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Created January 24, 2024 00:34
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"tvalks - tvalks": kangaskhan / amoonguss / landorustherian / sylveon / thundurus / volcanion (
"Hyper Off DeoSharp + M Kangas (Vig Sigs) - Hyper Off DeoSharp + M Kangas (Vig Sigs)": kangaskhan / bisharp / deoxysattack / ferrothorn / keldeo / talonflame (
"Whimsicott Offense - Whimsicott Offense": gengar / landorustherian / terrakion / thundurus / volcanion / whimsicott (
"Sample Version MGar + Conk - Sample Version MGar + Conk": gengar / conkeldurr / ferrothorn / landorustherian / thundurus / volcanion (
"XY Mence Ferro Sand - XY Mence Ferro Sand": ferrothorn / cresselia / excadrill / salamence / tyranitar / volcanion (
"Sample Rain - Sample Rain": politoed / kingdra / ludicolo / swampert / talonflame / thundurus (
"Sample MGarde + 2 Redirects - Sample MGarde + 2 Redirects": gardevoir / amoonguss / landorustherian / thundurus / togekiss / volcanion (
"Untitled 24 - Untitled 24": manectric / genesect / landorustherian / porygon2 / sylveon / volcanion (
landorustherian / jellicent / latios / metagross / thundurus / tyranitar (
landorustherian / conkeldurr / heatran / jellicent / kyuremblack / thundurus (
"Rain - Rain": politoed / kingdra / landorustherian / scizor / shayminsky / thundurus (
tyranitar / cobalion / cresselia / excadrill / shayminsky / thundurus (
"KB-centered Offense - KB-centered Offense": landorustherian / jellicent / kyuremblack / latios / metagross / thundurus (
scrafty / gastrodoneast / genesect / landorustherian / latios / thundurus (
amoonguss / cresselia / heatran / hitmontop / jellicent / kyuremblack (
"Mega Metagross + Zygarde - Mega Metagross + Zygarde": metagross / incineroar / kartana / tapufini / zeraora / zygarde (
"Mega Metagross Rain - Mega Metagross Rain": metagross / incineroar / kingdra / kommoo / pelipper / tapukoko (
"Mega Gardevoir Rain - Mega Gardevoir Rain": gardevoir / amoonguss / incineroar / kartana / kingdra / politoed (
"Mega Venusaur + Aegislash - Mega Venusaur + Aegislash": venusaur / aegislash / incineroar / landorustherian / tapufini / zeraora (
"Mega Tyranitar + Volcarona - Mega Tyranitar + Volcarona": tyranitar / kartana / landorustherian / tapufini / volcarona / zeraora (
charizard / genesect / landorus / nihilego / scrafty / tapulele (
"Mega Latias Goodstuffs - Mega Latias Goodstuffs": latias / incineroar / kartana / landorustherian / tapufini / zeraora (
"Mega Scizor + Kommo-o - Mega Scizor + Kommo-o": scizor / gothitelle / kommoo / landorustherian / tapukoko / volcanion (
camerupt / bronzong / diancie / incineroar / porygon2 / tapubulu (
"Lele Man - Lele Man": tapulele / garchomp / jumbao / rotomwash / tornadustherian / victini (
"zambao bo - zambao bo": jumbao / alakazam / ferrothorn / gastrodoneast / tomohawk / victini (
"sub kyub bo - sub kyub bo": kyuremblack / jumbao / landorustherian / rotomwash / scizor / tornadustherian (
"Untitled 156 - Untitled 156": alakazam / heatran / landorustherian / magnezone / tomohawk / toxapex (
"reuni sand - reuni sand": tyranitar / arghonaut / excadrill / jumbao / reuniclus / tornadustherian (
"mlatias balance v2 - mlatias balance v2": latias / arghonaut / chansey / equilibra / heatran / weavile (
kerfluffle / amoonguss / charizard / excadrill / rotomwash / tyranitar (
"serp ho - serp ho": fidgit / azumarill / bisharp / necturna / pinsir / serperior (
"lop bo - lop bo": lopunny / excadrill / rotomwash / slowking / tomohawk / victini (
