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Created May 17, 2020 15:55
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z (x, _) = x
s n (_, h) = n h
-- NEW: indexed depositors
dz x ((), r) = (x, r) -- novelty; () ~> _ = destructive updates
ds n x (y , r) = (y, n x r)
-- NEW: combinators for preallocating context
cinit = ()
cz = cs cinit
cs n = ((),n)
class IxFunctor f where
imap :: (a -> b) -> f i o a -> f i o b
class IxFunctor m => IxApplicative m where
{-# MINIMAL ireturn, ((</>) | (<\>)) #-}
ireturn :: a -> m i i a
(</>) :: m i j (a -> b) -> m j o a -> m i o b
m </> n = m <\> imap (flip ($)) n
(<\>) :: m i j a -> m j o (a -> b) -> m i o b
m <\> n = imap (flip ($)) m </> n
infixr </>, <\>
class IxApplicative m => IxMonad m where
{-# MINIMAL (>>>=) | ijoin #-}
(>>>=) :: m i j a -> (a -> m j o b) -> m i o b
m >>>= f = ijoin $ imap f m
ijoin :: m i j (m j o a) -> m i o a
ijoin m = m >>>= id
infixl 1 >>>=
class IxMonad m => IxMonadState m where
iget :: m i i i
iput :: o -> m i o ()
imodify :: IxMonadState m => (i -> o) -> m i o ()
imodify f = iget >>>= iput . f
igets :: IxMonadState m => (i -> a) -> m i i a
igets f = iget >>>= ireturn . f
-- NEW: indexed pushes
ipush :: IxMonadState m => (a -> i -> o) -> a -> m i o a
ipush n x = imodify (n x) >>>= \_ -> ireturn x
{- Nondeterministic indexed state illustration -}
newtype IxDy i o a = IxDy { unIxDy :: i -> [(a, o)] }
instance IxFunctor IxDy where
imap f m = m >>>= \x -> ireturn $ f x
instance IxApplicative IxDy where
ireturn x = IxDy $ \i -> [(x, i)]
m </> n = m >>>= \f -> n >>>= \x -> ireturn $ f x
instance IxMonad IxDy where
m >>>= f = IxDy $ \i -> concat [unIxDy (f x) o | (x, o) <- unIxDy m i]
instance IxMonadState IxDy where
iget = IxDy $ \i -> [(i , i)]
iput o = IxDy $ \i -> [((), o)]
type E = String
type T = String
saw :: E -> E -> T
saw x y = y ++ " saw " ++ x
conj :: T -> T -> T
conj r l = l ++ " and " ++ r
p :: IxDy ((), ((), a)) (E, (E, a)) T
p = let aLing = IxDy (\i -> [("John", i), ("Bill", i)]) >>>= ipush dz in
aLing <\> ireturn saw </> ipush (ds dz) "Mary"
q :: IxDy (E, (E, i)) (E, (E, i)) T
q = igets (s z) <\> ireturn saw </> igets z
p_and_q :: IxDy ((), ((), a)) (E, (E, a)) T
p_and_q = p <\> ireturn conj </> q
test1 :: [(T, (E, (E, ())))]
test1 = unIxDy p_and_q (cs cz)
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