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Created November 10, 2023 12:30
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Sons of the Forest Items ID Dump
3dPrintedArrow = 618,
3dPrintedArrowHeads = 559,
3dPrintedFlask = 426,
3dPrintedFlowerPot = 561,
3dPrintedGpsLocatorCase = 657,
3dPrintedGrapplingHook = 560,
3dPrintedKnife = 427,
3dPrintedSled = 428,
3dPrintedUnderwaterMask = 429,
3dPrinterResin = 390,
9mmAmmo = 362,
ActionCamera = 637,
AirCanister = 469,
Airgun = 357,
AirgunScope = 470,
AlbumCover = 467,
AloeVera = 451,
AloeVeraSeed = 596,
ArrowleafBalsamroot = 454,
ArrowleafSeed = 597,
ArtifactPieceA = 662,
ArtifactPieceB = 667,
ArtifactPieceC = 668,
ArtifactPieceD = 669,
ArtifactPieceE = 689,
Backpack = 402,
Batteries = 527,
BatteryCharger = 458,
BatteryPack = 460,
Binoculars = 341,
Blackberries = 595,
BlackberrySeed = 598,
Blueberries = 445,
BlueberrySeed = 599,
BlueprintBasicLogSled = 638,
BlueprintBirdHouse = 581,
BlueprintBoneChair = 579,
BlueprintBoneChandelier = 588,
BlueprintBook = 552,
BlueprintClock = 681,
BlueprintDoubleBed = 683,
BlueprintDryingRack = 530,
BlueprintFishTrap = 582,
BlueprintGoreChair = 670,
BlueprintGoreCouch = 671,
BlueprintGrindTrap = 679,
BlueprintHangingSkullLight = 625,
BlueprintHeadTrophyMount = 645,
BlueprintItemPlating = 665,
BlueprintMaceTrap = 656,
BlueprintMannequin = 584,
BlueprintPlanterFloor = 587,
BlueprintPlanterWall = 586,
BlueprintPoweredCross = 666,
BlueprintRadio = 659,
BlueprintRadioTrap = 658,
BlueprintRainCatcher = 629,
BlueprintRockPath = 622,
BlueprintScarecrow = 585,
BlueprintShelf = 621,
BlueprintSmallLogCabin = 591,
BlueprintSpearThrowerTrap = 688,
BlueprintSpinTrap = 682,
BlueprintSpotlight = 680,
BlueprintSpringTrap = 632,
BlueprintStickBed = 532,
BlueprintStickChair = 531,
BlueprintStickLadder = 580,
BlueprintStoneFireplace = 641,
BlueprintStorageBones = 608,
BlueprintStorageBox = 583,
BlueprintStorageLogs = 609,
BlueprintStorageRocks = 607,
BlueprintStorageSpears = 700,
BlueprintStorageSticks = 610,
BlueprintStorageStones = 649,
BlueprintTable = 620,
BlueprintTableRound = 673,
BlueprintTrapBoneMaker = 549,
BlueprintTrapFlySwatter = 550,
BlueprintTrapSmallAnimalCatcher = 551,
BlueprintUberTrap = 672,
BlueprintWallShelf = 623,
BlueprintWallTorch = 624,
BlueprintWeaponRack = 533,
BlueTShirt = 488,
Bone = 405,
BoneArmour = 494,
BuckshotAmmo = 364,
BunkerMapA = 693,
BunkerPamphlet = 509,
C4Brick = 420,
CannedFood = 434,
CanOpener = 432,
CatFood = 464,
CerealBox = 425,
Chicory = 465,
ChicorySeed = 605,
CircuitBoard = 416,
ClimbingAxe = 478,
Cloth = 415,
Coins = 502,
CombatKnife = 380,
CompactPistol = 355,
CompactPistolRail = 376,
ContactSpringTrigger = 514,
ContactTrigger = 511,
CookingPot = 517,
CraftedArrow = 507,
CraftedBow = 443,
CraftedClub = 477,
CraftedSpear = 474,
CreepyArmour = 593,
CreepySkin = 592,
Cross = 468,
Crossbow = 365,
CrossbowAmmoBolt = 368,
CrossbowQuiverMod = 384,
CultPamphlet = 633,
CultSignF = 686,
CultSignG = 695,
CultSignH = 696,
CultSignI = 697,
CultSignJ = 698,
CultSignK = 699,
DeerHead = 651,
DeerHide = 472,
DeerHideArmour = 519,
DevilsClub = 449,
DevilsClubSeed = 600,
DuckHead = 642,
DuctTape = 419,
EagleHead = 643,
EmailPrintoutAstrologyA = 539,
EmailPrintoutAstrologyB = 540,
EmailPrintoutAstrologyC = 541,
EmailPrintoutBalletA = 545,
EmailPrintoutCaveLighting = 521,
EmailPrintoutGolfA = 534,
EmailPrintoutGolfB = 535,
EmailPrintoutGolfC = 536,
EmailPrintoutGolfD = 537,
EmailPrintoutGovernmentA = 614,
EmailPrintoutGovernmentB = 615,
EmailPrintoutGovernmentC = 616,
EmailPrintoutMrPuffyFinancial = 528,
EmailPrintoutMrPuffyWill = 526,
EmailPrintoutPaintingA = 538,
EmailPrintoutPoliticianA = 542,
EmailPrintoutPoliticianB = 543,
EmailPrintoutPoliticianC = 544,
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesA = 546,