"offensive hawk - offensive hawk": tomohawk / clefable / garchomp / metagross / rotomwash / tornadustherian (
kitsunoh / arghonaut / celebi / clefable / colossoil / zapdos (
"KriloGon - KriloGon": tyranitar / fidgit / flygon / krilowatt / revenankh / skarmory (
cyclohm / gliscor / krilowatt / revenankh / scizor / starmie (
hippowdon / arghonaut / clefable / fidgit / jirachi / skarmory (
syclant / gyarados / kitsunoh / latias / magnezone / voodoom (
azelf / colossoil / dragonite / metagross / revenankh / togekiss (
empoleon / gliscor / jirachi / krilowatt / rotommow / tyranitar (
tyranitar / excadrill / ferrothorn / jellicent / krilowatt / tomohawk (
tyranitar / kitsunoh / landorustherian / latios / mollux / rotomwash (
tyranitar / excadrill / revenankh / skarmory / slowking / stratagem (
politoed / colossoil / ferrothorn / keldeo / latios / mollux (
"Spdef tomo rain - Spdef tomo rain": politoed / ferrothorn / krilowatt / latios / mollux / tomohawk (
politoed / ferrothorn / garchomp / mollux / scizor / thundurustherian (
jirachi / garchomp / kyuremblack / latios / magnezone / necturna (
"CAP Smurf - CAP Smurf": garchomp / latios / necturna / scizor / starmie / volcarona (
"SubRoost Kyurem Balance - SubRoost Kyurem Balance": ferrothorn / kitsunoh / kyurem / rotomwash / terrakion / tomohawk (
ninetales / arghonaut / cresselia / dragonite / excadrill / malaconda (
ninetales / gliscor / malaconda / starmie / stratagem / victini (
ninetales / infernape / latios / malaconda / stratagem / tomohawk (
mimikyu / hariyama / metagross / slowking / smeargle / snorlax
magnezone / araquanid / drampa / hariyama / mimikyu / porygon2
pelipper / golduck / mukalola / porygon2 / tapubulu / tapukoko
celesteela / arcanine / garchomp / gastrodoneast / gigalith / tapukoko
tapufini / arcanine / gastrodoneast / kartana / mukalola / porygonz
salamence / magnezone / mukalola / ninetalesalola / politoed / tapubulu
mukalola / kartana / arcanine / porygon2 / tapufini / goodra
garchomp / arcanine / mukalola / porygon2 / tapufini / tapulele
kartana / araquanid / arcanine / mukalola / porygon2 / tapukoko
nihilego / arcanine / celesteela / garchomp / kartana / tapufini
smeargle / celesteela / gigalith / palossand / porygonz / tapukoko
mismagius / arcanine / garchomp / gastrodoneast / kartana / tapukoko
magnezone / araquanid / hariyama / mimikyu / porygon2 / snorlax
tapulele / arcanine / gyarados / mandibuzz / nihilego / snorlax
pheromosa / drifblim / garchomp / gyarados / magnezone / tapulele
tapufini / arcanine / garchomp / gigalith / mukalola / porygon2
gyarados / arcanine / garchomp / mukalola / tapufini / togedemaru
kartana / arcanine / garchomp / porygon2 / tapufini / tapulele
pheromosa / arcanine / goodra / metagross / ninetalesalola / tapulele
kartana / arcanine / persianalola / snorlax / tapufini / tapukoko
exeggutoralola / arcanine / kartana / mudsdale / snorlax / tapufini
torkoal / lilligant / mudsdale / nihilego / porygon2 / tapubulu
tapukoko / arcanine / gigalith / kartana / porygon2 / tapufini
drifblim / arcanine / garchomp / snorlax / tapukoko / tapulele
tapulele / arcanine / gigalith / kartana / porygon2 / xurkitree
salamence / amoonguss / excadrill / porygon2 / tapukoko / tyranitar
metagross / gastrodoneast / heatran / hydreigon / landorustherian / tapulele
eelektross / cryogonal / gurdurr / mudsdale / musharna / simisear
carracosta / dodrio / hitmonchan / mudsdale / rotomfrost / victreebel
abomasnow / mudsdale / oricoriopompom / persianalola / sandslashalola / silvallyfairy
