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Last active May 3, 2021 10:14
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Python3 Maze Generator with Disjoint Set
from random import randint, sample
from sys import argv
from time import sleep
height, width = [int(dim) for dim in argv[1:]]
except (IndexError, ValueError) as ve:
print("Usage:\n$ <height> <width>")
if not width or not height:
# Just for animation purposes
TOTAL_TIME = 10 # at most, and in seconds (roughly double than observed values)
parent = list(range(width*height))
rank = [0] * len(parent)
def find(n):
if parent[n] != n:
parent[n] = find(parent[n])
return parent[n]
def union(a, b):
u, v = find(a), find(b)
if u == v:
if rank[u] > rank[v]:
parent[v] = u
parent[u] = v
if rank[v] == rank[u]:
rank[v] += 1
def get_coords(num):
return num // width, num % width
def disp_maze(width=1, height=1, maze={}, timedelta=0.01):
# Perhaps can be made more concise
for i in range(height+1):
print('+', end='')
for j in range(width):
if ((i-1, j), (i, j)) in maze or i == 0 or i == height:
seq = '--'
seq = ' '
if ((i, j), (i, j+1)) in maze or ((i-1, j), (i-1, j+1)) in maze \
or j == width-1:
end = '+'
elif seq == '--' or i == 0 or i == height:
end = '-'
end = ' '
print(seq, end=end)
if i == height:
for j in range(width):
if ((i, j-1), (i, j)) in maze or j == 0 and i != 0:
seq = '| '
seq = ' '
print(seq, end='')
if i != height-1:
row_last_wall = '|'
row_last_wall = ''
# To get back to 0th row ceiling to rerender the new maze layout
print("\033[%dA" % 2*(height+1))
sleep(timedelta) # To slow down, for animation
if __name__ == '__main__':
edges_of_cells = {
edge for num in parent[:-1]
for edge in ((num, num+1), (num, num+width))
if not (edge[0] % width == width-1 and edge[1]-edge[0] < width) and \
edge[1] <= parent[-1]
timedelta = TOTAL_TIME / len(edges_of_cells)
maze = set()
# Display initial state of maze
disp_maze(width, height, maze, 0)
# while there is more than 1 set of connected cells
while len(set([find(n) for n in parent])) > 1:
rand_edge = sample(edges_of_cells, 1)[0]
u, v = find(rand_edge[0]), find(rand_edge[1])
if u != v:
union(u, v)
maze.add((get_coords(rand_edge[0]), get_coords(rand_edge[1])))
disp_maze(width, height, maze, timedelta)
# maze = maze.union(
# {
# (get_coords(edge[0]), get_coords(edge[1]))
# for edge in edges_of_cells
# }
# )
# The code commented above works, but we'll use the following for a nicer
# animation
while edges_of_cells:
maze.add(tuple(get_coords(num) for num in edges_of_cells.pop()))
disp_maze(width, height, maze, timedelta)
# To get back to 0th row ceiling to rerender the new maze layout
# To reach the end of display
# 2*(height+1) is probably a higher number but works
print("\033[%dB" % (2*height))

Generate Mazes with Disjoint Sets!

This script generates mazes that satisfy the following properties:

  • There are no cycles in the maze
  • Maze is always solvable
  • Every cell is reachable from every other cell

The script also animates the maze-building process on the command-line (this was actually trickier than the maze generating algorithm itself)!


$ python3 <height> <width>


(gif may take a while to load)


I learned this algorithm from the lecture slides by Brian Curless.

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