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Created May 25, 2018 16:48
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Mongo Query String Parser
import { toDateOrNull } from '../toDate';
function substituteQuotedCharacters(inner: string) {
return inner.replace(/\\./g, function(s) {
switch (s[1]) {
case 'n':
return '\n';
case 't':
return '\t';
case 'r':
return '\r';
return s[1];
function quoteStringIfNeeded(string: string) {
if (string.match(/[\s\"\\]/)) {
return '"' + string.replace(/(\n\t\r\\"\\)/g, '\\$1') + '"';
return string;
function unquoteSting(str: string): string {
// if the string is not quoted, we return the original
const match = str.match(/^"(.*)"$/);
if (!match) {
return str;
return substituteQuotedCharacters(match[1]);
function unquoteRegex(regex: string): string {
const match = regex.match(/^\/(.*)\/$/);
if (!match) {
return regex;
return substituteQuotedCharacters(match[1]);
function toValue(q: string) {
if (q.match(/^".*"$/)) {
return unquoteSting(q);
} else if (q.match(/^\/.*\/$/)) {
const regexString = unquoteRegex(q);
return new RegExp(regexString, 'i');
} else {
return toObject(q);
function toObject(value: string) {
try {
return JSON.parse(value);
} catch (e) {
// ignore it's not a json object
if (value.match(/^@\d+/)) {
try {
const date = toDateOrNull(value.replace(/^@/, ''));
if (date) {
return date;
} catch (e) {}
} // const date = new Date(value);
return value;
const op: { [op: string]: string } = {
'<': '$lt',
'<=': '$lte',
'=': '$eq',
'==': '$eq',
'!=': '$ne',
'>=': '$gte',
'>': '$gt',
* maps comparision operations
* @param q
* @returns {any}
function mapOperations(q: string): any {
if (q.match(/^".*"$/)) {
q = unquoteSting(q);
} else if (q.match(/^\/.*\/$/)) {
const regexString = unquoteRegex(q);
return new RegExp(regexString, 'i');
const match = q.match(/^(<=?|==?|!=|>=?)(.+)/);
if (!match) {
return toObject(q);
} else {
return {
[op[match[1]]]: toObject(match[2]),
// Match key value pair
const fieldRegExp = /^(-?[\w\d_.]+):(.*)/;
const sortRegExp = /^sort:([\w\d_.]+)-(asc|desc)/;
// this regex is a bit complicated
// - the field
// - the second part is either a quoted string, a quoted regex or anything not whitespace
const termSplitRegex = /(-?[\w\d_.]+:(?:\/(?:[^\/\\]+|\\.)*\/|"(?:[^"\\]+|\\.)*"|[^\s]+))|\s+/;
function extractFilters(terms: string[]) {
// the filter part are all fields that contain a ':'
const filters = terms.filter(s => s.match(fieldRegExp));
const andTerms = => {
const match = s.match(fieldRegExp);
let field = match[1];
let value = mapOperations(match[2]);
// is negation of the terrm
if (field[0] == '-') {
field = field.substr(1);
let negate = '$not';
if (value === null) {
negate = '$ne';
} else if (typeof value !== 'object') {
negate = '$ne';
return { [field]: { [negate]: value } };
} else {
return { [field]: value };
// if there is only one search term, we use it as filter
let filter: any;
if (andTerms.length == 1) {
filter = andTerms[0];
} else if (andTerms.length > 1) {
filter = { $and: andTerms };
return filter;
function extractSort(sortTerms: string[]): SortTerm {
if (sortTerms.length == 0) {
return null;
let sort: SortTerm = {};
sortTerms.forEach(term => {
const match = term.match(sortRegExp);
if (match) {
let dir = 1;
if (match[2] == 'desc') {
dir = -1;
sort[match[1]] = dir;
return sort;
export type SortTerm = { [field: string]: number };
export interface ParsedQuery {
search?: string;
filter?: any;
sort?: SortTerm;
export function getTerms(query: string): string[] {
const splitTerms = query.split(termSplitRegex);
// we now remove any empty string, null or undefined
return splitTerms.filter(s => s);
* This has been inspired by github query syntax
* - strings are concatenated to one search string.