torterra / altaria / eelektross / jellicent / primeape / sandslashalola
leafeon / dodrio / ferroseed / lanturn / musharna / silvallypoison
drampa / oricoriosensu / primeape / regirock / silvallyfairy / simisear
politoed / kingdra / landorustherian / latias / scizor / tapukoko
salamence / aegislash / hippowdon / rotomheat / suicune / tapukoko
blaziken / espeon / gengar / gyarados / hippowdon / skarmory
blaziken / celesteela / hydreigon / tapubulu / tapufini / thundurustherian
infernape / aerodactyl / hydreigon / klefki / reuniclus / tentacruel
sharpedo / cobalion / froslass / latias / mamoswine / mimikyu
xatu / feraligatr / krookodile / latias / linoone / scizor
tentacruel / aerodactyl / celebi / cobalion / doublade / hippowdon
alomomola / altaria / blissey / gligar / nihilego / quagsire
altaria / alomomola / blissey / gligar / magneton / scizor
rotomheat / altaria / krookodile / necrozma / scizor / tentacruel
landorustherian / charizard / lilligant / mimikyu / snorlax / tapulele
ninetales / cherrim / landorustherian / metagross / tapulele / zapdos
gengar / gyarados / kommoo / scizor / smeargle / tapukoko
tyranitar / azumarill / clefairy / excadrill / salamence / thundurustherian
charizard / cresselia / landorustherian / scrafty / stakataka / tapukoko
gardevoir / amoonguss / hawlucha / heatran / landorustherian / tapulele
tapukoko / cresselia / ferrothorn / gyarados / incineroar / landorustherian
tapukoko / aegislash / amoonguss / azumarill / salamence / tyranitar
tapufini / aegislash / incineroar / kartana / landorustherian / latias
mawile / abomasnow / heatran / oranguru / scrafty / tapufini
metagross / landorustherian / porygon2 / tapufini / tapulele / zapdos
surskit / abra / bunnelby / gastly / magnemite / pawniard
timburr / abra / mareanie / onix / pawniard / vullaby
registeel / ditto / mandibuzz / necrozma / nidoqueen / vaporeon
donphan / barbaracle / goodra / metagross / noivern / virizion
xatu / blastoise / florges / noivern / registeel / virizion
raikou / abomasnow / forretress / machamp / mismagius / uxie
zygarde10 / abomasnow / bronzong / florges / mantine / necrozma
araquanid / blastoise / gardevoir / honchkrow / nidoqueen / toxicroak
"Deoxys Screens HO - Deoxys Screens HO": rayquaza / arceus / deoxysspeed / naganadel / necrozmaduskmane / xerneas (
"Shuckle Webs - Shuckle Webs": shuckle / arceus / groudon / rayquaza / xerneas / yveltal (
"Band Ray Hazard Stack - Band Ray Hazard Stack": arceuspoison / arceusdark / arceuswater / ferrothorn / marshadow / rayquaza (
"Gengar + DD Zygarde - Gengar + DD Zygarde": gengar / arceuspoison / arceuswater / groudon / yveltal / zygarde (
"DD Ray + CM Unecro BO - DD Ray + CM Unecro BO": rayquaza / arceusdark / arceusground / groudon / hooh / necrozmaduskmane (
"DD Ray + CM Spout Pogre - DD Ray + CM Spout Pogre": rayquaza / arceusdark / arceusfairy / kyogre / necrozmaduskmane / zygarde (
avalugg / altaria / dusclops / hippopotas / lickilicky / pyukumuku (
ninjask / electivire / golem / komala / mrmime / silvallydragon (
"Whimsicott Offense - Whimsicott Offense": whimsicott / celesteela / incineroar / landorus / naganadel / tapufini (
"Pheromosa PsySpam - Pheromosa PsySpam": pheromosa / amoonguss / heatran / naganadel / necrozma / tapulele (
"Rain - Rain": kingdra / ferrothorn / politoed / tsareena / urshifurapidstrike / zapdos (
"nails week 1 - nails week 1": rillaboom / genesect / incineroar / mew / tapufini / tyranitar (
