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Created July 19, 2009 15:03
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@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix tracker: <> .
@prefix test: <> .
test: a tracker:Namespace ;
tracker:prefix "test" .
test:Entity a rdfs:Class .
test:Node a rdfs:Class ;
rdfs:subClassOf test:Entity .
test:edge a rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain test:Node ;
rdfs:range test:Node .
<test:n0> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n1> .
<test:n1> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n0> ;
test:edge <test:n2> .
<test:n2> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n1> ;
test:edge <test:n3> .
<test:n3> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n2> ;
test:edge <test:n4> .
<test:n4> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n3> ;
test:edge <test:n5> .
<test:n5> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n4> ;
test:edge <test:n6> .
<test:n6> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n5> ;
test:edge <test:n7> .
<test:n7> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n6> ;
test:edge <test:n8> .
<test:n8> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n7> ;
test:edge <test:n9> .
<test:n9> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n8> ;
test:edge <test:n10> .
<test:n10> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n9> ;
test:edge <test:n11> .
<test:n11> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n10> ;
test:edge <test:n12> .
<test:n12> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n11> ;
test:edge <test:n13> .
<test:n13> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n12> ;
test:edge <test:n14> .
<test:n14> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n13> ;
test:edge <test:n15> .
<test:n15> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n14> ;
test:edge <test:n16> .
<test:n16> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n15> ;
test:edge <test:n17> .
<test:n17> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n16> ;
test:edge <test:n18> .
<test:n18> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n17> ;
test:edge <test:n19> .
<test:n19> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n18> ;
test:edge <test:n20> .
<test:n20> a test:Node ;
test:edge <test:n19> .
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