* - all search field are combined with AND
* - the field name is before the `:`
* - fields of the form `field.subfield:value
* @param query
* @returns {any}
export function parseQueryString(query: string): ParsedQuery {
const terms = getTerms(query);
// all non fields (which does not contain a :) is joined to the search part of the query
const search = terms.filter(s => !s.match(fieldRegExp)).join(' ');
let filter = extractFilters(terms.filter(s => !s.match(sortRegExp)));
let sort = extractSort(terms.filter(s => s.match(sortRegExp)));
// construct the result
const result: any = {};
// only the non empty fields
if (search) = search;
if (filter) result.filter = filter;
if (sort) result.sort = sort;
return result;
export function setSearchField(query: string, field: string, value: string): string {
const terms = getTerms(query);
const regExp = getFieldRegex(field);
const index = terms.findIndex(term => !!term.match(regExp));
if (!value) {
if (index > -1) {
terms.splice(index, 1);
} else {
const newTerm = `${field}:${quoteStringIfNeeded(value)}`;
if (index < 0) {
} else {
terms[index] = newTerm;
return terms.join(' ');
function quoteRegex(field: string) {
return field.replace(/\./, '\\.');
export function getFieldRegex(field: string, excludeNegations = false) {
if (excludeNegations) {
return new RegExp(`^${quoteRegex(field)}:`);
} else {
return new RegExp(`^-?${quoteRegex(field)}:`);
function getFieldValueRaw(query: string, field: string, excludeNegations = false): string {
const terms = getTerms(query);
const regExp = getFieldRegex(field, excludeNegations);
const term = terms.find(t => !!t.match(regExp));
if (term != null) {
const match = term.match(fieldRegExp);
return match[2];
return undefined;
export function getFieldValueString(query: string, field: string): string {
const value = getFieldValueRaw(query, field, true);
if (value === undefined) {
return null;
return unquoteSting(value);
export function getFieldValue(query: string, field: string, excludeNegations = false): string {
const value = getFieldValueRaw(query, field, excludeNegations);
if (value === undefined) {
return undefined;
return toValue(value);
export function containsFieldValue(query: string, field: string, excludeNegations = false): boolean {
const terms = getTerms(query);
const regExp = getFieldRegex(field, excludeNegations);
return terms.findIndex(term => !!term.match(regExp)) > -1;
import {
} from './QueryStringParser';
import { assertDeepEqual } from '../../test/assertDeepEqual';
import { assert } from 'chai';
describe('QueryStringParser', function() {
it('should parse a simple text', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('test the west');
assertDeepEqual(result, { search: 'test the west' });
it('should parse colon list', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('test foo:bar the west');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
search: 'test the west',
filter: {
foo: 'bar',
it('should parse tow filters into and', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('test foo:bar the west');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
search: 'test the west',
filter: {
$and: [{ foo: 'bar' }, { '': 'filter' }],
it('should parse quoted strings', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('test the f:>20 foo:bar west"this is a string:2"');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
search: 'test the west',
filter: {
$and: [{ f: { $gt: 20 } }, { foo: 'bar' }, { '': 'this is a string:2' }],
it('should parse operations', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('a:<1 b:<=2 c:=3 d:==4 e:!=5 f:">= 6" g:">7"');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
filter: {
$and: [
{ a: { $lt: 1 } },
{ b: { $lte: 2 } },
{ c: { $eq: 3 } },
{ d: { $eq: 4 } },
{ e: { $ne: 5 } },
{ f: { $gte: 6 } },
{ g: { $gt: 7 } },
it('should parse negations correctly', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('test -foo:bar the west -aaa.bbb:>4 -x:!=y');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
search: 'test the west',
filter: {
$and: [
{ foo: { $ne: 'bar' } },
{ '': { $ne: 'filter' } },
{ 'aaa.bbb': { $not: { $gt: 4 } } },
{ x: { $not: { $ne: 'y' } } },
it('should parse negations of bool and null correctly', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('-foo:null -bar:true -baz:false');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
filter: {
$and: [{ foo: { $ne: null } }, { bar: { $ne: true } }, { baz: { $ne: false } }],