"vs actuarily blt - vs actuarily blt": spectrier / incineroar / kyuremblack / metagross / rillaboom / tapufini (
"Lurantis Semiroom - Lurantis Semiroom": lurantis / incineroar / mew / porygon2 / tapufini / zygarde (
"week 9 vs dnagerbdager - week 9 vs dnagerbdager": mew / dracovish / dragapult / incineroar / rillaboom / tyranitar (
"CHAINSAW MAN - CHAINSAW MAN": deoxysdefense / ferrothorn / heatran / landorustherian / latias / tapufini (
"YO - YO": kartana / greninja / heatran / landorustherian / scizor / tapufini (
"Untitled 62 - Untitled 62": zapdos / chansey / gliscor / scizor / skarmory / toxapex (
"rem punny - rem punny": kyurem / landorustherian / lopunny / melmetal / tapufini / victini (
"mmedi para spam - mmedi para spam": medicham / clefable / ferrothorn / landorustherian / rotomwash / weavile (
latias / clefable / gastrodon / heatran / rotomwash / skarmory (
"cmkoko (original squad by JP) - cmkoko (original squad by JP)": latias / chansey / ferrothorn / gliscor / tapukoko / toxapex (
"protect spam - protect spam": equilibra / garchomp / tapulele / toxapex / weavile / zapdos (
"paperspam - paperspam": ninetalesalola / cawmodore / kartana / pyroak / tapufini / venomiconepilogue (
"melpult spikes - melpult spikes": dragapult / arghonaut / heatran / melmetal / saharaja / zapdos (
"cb ttar - cb ttar": tyranitar / jumbao / melmetal / saharaja / slowbro / zapdos (
"Specs Pult + NP Book + CB Ttar - Specs Pult + NP Book + CB Ttar": dragapult / clefable / ferrothorn / landorustherian / tyranitar / venomicon (
"LO 3atks Hydreigon - LO 3atks Hydreigon": hydreigon / aggron / buzzwole / diggersby / rotomwash / tangrowth (
"Untitled 330 - Untitled 330": primarina / hydreigon / moltres / nidoqueen / skarmory / zeraora (
"Scizor + Hex Chandy BO - Scizor + Hex Chandy BO": scizor / amoonguss / chandelure / hydreigon / primarina / rhyperior (
"SD Rhyperior + Zarude Offense - SD Rhyperior + Zarude Offense": rhyperior / aegislash / salamence / volcanion / zarude / zeraora (
"Glowbro + CB Bisharp Balance - Glowbro + CB Bisharp Balance": hippowdon / bisharp / skarmory / slowbrogalar / tangrowth / zeraora (
"SD Bulu + Tenta - SD Bulu + Tenta": tapubulu / buzzwole / hippowdon / hydreigon / scizor / tentacruel (
"Dracozolt Sand Balance - Dracozolt Sand Balance": buzzwole / dracozolt / hippowdon / mandibuzz / scizor / slowking (
"Untitled 2410 - Untitled 2410": dragonite / celesteela / necrozma / polteageist / sharpedo / swampert (
"Ghost Spam HO - Ghost Spam HO ": froslass / aegislash / cobalion / mamoswine / polteageist / salamence (
"Specs Helio + Eggy Sand - Specs Helio + Eggy Sand": sandslash / exeggutoralola / gigalith / heliolisk / lycanroc / xatu (
"Drapion Mantine Balance - Drapion Mantine Balance": drapion / copperajah / mantine / mudsdale / rotommow / sylveon (
"cb ttrum - cb ttrum": tyrantrum / escavalier / rotommow / silvallyground / talonflame / toxicroak (
"dd aero spikes - dd aero spikes": aerodactyl / dhelmise / garbodor / heliolisk / inteleon / stunfiskgalar (
"Starmie Spikes vs ACR1 NUSD - Starmie Spikes vs ACR1 NUSD": starmie / ferroseed / rhydon / rotommow / sableye / sylveon (
"Growth Plume - Growth Plume": vileplume / articunogalar / escavalier / inteleon / rhydon / rotommow (
"BU Braviary - BU Braviary": braviary / gastrodon / rotommow / salazzle / stakataka / sylveon (
"Double Meteor Beam Waters - Double Meteor Beam Waters": omastar / aurorus / decidueye / grimmsnarl / silvallyground / starmie (
"Sample Team Screenshot ft. Croak - Sample Team Screenshot ft. Croak": toxicroak / copperajah / mudsdale / rotommow / talonflame / vaporeon (
