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Last active May 8, 2016 15:02
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{-- to add: semantics, binding[?] --}
import Data.Char
import Data.List
data Type =
E | T | N | V | -- atomic cats
M Type | -- monads
FS Type Type | BS Type Type | -- {/ , \}
FF Type Type | BB Type Type | -- {//,\\}
X -- islands punctuation
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Tree = Atom String | Bin String TTree TTree | Phase Tree
deriving (Show, Eq)
type TTree = (Tree, [Type])
type Sentence = [TTree]
sentence :: String -> Sentence
sentence = map lookup . words . concatMap spaceSymb
where lookup w = (Atom w, lexicon w)
spaceSymb c = if isAlphaNum c then [c] else " "++[c]++" "
-- parse symbols separately, regardless of whitespace
-- lexicon
lexicon :: String -> [Type]
lexicon w
| w == "dylan" = [E]
| w == "boy" = [N]
| w == "elk" = [N]
| w == "binoculars" = [N]
| w == "left" = [BS E T]
| w == "saw" = [FS (BS E T) E]
| w == "with" = [FS (BS (BS E T) (BS E T)) E, FS (BS N N) E]
| w == "thought" = [FS (BS E T) T]
| w == "the" = [FS E N]
| w == "if" = [FS (FS (M T) (M T)) $ M T]
| w == "and" = [FS (BS T T) T]
| w == "someone" = [M E]
| w == "everyone" = [FF (M T) (BB E $ M T)]
| w == "every" = [FF (FF (M T) (BB E $ M T)) (BB (FS T N) $ M T)]
| w == "some" = [FF (M E) (BB (FS T N) $ M T)]
| w == "[" = [X]
| w == "]" = [X]
-- parsing
ttrees :: Sentence -> [TTree]
ttrees [] = []
ttrees [t] = [t]
ttrees ts =
[t | (ls,rs) <- splits ts,
l <- ttrees ls, r <- ttrees rs,
t <- addLowers $ combine l r]
-- break in half multiple ways,
-- try to combine the pieces,
-- add the lowers, then the joins
[(Phase (Bin w t1 t2), [s]) |
x <- snd (head ts), y <- snd (last ts), x == X, y == X,
(ls,rs) <- splits . init . tail $ ts, -- ditch the punctuation
l <- ttrees ls, r <- ttrees rs,
(Bin w t1 t2, ss) <- addLowers $ combine l r,
s <- ss, evaluated s]
combine :: TTree -> TTree -> [TTree]
combine (a,ts) (b,ss) =
[(Bin -- L R
"FA" (a, [FS t1 t2]) (b, [s]), [t1]) |
FS t1 t2 <- ts, s <- ss, t2 == s]
[(Bin -- R L
"BA" (a, [t]) (b, [BS s1 s2]), [s2]) |
t <- ts, BS s1 s2 <- ss, t == s1]
[(Bin -- L $ unit R
"FA$_\\eta$" (a, [FS t1 t2]) (b, [s]), [t1]) |
FS t1 t2 <- ts, s <- ss, t2 == M s]
[(Bin -- R $ unit L
"BA$_\\eta$" (a, [t]) (b, [BS s1 s2]), [s2]) |
t <- ts, BS s1 s2 <- ss, M t == s1]
[(Bin -- \k -> L (\x -> k $ combine x R)
("SL("++w++")") (a, [FF x (BB y z)]) (b, [u]), [FF x (BB v z)]) |
FF x (BB y z) <- ts, u <- ss,
(Bin w t1 t2, rs) <- combine (a, [y]) (b, [u]), v <- rs]
[(Bin -- \k -> R (\x -> k $ combine L x)
("SR("++w++")") (a, [u]) (b, [FF x (BB y z)]), [FF x (BB v z)]) |
u <- ts,
FF x (BB y z) <- ss,
(Bin w t1 t2, rs) <- combine (a, [u]) (b, [y]), v <- rs]
[(Bin -- \k -> L >>= \x -> k $ combine x R
("$\\star$L("++w++")") (a, [M t]) (b, [s]), [v]) |
M t <- ts, s <- ss,
(Bin w t1 t2, rs) <- combine (a, [FF x (BB t x) | x <- returnTypes])
(b, [s]), v <- rs]
[(Bin -- \k -> R >>= \x -> k $ combine L x
("$\\star$R("++w++")") (a, [t]) (b, [M s]), [v]) |
t <- ts, M s <- ss,
(Bin w t1 t2, rs) <- combine (a, [t])
(b, [FF x (BB s x) | x <- returnTypes]), v <- rs]
parse :: String -> [TTree]
parse = ttrees . sentence
-- helper functions for parsing
howDeep :: Int
howDeep = 5
-- wow: the way things are set up guarantees you don't climb higher
-- in the type hierarchy than you need to....?