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesB = 547,
EmailPrintoutSqueakyShoesC = 548,
EmergencyPack = 483,
EnergyBar = 441,
EnergyDrink = 439,
EnergyMix = 461,
EnergyMixPlus = 462,
Feather = 479,
FireAxe = 431,
Fireweed = 453,
FireweedSeed = 601,
Fish = 436,
FishingEmailA = 677,
FishingEmailB = 678,
FishingEmailC = 692,
Flare = 440,
Flashlight = 471,
FlashlightMod = 378,
Flask = 475,
Flippers = 463,
FlyAmanitaMushroom = 400,
FoodCubeBrain = 569,
FoodCubeSteak = 570,
FoodCubeSteakAndBacon = 571,
FoodTray = 497,
FoodTrayFilled = 512,
GoldenArmour = 572,
GoldMask = 435,
GolfBall = 524,
GolfCartBattery = 661,
GolfPutter = 525,
GPSLocator = 529,
GPSTracker = 412,
GrabBag = 351,
GRABSLaserPointer = 498,
Grenade = 381,
GrenadeAmmo = 382,
GuaranaBerries = 594,
GuaranaSeed = 602,
Guitar = 340,
HalfLog = 408,
HalfLogPlank = 577,
HangGlider = 626,
HealthMix = 455,
HealthMixPlus = 456,
HolovilleNoticeA = 562,
HolovilleNoticeB = 563,
HolovilleNoticeC = 564,
HolovilleNoticeD = 565,
Hoodie = 490,
Horsetail = 450,
HorsetailSeed = 603,
HydnumRepandumMushroom = 399,
JianyuEmailPrintoutA = 694,
Katana = 367,
KeyCardGuest = 567,
KeyCardMaintenance = 566,
KeyCardVIP = 568,
KingOysterMushroom = 398,
KnightV = 630,
LaserMeasureTool = 505,
LaserSightMod = 375,
Leaf = 484,
LeafArmour = 473,
LeatherJacket = 493,
LightBulb = 635,
Log_Legacy = 78,
LogPlank = 395,
LootPouch = 508,
Machete2 = 359,
Meat = 433,
ModernAxe = 356,
Molotov = 388,
MolotovAmmo = 389,
Money = 496,
MooseHead = 652,
MrePack = 438,
MrPufftonTableCard = 627,
MrsPufftonTableCard = 628,
NewspaperCutout = 612,
NewspaperCutoutOutbid = 613,
NightVisionGoggles = 354,
NovelA = 423,
NovelB = 424,
NovelC = 574,
NovelD = 575,
NovelF = 631,
NumbersPrintout = 611,
OldJacket = 491,
OldNoteA = 674,
OldNoteB = 675,
OldNoteC = 676,
OldNoteD = 685,
OldNoteE = 684,
OldNoteF = 691,
Oyster = 466,
PaperTarget = 518,
PersonalNoteA = 653,
PersonalNoteB = 654,
PersonalNoteC = 655,
Pickaxe = 663,
Pills = 437,
PistolAmmoBox = 370,
PistolSuppressor = 374,
PlasmaLighter = 413,
PufftonEmailA = 687,
PuffyJacket = 500,
QuarterLog = 406,
QuarterLogPlank = 576,
RabbitHead = 646,
Radio = 590,
RamenNoodles = 421,
Rebreather = 444,
RedMask = 391,
RepairTool = 422,
Revolver = 386,
Rifle = 361,
RifleAmmo = 387,
RifleRailMod = 383,
Rock = 393,
Rope = 403,
RopeGun = 522,
Salmonberries = 447,
SalmonberrySeed = 604,
ScopeMod = 377,
SeagullHead = 648,
SeveredArm = 480,
SeveredHead = 482,
SeveredLeg = 481,
ShiitakeMushroom = 397,
ShotgunAmmoBoxBuckshot = 371,
ShotgunAmmoBoxSlug = 372,
ShotgunPumpAction = 358,
ShotgunRail = 346,
Shovel = 485,
SilkPyjamas = 487,
Skull = 430,
SleepingBag = 573,
Slingshot = 459,
SlugAmmo = 363,
SmallRock = 476,
SmallTurtleHead = 644,
Snowberries = 448,
SolafiteOre = 664,
SolarPanel = 634,
SpaceSuit = 639,
Spring = 513,
SquirrelHead = 647,
Stick = 392,
StockPricePrintout = 617,
Stone = 640,
StoryPages = 690,
Structure Element = 520,
StunGun = 353,
StunGunAmmo = 369,
StunGunAmmoBox = 457,
TacticalAxe = 379,
TacticalBoots = 501,
TacticalBow = 360,
TacticalBowAmmo = 373,
TacticalChainsaw = 394,
TacticalJacket = 495,
TacticalPants = 489,
Tarp = 504,
TaserStick = 396,
TechArmour = 554,
TechMesh = 553,
TemplateD = 636,
TemplateSB = 660,
ThreeQuarterLog = 409,
ThreeQuarterLogPlank = 578,
TimeBomb = 417,
Torch = 503,
TrackerDart = 366,
TurtleEgg = 401,
TurtleHead = 650,
TurtleShell = 506,
TutorialBook = 589,
TutorialPageBasicBuilding = 515,
TutorialPageTarpTent = 516,
Tuxedo = 492,
Twinberries = 446,
VirginiaCamoSuit = 558,
VirginiaDress = 556,
VirginiaLeatherSuit = 557,
VirginiaSwimSuit = 619,
VirginiaTrackSuit = 555,
VodkaBottle = 414,
WalkieTalkie = 486,
Wetsuit = 499,
Wire = 418,
Wristwatch = 410,
Yarro = 452,
YarroSeed = 606,
ZiplineRope = 523,
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