"CM Keldeo + Autotomize Celesteela HO - CM Keldeo + Autotomize Celesteela HO": excadrill / azelf / celesteela / gyarados / keldeo / scizor (
"Choice Specs Vanilluxe + Expert Belt Azelf BO - Choice Specs Vanilluxe + Expert Belt Azelf BO": vanilluxe / azelf / excadrill / salamence / slowking / zarudedada (
"LO Mamoswine + Salazzle BO - LO Mamoswine + Salazzle BO": mamoswine / celesteela / cobalion / salazzle / slowking / zarudedada (
"Thundurus-T + Choice Scarf Diggersby VoltTurn - Thundurus-T + Choice Scarf Diggersby VoltTurn": thundurustherian / cobalion / diggersby / moltres / slowking / zarude (
"Swords Dance Scizor + CM Keldeo Bulky Offense - Swords Dance Scizor + CM Keldeo Bulky Offense": hippowdon / amoonguss / keldeoresolute / mandibuzz / raikou / scizor (
"Life Orb Starmie + Protective Pads Scizor BO - Life Orb Starmie + Protective Pads Scizor BO": scizor / amoonguss / hippowdon / hydreigon / starmie / thundurustherian (
"Choice Specs Keldeo + Pivot Rotom-W Sand - Choice Specs Keldeo + Pivot Rotom-W Sand": hippowdon / excadrill / keldeo / rotomwash / salamence / tangrowth (
"Noivern + Thundurus-T Spikes BO - Noivern + Thundurus-T Spikes BO": hippowdon / noivern / skarmory / slowking / thundurustherian / zarudedada (
"Jellicent + Articuno Spikes Semi-Stall - Jellicent + Articuno Spikes Semi-Stall": umbreon / articuno / chansey / hippowdon / jellicent / skarmory (
"Nihilego Stall - Nihilego Stall": chansey / nihilego / quagsire / salamence / tangrowth / umbreon (
tyranitar / alakazam / ferrothorn / keldeo / landorustherian / latios (
"WIFI OU - SPLXIII W8 vs GaryTheGengar - WIFI OU - SPLXIII W8 vs GaryTheGengar": tyranitar / alakazam / landorustherian / latios / rotomwash / skarmory (
"Hippo Reuni Mag Sand by Dice, recreated by Peng - Hippo Reuni Mag Sand by Dice, recreated by Peng": hippowdon / excadrill / ferrothorn / latios / magnezone / reuniclus (
"WIFI OU - SPL W8 vs dice - WIFI OU - SPL W8 vs dice": alakazam / excadrill / jellicent / mamoswine / skarmory / tyranitar (
"sdown lando scarf chomp - sdown lando scarf chomp": tyranitar / celebi / excadrill / garchomp / landorustherian / rotomwash (
"Gen 5 OU Mamo Sand Edit - Gen 5 OU Mamo Sand Edit": tyranitar / amoonguss / excadrill / gliscor / keldeo / mamoswine (
"Gen 5 OU Scarf Keldeo - Gen 5 OU Scarf Keldeo": politoed / ferrothorn / keldeoresolute / latios / tentacruel / thundurustherian (
"SubCM Jirachi by BKC, recreated by Monai - SubCM Jirachi by BKC, recreated by Monai": politoed / ferrothorn / jirachi / latios / tentacruel / thundurustherian (
"Week 1 U-Turn ThundyT CB Mamo Rain - Week 1 U-Turn ThundyT CB Mamo Rain": politoed / ferrothorn / latios / mamoswine / tentacruel / thundurustherian (
"WIFI OU - SPL W9 vs ima - WIFI OU - SPL W9 vs ima": politoed / ferrothorn / garchomp / keldeo / starmie / thundurustherian (
"WIFI OU - BWPL W2 vs Rewer - WIFI OU - BWPL W2 vs Rewer": politoed / ferrothorn / garchomp / kyuremblack / latios / starmie (
"Gen 5 OU Smurf Double LO Plate Volc - Gen 5 OU Smurf Double LO Plate Volc": garchomp / breloom / dragonite / scizor / starmie / volcarona (
"Terrak Chomp HO - Terrak Chomp HO": garchomp / breloom / dragonite / scizor / starmie / terrakion (
"Dice hail - Dice hail": abomasnow / cloyster / dragonite / jirachi / landorustherian / volcarona (
"Untitled 1 - Untitled 1": garchomp / cloyster / dragonite / jirachi / magnezone / starmie (
empoleon / bronzong / dragonite / jirachi / starmie / tyranitar (
