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Forked from sr/GitUseCases.txt
Created July 21, 2008 23:30
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01:21 <schacon> well like, lets say you use Emacs, and someone
posts an extension on gists, like this:
01:22 <schacon> you use it and think it's cool, but add some
features, so you can fork it, make your change and even email
the original author, who can add you as a remote and merge your
change in, or several peoples changes and push back
01:23 <schacon> you have a list of all the gists you've ever made,
and can always go back and edit or update them:
01:24 <schacon> if you have a multi-file project, like a little
sinatra app that maybe doesn't warrant it's own github project,
you can create a new gist, clone it, copy the few files over and
push it back
01:24 <sr> so, it'd be like for snippet of code that don't deserve
a "normal" repository but still gain to have all the social stuff
github offers?
01:24 <schacon> then when people clone it, they get each file
individually, rather than having to use something like pastie-packer
or something
01:24 <schacon> yup, that's the idea
01:25 <sr> okay, I think I've got it now. thanks :)
01:25 <schacon> so like I have this little shell script I found to
create empty branches :
01:26 <schacon> if I find a better way to do that, I can edit it, but
why would I create a new github project for that?
01:26 <sr> yeah, make sense
01:26 <schacon> and I'll never lose it, it will always be in the 'My Gists' link
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