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Created April 14, 2021 16:57
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import Data.List
import Prelude hiding (max)
powerset :: [t] -> [[t]]
powerset [] = [[]]
powerset (x:xs) = powerset xs ++ map (x:) (powerset xs)
powersetPlus :: Eq t => [t] -> [[t]]
powersetPlus = filter (/= []) . powerset
type EBase = String
type E = [EBase]
type T = Bool
domainBase :: [EBase]
domainBase = ["B1","B2","B3","B4",
domain :: [E]
domain = powersetPlus domainBase
boyBase, movieBase :: [EBase]
boyBase = filter (\(x:xs) -> x == 'B') domainBase
movieBase = filter (\(x:xs) -> x == 'M') domainBase
seeBase :: [(EBase,EBase)]
seeBase = [("B1","M1"),
("B2","M2"), ("B2","M3"),
("B3","M3"), ("B3","M4"), ("B3","M5"),
boys, movies :: [E]
boys = [xs | xs <- domain, all (`elem` boyBase ) xs]
movies = [xs | xs <- domain, all (`elem` movieBase) xs]
see :: (E,E) -> T
see (xs,ys) = all (\x -> any (\y -> (x,y) `elem` seeBase) ys) xs &&
all (\y -> any (\x -> (x,y) `elem` seeBase) xs) ys
max :: [E] -> (E -> T) -> E -> T
max np k xs = k xs && all (\ys -> not (k ys) || ys `intersect` xs == ys) np
exists :: (E -> T) -> T
exists f = any f domain
exThreeBoysHO, exFiveMoviesHO :: (((E -> T) -> T) -> T) -> T
exThreeBoysHO c = exists $ \xs -> c (\k -> max boys k xs) && length xs == 3
exFiveMoviesHO c = exists $ \xs -> c (\k -> max movies k xs) && length xs == 5
testCum :: T
testCum = exThreeBoysHO (\m -> exFiveMoviesHO (\n -> m (\x -> n (\y -> see (x,y)))))
testPseudCum :: T
testPseudCum = exThreeBoysHO (\m -> m (\x -> exFiveMoviesHO (\n -> n (\y -> see (x,y)))))
witnesses :: [(E,E)]
witnesses = sort [(xs,ys) | xs <- domain, ys <- domain,
max boys (\x -> max movies (\y -> see (x,y)) ys) xs]
main :: IO ()
main = print witnesses
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