metagross / infernape / latias / rotomwash / scizor / tyranitar (
zapdos / blissey / breloom / heatran / metagross / starmie (
azelf / gyarados / jirachi / metagross / tyranitar / zapdos (
roserade / heatran / jirachi / latias / rotomheat / suicune (
skarmory / flygon / gyarados / lucario / rotomheat / tyranitar (
jirachi / clefable / flygon / gliscor / magnezone / milotic (
hippowdon / clefable / gliscor / jirachi / skarmory / starmie (
dragonite / bronzong / gengar / magnezone / metagross / tyranitar (
tyranitar / clefable / jirachi / latias / quagsire / skarmory (
rotomfrost / jirachi / latias / lucario / skarmory / swampert (
bronzong / clefable / flygon / latias / rotomfrost / skarmory (
zapdos / blissey / forretress / jirachi / latias / swampert (
swampert / gengar / jirachi / latias / metagross / tyranitar (
"Starmie TSS submitted by UD - Starmie TSS submitted by UD": skarmory / blissey / gengar / starmie / swampert / tyranitar (
"Molt Superman by Golden Sun - Molt Superman by Golden Sun": tyranitar / flygon / gengar / jirachi / moltres / skarmory (
celebi / aerodactyl / magneton / skarmory / swampert / tyranitar (
tyranitar / blissey / gengar / moltres / skarmory / swampert (
"MixMence Aero Forre TSS - MixMence Aero Forre TSS": salamence / aerodactyl / blissey / forretress / jirachi / tyranitar (
"JoltStar Spike Stack by Kerts - JoltStar Spike Stack by Kerts": skarmory / gengar / jolteon / metagross / starmie / tyranitar (
zapdos / celebi / dugtrio / skarmory / swampert / tyranitar (
tyranitar / blissey / dugtrio / forretress / gengar / swampert (
"MiloDol TSS by Zokuru - MiloDol TSS by Zokuru": tyranitar / blissey / claydol / dugtrio / milotic / skarmory (
"Hariyama Marowak SpinMie Balance - Hariyama Marowak SpinMie Balance": hariyama / celebi / jirachi / marowak / salamence / starmie (
"SubZap OffYama SpinMie Balance - SubZap OffYama SpinMie Balance": zapdos / blissey / hariyama / metagross / starmie / tyranitar (
"Blue Offense By Noitu - Blue Offense By Noitu": suicune / heracross / magneton / metagross / salamence / snorlax (
salamence / metagross / snorlax / swampert / tyranitar / zapdos (
"ZapDug Offense - ZapDug Offense": zapdos / celebi / dugtrio / starmie / swampert / tyranitar (
"Smeargle Vaporeon Offense - Smeargle Vaporeon Offense": vaporeon / aerodactyl / gengar / metagross / smeargle / tyranitar (
"Smeargle Zapdos Offense - Smeargle Zapdos Offense": zapdos / aerodactyl / metagross / smeargle / swampert / tyranitar (
"CM Spam by dekzeh - CM Spam by dekzeh ": suicune / celebi / dugtrio / jirachi / porygon2 / raikou (
"Magneton Special Spam - Magneton Special Spam": zapdos / celebi / jirachi / magneton / porygon2 / swampert (
"CBMeta Mag SubPassBi DDSpam - CBMeta Mag SubPassBi DDSpam": metagross / celebi / gyarados / magneton / salamence / tyranitar (
salamence / celebi / claydol / magneton / snorlax / suicune (
"SD Pass by z0mog - SD Pass by z0mog": tyranitar / aerodactyl / celebi / magneton / metagross / swampert (
"Milotic SD Pass - Milotic SD Pass": metagross / celebi / gyarados / heracross / magneton / milotic (
snorlax / cloyster / gengar / nidoking / tyranitar / zapdos (
nidoking / cloyster / machamp / snorlax / tyranitar / zapdos (
"Jynx + Gengar Offense - Jynx + Gengar Offense": snorlax / cloyster / gengar / golem / jynx / zapdos (
"Vaporeon + Explosions Offense - Vaporeon + Explosions Offense": zapdos / cloyster / exeggutor / snorlax / steelix / vaporeon (
