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Created March 31, 2017 09:55
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Supporting PostgreSQL JSON types in jOOQ using Jackson. Adapted from the GSON example found at
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<configuration xmlns="">
package be.objectify.example.jooq;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.sql.SQLFeatureNotSupportedException;
import java.sql.Types;
import java.util.Objects;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode;
import org.jooq.Binding;
import org.jooq.BindingGetResultSetContext;
import org.jooq.BindingGetSQLInputContext;
import org.jooq.BindingGetStatementContext;
import org.jooq.BindingRegisterContext;
import org.jooq.BindingSQLContext;
import org.jooq.BindingSetSQLOutputContext;
import org.jooq.BindingSetStatementContext;
import org.jooq.Converter;
import org.jooq.impl.DSL;
import play.libs.Json;
* @author Steve Chaloner (
public class JsonBinder implements Binding<Object, JsonNode> {
public Converter<Object, JsonNode> converter() {
return new Converter<Object, JsonNode>() {
public JsonNode from(Object t) {
return t == null ? Json.newObject() : Json.parse("" + t);
public Object to(JsonNode u) {
return u == null ? null : Json.stringify(u);
public Class<Object> fromType() {
return Object.class;
public Class<JsonNode> toType() {
return JsonNode.class;
public void sql(final BindingSQLContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
public void register(final BindingRegisterContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
public void set(final BindingSetStatementContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
public void set(final BindingSetSQLOutputContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();
public void get(final BindingGetResultSetContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
public void get(final BindingGetStatementContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
public void get(final BindingGetSQLInputContext<JsonNode> ctx) throws SQLException {
throw new SQLFeatureNotSupportedException();
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diranl commented Oct 16, 2018

@vijayparashar12 could you share the Jackson version you wrote?

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ccjmne commented Oct 20, 2018

well, It's not purely Jackson as it uses Playjson, but it helped me to write the pure Jackson version, Thanks for sharing ...

@vijayparashar12 Yeah, it'd be cool if you'd share your pure Jackson version, please 🙂

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@vijayparashar12 could you share it ?

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vijayparashar12 commented Mar 11, 2019

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ccjmne commented May 1, 2019

@vijayparashar12 Thanks!
I don't think you get notified in gists even when people mention you explicitly... so the late response is entirely understandable.

I did write my own in the meantime, 'cause it wasn't actually a hard task 😆
Mine is practically identical to yours.

Thanks again for sharing!

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