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Created December 23, 2011 15:13
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Database migrations with Ant
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="db-worklflow" default="update">
<property name="db.server">remote_db_server</property>
<property name="db.database"></property>
<property name="db.username">root</property>
<property name="db.password">root</property>
<taskdef resource="net/sf/antcontrib/antlib.xml" />
<target name="sql_execute_command" description="Executes exactly one SQL command and returns it output as 'latest_sql_result'">
<equals arg1="${no-database-argument}" arg2="true" />
<property name="arg_database" value="--database=${db.database}" />
<property name="arg_database" value="" />
<echo message='Executing SQL command "${command}"' />
<exec executable="cmd" outputproperty="latest_sql_result">
<arg value="/c" />
<!--TODO: duplicate-->
<arg value='mysql -u ${db.username} --password=${db.password} ${arg_database} -N -e "${command}"' />
<target name="sql_execute_file" description="Executes an SQL file and compiles - if wished - the SQL file so that Ant properties are available inside it">
<equals arg1="${compile}" arg2="true" />
<tempfile property="target_file" suffix="_compiled.sql" deleteonexit="" />
<echo message="bla" />
<copy tofile="${target_file}">
<expandproperties />
<fileset file="${file}" />
<property name="target_file" value="${file}" />
<equals arg1="${no-database-argument}" arg2="true" />
<property name="arg_database" value="--database=${db.database}" />
<property name="arg_database" value="" />
<echo message="executing SQL script ${file}" />
<exec executable="cmd">
<arg value="/c" />
<!--TODO: duplicate-->
<arg value="mysql -u ${db.username} --password=${db.password} ${arg_database} &lt; ${target_file}" />
<target name="sql_execute_dir" description="Executes every file in an directory -not subdirectory- in a sorted order">
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="${dir}">
<include name="**/*.sql" />
<antcall target="sql_execute_file">
<param name="file" value="@{file}" />
<target name="sql_execute_file_latest" description="Executes only the latest file in a directory">
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="${dir}">
<include name="**/*.sql" />
<antcall target="sql_execute_file">
<param name="file" value="@{file}" />
<target name="retrieve_latest_revision" description="Retrieves the latest installed database version">
<antcallback target="sql_execute_command" return="latest_sql_result">
<param name="command" value="SELECT version AS a FROM schema_migration ORDER BY version DESC LIMIT 1" />
<property name="latest_revision_installed" value="${latest_sql_result}" />
<target name="update" depends="retrieve_latest_revision" description="executes every migration script which is greater than the database version">
<echo message="Latest installed revision: ${latest_revision_installed}" />
<for param="file">
<fileset dir="db/tables_views">
<include name="**/*.sql" />
<propertyregex property="file_revision" input="@{file}" regexp="(.*)\\(\d+)_(\d+)(.*)" select="\2\3" />
<!-- Scary -->
<scriptcondition language="javascript" value="true">
fileRev = project.getProperty("file_revision");
latest = project.getProperty("latest_revision_installed");
// self.log("filerev: " + fileRev + "latest: " + latest + " - comp: " + (fileRev > latest));
self.setValue((fileRev > latest));
<echo message="file_rev: ${file_revision} is older and uninstalled, applying" />
<antcall target="sql_execute_file">
<param name="file" value="@{file}" />
<!-- MISSING: Write applied version to schema_migration table -->
<target name="development" description="template for development environment">
<!-- drop current database -->
<antcall target="sql_execute_file">
<param name="file" value="db/handlers/drop_database_template.sql" />
<param name="compile" value="true" />
<param name="no-database-argument" value="true" />
<!-- create new database -->
<antcall target="sql_execute_file">
<param name="file" value="db/handlers/create_database_template.sql" />
<param name="compile" value="true" />
<param name="no-database-argument" value="true" />
<!-- execute every file inside directory, ordered by filename -->
<antcall target="sql_execute_dir">
<param name="dir" value="db/migrations" />
<param name="compile" value="true" />
<!-- create stored procedures or functions -->
<antcall target="sql_execute_dir">
<param name="dir" value="db/routines" />
<param name="compile" value="true" />
<!-- insert only the latest core data into the database -->
<antcall target="sql_execute_file_latest">
<param name="dir" value="db/core_data" />
<!-- insert only the latest fixture -->
<antcall target="sql_execute_file_latest">
<param name="dir" value="db/fixtures/${fixture_dir}" />
<target name="unittest_local" description="template for developer database unittests">
<property name="db.database" value="${}_unittest" />
<antcall target="development">
<param name="fixture_dir" value="unittest" />
<target name="integration_local" description="template for developer database integration tests">
<property name="db.database" value="${}_integration" />
<antcall target="development">
<param name="fixture_dir" value="integration" />
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