"Paralysis & Marowak - Paralysis & Marowak": snorlax / cloyster / marowak / starmie / tyranitar / zapdos (
"Heracross + Explosions - Heracross + Explosions": raikou / cloyster / exeggutor / golem / heracross / snorlax (
zapdos / cloyster / gengar / golem / raikou / snorlax (
exeggutor / cloyster / espeon / golem / snorlax / zapdos (
zapdos / alakazam / cloyster / exeggutor / gengar / snorlax (
"Moltres + Exeggutor Offense - Moltres + Exeggutor Offense": snorlax / cloyster / exeggutor / golem / moltres / zapdos (
smeargle / jolteon / machamp / marowak / scizor / snorlax (
snorlax / marowak / miltank / raikou / skarmory / starmie (
zapdos / miltank / quagsire / snorlax / starmie / tyranitar (
exeggutor / charizard / raikou / rhydon / snorlax / starmie (
zapdos / cloyster / golem / raikou / skarmory / snorlax (
"Spin Tentacruel Stall - Spin Tentacruel Stall": raikou / forretress / skarmory / snorlax / tentacruel / tyranitar (
snorlax / forretress / raikou / skarmory / starmie / umbreon (
"Double Dog Golem Stall - Double Dog Golem Stall": snorlax / cloyster / golem / raikou / skarmory / suicune (
snorlax / blissey / cloyster / golem / skarmory / zapdos (
"Starmie + Exeggutor + Alakazam - Starmie + Exeggutor + Alakazam": starmie / alakazam / chansey / exeggutor / snorlax / tauros (
"Starmie + Exeggutor + Zapdos - Starmie + Exeggutor + Zapdos": starmie / chansey / exeggutor / snorlax / tauros / zapdos (
"Starmie + Exeggutor + Rhydon - Starmie + Exeggutor + Rhydon": starmie / chansey / exeggutor / rhydon / snorlax / tauros (
"Alakazam + Exeggutor + Starmie - Alakazam + Exeggutor + Starmie": alakazam / chansey / exeggutor / snorlax / starmie / tauros (
"Alakazam + Exeggutor + Slowbro - Alakazam + Exeggutor + Slowbro": alakazam / chansey / exeggutor / slowbro / snorlax / tauros (
"Gengar + Starmie + Alakazam - Gengar + Starmie + Alakazam": gengar / alakazam / chansey / snorlax / starmie / tauros (
"Gengar + Starmie + Zapdos - Gengar + Starmie + Zapdos": gengar / chansey / snorlax / starmie / tauros / zapdos (
"Gengar + Exeggutor + Starmie - Gengar + Exeggutor + Starmie": gengar / chansey / exeggutor / snorlax / starmie / tauros (
"Gengar + Exeggutor + Cloyster - Gengar + Exeggutor + Cloyster": gengar / chansey / cloyster / exeggutor / snorlax / tauros (
"Gengar + Cloyster + Alakazam - Gengar + Cloyster + Alakazam": gengar / alakazam / chansey / cloyster / snorlax / tauros (
"Jynx + Starmie + Alakazam - Jynx + Starmie + Alakazam": jynx / alakazam / chansey / snorlax / starmie / tauros (
"Jynx + Starmie + Zapdos - Jynx + Starmie + Zapdos": jynx / chansey / snorlax / starmie / tauros / zapdos (
"Jynx + Starmie + Rhydon - Jynx + Starmie + Rhydon": jynx / chansey / rhydon / snorlax / starmie / tauros (
"Jynx + Cloyster + Alakazam - Jynx + Cloyster + Alakazam": jynx / alakazam / chansey / cloyster / snorlax / tauros (
"Starmie + Cloyster + Jolteon - Starmie + Cloyster + Jolteon": starmie / chansey / cloyster / jolteon / snorlax / tauros (
"Starmie + Cloyster + Alakazam - Starmie + Cloyster + Alakazam": starmie / alakazam / chansey / cloyster / snorlax / tauros (
"Alakazam + Starmie + Rhydon - Alakazam + Starmie + Rhydon": alakazam / chansey / rhydon / snorlax / starmie / tauros (
"Semi DragMag+DemonClef HO (by Elfuseon and Xilefi) - Semi DragMag+DemonClef HO (by Elfuseon and Xilefi)": latias / azumarill / clefable / magnezone / scizor / skarmory (
"HO DragSpam+SteelSpam (by Xilefi) - HO DragSpam+SteelSpam (by Xilefi)": azelf / azumarill / dragonite / latias / lucario / scizor (
