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Created September 11, 2016 19:33
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type E = Int
type D r a = r -> (a, r)
unit :: a -> D r a
unit x i = (x, i)
bind :: D r a -> (a -> D r b) -> D r b
bind m k i = uncurry k $ m i
he :: E -> E
he = id
heD :: D E E
heD = he >>= unit -- == get
put :: E -> D E E
put x i = (x, x)
uncurryD :: D r (D s a) -> D (r, s) a
uncurryD m (i, j) = (x, (k, l))
where (n, k) = m i
(x, l) = n j
s :: D E (D E (D E E))
s = put 5 `bind` \x ->
unit $ heD `bind` \y ->
unit $ heD `bind` \z ->
unit $ x + y + z
main :: IO ()
main = print $ uncurryD (uncurryD s) ((1, 2), 3)
-- (10,((5,2),3)) (destructive!)
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