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Last active March 23, 2022 14:37
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10-lines for CKY parsing in Haskell
mkChart :: (Eq cat, Eq term) =>
CFG cat term -> [term] -> [((Int, Int), [cat])]
mkChart g xs = helper (0,1) [] where
helper p@(i,j) tab
| j>length xs = tab
| i<0 = helper (j,j+1) tab
| i==j-1 = helper (i-1,j) $
(p, [n | n:-t <- g, t==xs!!(j-1)]):tab
| otherwise = helper (i-1,j) $
(p, [n | n:>(l,r) <- g, k <- [i+1..j-1],
lc <- fromJust $ lookup (i,k) tab, l==lc,
rc <- fromJust $ lookup (k,j) tab, r==rc]):tab
parseCYK :: (Eq cat, Eq term) => CFG cat term -> [term] -> [cat]
parseCYK g xs = snd $ head $ mkChart g xs
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