256")
val buf = new Array[Byte](8)
val sync = new Object
v => sync.synchronized {
long2Array(v, buf)
val data = sha512_HMAC.doFinal(buf)
private def long2Array(l: Long, arr: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
val buffer: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(arr)
private def array2Long(arr: Array[Byte]): Long = {
val buffer: ByteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(arr)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val e: Long => Long = makeEnc("secret".getBytes)
for (i <- 0 to 20){
val v = encrypt(i, 5, e)
println(i + "\t" + v + "\t" + decrypt(v, 5, e))
def tests(): Unit = {
require(pow10(2) == 100L)
require(pow10(maxN) == 1000000000000000000L)
require(combine(111111111L, 2222222222L, 3, 2) == 11122L)
require(combine(111111111L, 2222222222L, 3, 3) == 111222L)
require(mod(123, 2) == 23)
require(mod(23, 2) == 23)
require(mod(3, 2) == 3)
require(mod(-3, 2) == -3 + 100)
val e: Long => Long = makeEnc("hello".getBytes)
for (i <- 0 to 99) {
val v = encrypt(i, 2, e)
require(i == decrypt(v, 2, e), i.toString)
for (i <- 0 to 9999) {
val v = encrypt(i, 4, e)
require(i == decrypt(v, 4, e), i.toString)
for (i <- 0 to 99999) {
val v = encrypt(i, 5, e)
require(i == decrypt(v, 5, e), i.toString)
val r = new Random()
for (_ <- 0 to 100000) {
val i = Math.abs(r.nextLong()) % pow10(maxN)
val v = encrypt(i, maxN, e)
require(i == decrypt(v, maxN, e), i.toString)
println("tests OK")
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