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Created March 19, 2021 18:22
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type E = Int
type T = Bool
type S = [E]
type R = [E] -> T
type Var = S -> E
data Form = Rel R [Var] | Ex | Not Form | And Form Form
eval :: Form -> S -> T
eval (Rel r ts) = \e -> r [t e | t <- ts]
eval Ex = \e -> not (null e)
eval (Not p ) = \e -> null [e' | e' <- dom p, eval p (e'++e)]
eval (And p q ) = \e -> eval p (drop (n q) e) && eval q e
n :: Form -> Int
n (Rel r ts) = 0
n Ex = 1
n (Not p ) = 0
n (And p q ) = n p + n q
dom :: Form -> [S]
dom p = sequence (replicate (n p) univ)
minSat :: Form -> [S]
minSat p = filter (eval p) (dom p)
p :: Int -> Var
p n e = e!!n
univ :: [E]
univ = [1..5]
likes :: R
likes [x,y] = x < y
test = minSat $ And (And Ex Ex) (Not (Rel likes [p 0, p 1]))
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