it('should parse numbers and booleans', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('test.bool1:true test.bool2:false negative:-12.4');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
filter: {
$and: [{ 'test.bool1': true }, { 'test.bool2': false }, { negative: -12.4 }],
it('should parse sort', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('sort:true field:12 sort:bar-desc');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
filter: {
$and: [{ sort: true }, { field: 12 }],
sort: {
'': 1,
bar: -1,
it('should parse regex', function() {
const result = parseQueryString('field1:/reg ex/ field2:/foo\\/bar/ -field3:/x "\t y/');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
filter: {
$and: [{ field1: /reg ex/i }, { field2: /foo\/bar/i }, { field3: { $not: /x "\t y/i } }],
it('should parse dates', function() {
// note zite zone parsing is a bit difficult, so we use Z to make the time neutral
const result = parseQueryString('created:>@2017 updated:<=@2017-03-28T21:26Z');
assertDeepEqual(result, {
filter: {
$and: [
{ created: { $gt: new Date('2017-01-01T00:00:00.000Z') } },
{ updated: { $lte: new Date('2017-03-28T21:26:00.000Z') } },
describe('setSearchField', function() {
it('should add a field', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('foo:1 bar:"cool string"', 'hello', 'world');
assert.equal(actual, 'foo:1 bar:"cool string" hello:world');
it('should replace the field only', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('foo:1 bar:"cool string" baz:aha', 'bar', 'hello world');
assert.equal(actual, 'foo:1 bar:"hello world" baz:aha');
it('should replace the first field only', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'foo', '3');
assert.equal(actual, 'x:"a b" foo:3 a.b:"a:b" foo:2');
it('should remove it when value is null', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'foo', null);
assert.equal(actual, 'x:"a b" a.b:"a:b" foo:2');
it('should deal with `.` in name correctly', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('axb:1 a.b:2', 'a.b', '3');
assert.equal(actual, 'axb:1 a.b:3');
it('should replace -field as if there is no -', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('x:"a b" -foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'foo', '3');
assert.equal(actual, 'x:"a b" foo:3 a.b:"a:b" foo:2');
it('should be cleared by an empty value', function() {
const actual = setSearchField('x:"a b" -foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'foo', '');
assert.equal(actual, 'x:"a b" a.b:"a:b" foo:2');
describe('getFieldValue', function() {
it('should get string value', function() {
const actual = getFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'a.b');
assert.equal(actual, 'a:b');
it('should get number value', function() {
const actual = getFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'foo');
assert.equal(actual as any, 1);
it('should get undefinded if not in string', function() {
const actual = getFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'xxx');
// here we undefined and not null, because null is valid value
describe('getFieldValueString', function() {
it('should get string value', function() {
const actual = getFieldValueString('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'a.b');
assert.equal(actual, 'a:b');
it('should get number value', function() {
const actual = getFieldValueString('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'foo');
assert.equal(actual, '1');
it('should get null if not in string', function() {
const actual = getFieldValueString('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'xxx');
// note in case of a string we use null not undefined
it('should get null if query is negated', function() {
const actual = getFieldValueString('x:"a b" -foo:1 a.b:"a:b"', 'foo');
// note in case of a string we use null not undefined
describe('containsFieldValue', function() {
it('should return true if field is contained', function() {
assert.isTrue(containsFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 a.b:"a:b" foo:2', 'a.b'));
it('should return true if field is not contained', function() {
assert.isFalse(containsFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 axb:"a:b" foo:2', 'a.b'));
it('should return true if field is negated', function() {
assert.isTrue(containsFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 -axb:"a:b" foo:2', 'axb'));
it('should return false if field is negated and excludeNegations is set', function() {
assert.isFalse(containsFieldValue('x:"a b" foo:1 -axb:"a:b" foo:2', 'axb', true));
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