enumTypes :: Int -> [Type]
enumTypes 1 = [M T]
enumTypes n = enumTypes (n-1) ++ [M . last $ enumTypes (n-1)]
returnTypes :: [Type]
returnTypes = enumTypes howDeep
splits :: [TTree] -> [([TTree], [TTree])] -- return all cleavings of a list
splits ts = concat [f ts | f <- map modSplitAt [1..length ts - 1]]
modSplitAt :: Int -> [TTree] -> [([TTree], [TTree])]
-- using island boundaries to narrow the search space; not necessary
modSplitAt n [] = []
modSplitAt n xs = [(ys,zs) | (ys,zs) <- [splitAt n xs],
count "[" ys == count "]" ys,
count "[" zs == count "]" zs]
where count x = length . filter ((== Atom x) . fst)
addLowers :: [TTree] -> [TTree]
addLowers ttrees =
[(Bin -- incorporating all possible lowerings of the ttrees in question
("Lower("++w++")") t1 t2, [tl]) |
(Bin w t1 t2, ts) <- ttrees, t <- ts, tl <- tail $ closeUnderLower [t]]
closeUnder :: Eq a => (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
closeUnder f ts = let new = union ts (map f ts) in
if new == ts then ts else closeUnder f new
closeUnderLower :: [Type] -> [Type]
closeUnderLower = closeUnder lowerType
lowerType :: Type -> Type
lowerType t = case t of
FF a (BB b c) ->
if M b == c || lowerType b == c then a else FF a (BB (lowerType b) c)
_ -> t
evaluated :: Type -> Bool
evaluated t = case t of
FF a b -> False
FS a b -> evaluated a
BS a b -> evaluated b
BB a b -> evaluated b
M a -> evaluated a
_ -> True
-- parsing concluded
-- here's the pretty printer
-- writes a tex file with trees of the sentential parses in your working dir
prettyCat :: Type -> String -- printing cats
prettyCat cat = case cat of
FS x y -> "(" ++ prettyCat x ++ " / " ++ prettyCat y ++ ")"
BS x y -> "(" ++ prettyCat x ++ " \\backslash " ++ prettyCat y ++ ")"
FF x y -> "(" ++ prettyCat x ++ " \\sslash " ++ prettyCat y ++ ")"
BB x y -> "(" ++ prettyCat x ++ " \\bbslash " ++ prettyCat y ++ ")"
M a -> "\\textsf{M}" ++ prettyCat a
_ -> map toLower (show cat)
pprettyCat :: Type -> String -- dropping outer parens
pprettyCat thing = case xs of
[] -> []
_ -> if head xs == '(' && last xs == ')'
then drop 1 $ init xs
else xs
where xs = prettyCat thing
pretty :: TTree -> [String]
pretty tree = case tree of
(Atom x, ts) -> ["[{$"++pprettyCat t++"$} ["++x++"] ]" | t <- ts]
(Bin w x y, ts) ->
["[{$\\textbf{\\textsf{"++w++"}} \\vdash " ++
pprettyCat t++"$} "++a++" "++b++" ]"
t <- ts, a <- pretty x, b <- pretty y]
(Phase t, ts) -> ["[$\\blacksquare$ "++a++" ]" | a <- pretty (t, ts)]
toForest :: String -> String
toForest = unlines . concatMap
(\x -> "\\begin{forest}" ++
"for tree={scale=.8}," ++
"where n children=0{tier=word}{}\n" ++
x ++
. pretty) . filter (prop . snd) . parse -- LOL
prop :: [Type] -> Bool
prop ts = case ts of
[FF a b] -> False
_ -> True
toParse :: String
toParse = "if [someone saw every elk with the binoculars] [dylan left]"
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStr output
writeFile "sandbox.tex" $ preamble++output++end
where output = toForest toParse
preamble =
"\\documentclass{article}\n\\synctex=1\n" ++
"\\usepackage[margin=.8in]{geometry}\n" ++
"\\usepackage{forest,mathtools,newtxtext,newtxmath}\n" ++
"\\newcommand\\bs\\backslash{}\n" ++
"\\newcommand\\sslash{\\mathord{/\\mkern-5mu/}}\n" ++
"\\newcommand\\bbslash{\\mathord{\\bs\\mkern-5.2mu\\bs}}\n" ++
end = "\\end{document}"
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