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Created September 25, 2021 03:21
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module Markov where
import qualified Control.Monad.Random as R
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Utils
type Hist = [String] -- prior context as list of words
type Next = String
type Ngrams = [(Hist, Next)]
type NextF = (Next, Rational)
type Matrix = M.Map Hist [NextF]
genSequence :: (R.MonadRandom m) => Matrix -> Hist -> m String
genSequence tm [] = R.fromList $ tm M.! []
genSequence tm src
| all (== ">") src = return $ unwords src
| otherwise = next src
next src = do
sn <- R.fromList $ tm M.! src -- get next word
ss <- genSequence tm (tail src ++ [sn]) -- go w/new hist
return $ unwords [head src, ss]
addNextF :: NextF -> [NextF] -> [NextF] -- isnt this a Map?
addNextF (t, f) ts = case lookup t ts of
Nothing -> (t, f) : ts
Just n -> (t, n+f) : filter notT ts
notT (r, _) = r /= t
addNextFs :: [NextF] -> [NextF] -> [NextF]
addNextFs tsA tsB = foldr addNextF tsB tsA
toMatrix :: Ngrams -> M.Map Hist [NextF]
toMatrix = foldr insert M.empty
insert t = M.insertWith addNextFs (fst t) [(snd t, 1.0)]
s = ("<":)
e = (++" >")
getUnigrams :: [String] -> Ngrams
getUnigrams ls = map (\a -> ([],a)) $ ls >>= words
getBigrams :: [String] -> Ngrams
getBigrams ls = map (\(a,b) -> ([a],b)) zipd
zipd = map e ls >>= (\ws -> zip (s ws) ws) . words
getTrigrams :: [String] -> Ngrams
getTrigrams ls = map (\(a,b,c) -> ([a,b],c)) zipd
zipd = map (e.e) ls >>= (\ws -> zip3 (s.s $ ws) (s ws) ws) . words
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