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Last active May 1, 2016 13:51
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but this works whyyyyyy 🤔
module Main (main) where
import Data.List
type EBase = String
type E = [EBase]
data Var = W | X | Y | Z deriving (Show, Eq)
vars :: [Var]
vars = [W, X, Y, Z]
type S = Var -> E
type C = [S]
type U = C -> C
-- atomic predicates
domainBase :: [EBase]
domainBase = ["B1","B2","B3","B4","B5","B6",
boyBase :: [EBase]
boyBase = filter (\s -> init s == "B") domainBase
movieBase :: [EBase]
movieBase = filter (\s -> init s == "M") domainBase
seeBase :: [(EBase,EBase)]
seeBase = [("B1","M1"),
("B2","M2"), ("B2","M3"), ("B2","M4"),
("B3","M3"), ("B3","M4"), ("B3","M5")]
-- this model makes 'ex3 boys saw ex5 movies' true
-- ++ [("B4","M6")] -- this model falsifies it
-- plural predicates
powerset :: [t] -> [[t]]
powerset [] = [[]]
powerset (x:xs) = powerset xs ++ map (x:) (powerset xs) -- 2^(x:xs)!
powersetPlus :: Eq t => [t] -> [[t]]
powersetPlus xs = filter (/= []) $ powerset xs
domain :: [E]
domain = powersetPlus domainBase
boys :: [E]
boys = [xs | xs <- domain, all (`elem` boyBase) xs]
movies :: [E]
movies = [xs | xs <- domain, all (`elem` movieBase) xs]
see :: (S -> E) -> (S -> E) -> U -- 'see' is lexically cumulative
see v u ss = [s | s <- ss,
all (\x -> any (\y -> (x,y) `elem` seeBase) $ v s) $ u s,
all (\y -> any (\x -> (x,y) `elem` seeBase) $ u s) $ v s]
-- DPs
type Tower a = (a -> U) -> U
type TTower a = (Tower a -> U) -> U
type TTTower a = (TTower a -> U) -> U
put :: E -> Var -> S -> S -- assignment modification
put x i s j
| i == j = x
| otherwise = s j
some :: [E] -> Var -> Tower (S -> E) -- indefinite determiner
some np i k ss = [s' | s <- ss,
x <- np,
s' <- k (const x) [put x i s]]
sigma :: Var -> U -> U -- selective maximization
sigma i u ss = [s | s <- u ss,
all (\s' -> s i `intersect` s' i == s' i) $ u ss]
num :: Int -> Var -> U -> U -- selective cardinality test
num n i u ss = [s | s <- u ss,
length (s i) == n]
exactly :: Int -> [E] -> Var -> TTower (S -> E) -- putting it all together
exactly n np i c = num n i $ c (sigma i . some np i)
-- adding distributivity: externally static
dist :: Tower (S -> E) -> Tower (S -> E)
dist m k = m (\xs ss -> [s | s <- ss,
all (\x -> not $ null (k (const [x]) [s])) $ xs s])
-- some helpful composition combinators
lift :: a -> Tower a
lift x k = k x
intLift :: Tower a -> TTower a
intLift m c = m $ c . lift
ll :: Tower a -> Tower (a -> b) -> Tower b
m `ll` n = \k -> m (\x -> n (\f -> k $ f x))
rr :: Tower (a -> b) -> Tower a -> Tower b
m `rr` n = \k -> m (\f -> n $ k . f)
lll :: TTower a -> TTower (a -> b) -> TTower b
m `lll` n = \c -> m (\m' -> n (\n' -> c $ m' `ll` n'))
rrr :: TTower (a -> b) -> TTower a -> TTower b
m `rrr` n = \c -> m (\m' -> n (\n' -> c $ m' `rr` n'))
llll :: TTTower a -> TTTower (a -> b) -> TTTower b
m `llll` n = \c -> m (\m' -> n (\n' -> c $ m' `lll` n'))
rrrr :: TTTower (a -> b) -> TTTower a -> TTTower b
m `rrrr` n = \c -> m (\m' -> n (\n' -> c $ m' `rrr` n'))
lower :: Tower U -> U
lower m = m id
llower :: TTower U -> U
llower m = m lower
lllower :: TTTower U -> U
lllower m = m llower
-- a test case: ex3 boys saw ex5 movies
-- nota bene: accidental co-indexation predicts falsity! sad!
test :: U
test = llower $
(exactly 3 boys X)
(lift $ lift see)
(exactly 5 movies Y)
-- another: ex2 boys dist saw ex3 movies (true: B2 and B3 each did)
distE2B :: TTTower (S -> E) -- dist + ex1 boy: dist first applies,
-- then intLift lifts the distribution
-- over any downstream cardinality tests
distE2B = rr
(lift intLift)
(lift dist)
(exactly 2 boys X)
testDist :: U
testDist = lllower $
(lift . lift . lift $ see)
(lift $ exactly 3 movies Y)
-- printing
base :: C -- the initial context
base = [const []]
sho :: U -> [(Var,E)] -- displaying updates as (unions of) lookup tables
sho u = [(v, e) | v <- vars,
f <- u base,
e <- [f v]]
main :: IO ()
main = do {print $ sho test;
print $ sho testDist}
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