"SD Chomp + BD Azu (by Xilefi) - SD Chomp + BD Azu (by Xilefi)": azelf / azumarill / celebi / garchomp / lucario / scizor (
"Spikes Rose+Weav Offense (by Xilefi) - Spikes Rose+Weav Offense (by Xilefi)": weavile / heatran / latias / roserade / scizor / starmie (
"Volturn Mix Ape Offense (by Huargensy) - Volturn Mix Ape Offense (by Huargensy)": latias / gliscor / infernape / rotomwash / scizor / weavile (
"Nidoking + Beat Up Weavile (by Elfuseon) - Nidoking + Beat Up Weavile (by Elfuseon)": weavile / garchomp / heatran / nidoking / rotomwash / scizor (
"Recover Mie + Togekiss (by Typhoon Carter) - Recover Mie + Togekiss (by Typhoon Carter)": togekiss / clefable / garchomp / heatran / scizor / starmie (
"Dragon Spam + SpD Heatran (by Huargensy) - Dragon Spam + SpD Heatran (by Huargensy)": latias / clefable / garchomp / heatran / rotomwash / tangrowth (
"LO Recover Mie + DemonClef BO (by Typhoon Carter) - LO Recover Mie + DemonClef BO (by Typhoon Carter)": starmie / clefable / gliscor / heatran / scizor / weavile (
"Suicune + Tspikes (by Huargensy) - Suicune + Tspikes (by Huargensy)": roserade / clefable / gliscor / scizor / suicune / weavile (
"Milo+Mamo Balance (by Xilefi) - Milo+Mamo Balance (by Xilefi)": latias / gliscor / heatran / mamoswine / milotic / scizor (
"Bliss Tang Balance (by Typhoon Carter) - Bliss Tang Balance (by Typhoon Carter)": blissey / clefable / crawdaunt / garchomp / scizor / tangrowth (
"Defensive Ape Balance (by Huargensy) - Defensive Ape Balance (by Huargensy)": gliscor / crawdaunt / infernape / scizor / tangrowth / weavile (
"Wrath+Mence Stall (by Xilefi) - Wrath+Mence Stall (by Xilefi)": poliwrath / clefable / gastrodon / mew / salamence / skarmory (
"Slowking+Quagsire Stall (inspired by Xyeu) - Slowking+Quagsire Stall (inspired by Xyeu)": blissey / dragonite / quagsire / skarmory / slowking / tangrowth (
"Untitled 1 - Untitled 1": cloyster / aerodactyl / scizor / thundurustherian / volcarona / weavile (
shuckle / azumarill / bisharp / hoopa / scizor / thundurus (
"sand screens - sand screens": tyranitar / excadrill / landorustherian / latias / serperior / volcarona (
landorustherian / altaria / latias / manaphy / serperior / volcarona (
"trosko stall - trosko stall": quagsire / altaria / chansey / magnezone / suicune / zapdos (
"megazor stall - megazor stall": clefable / chansey / gastrodon / scizor / slowbro / zapdos (
"jon clef spike cofa - jon clef spike cofa": skarmory / clefable / cofagrigus / gastrodon / heatran / lopunny (
tyranitar / clefable / excadrill / serperior / volcanion / zapdos (
"Zam Glisc Ferro by fade - Zam Glisc Ferro by fade": clefable / alakazam / ferrothorn / gliscor / heatran / rotomwash (
"mgallade by xray - mgallade by xray": clefable / excadrill / gallade / volcanion / weavile / zapdos (
"xray Sun - xray Sun": charizard / excadrill / heatran / serperior / slowbro / weavile (
metagross / excadrill / rotomwash / serperior / tornadustherian / volcanion (
"Diancie Weavile TSpike - Diancie Weavile TSpike": weavile / cofagrigus / diancie / excadrill / tornadustherian / volcanion (
"medi mana volturn - medi mana volturn": manaphy / clefable / excadrill / medicham / rotomwash / tornadustherian (
"Crystal Lynn Fairy Spam - Crystal Lynn Fairy Spam": mawile / greninja / kartana / landorustherian / magearna / tapulele (
"Empo Medi Iapapa Volc - Empo Medi Iapapa Volc": medicham / kartana / landorustherian / magearna / rotomwash / volcarona (
"Alexander Scizor BO - beat up edit - Alexander Scizor BO - beat up edit": scizor / heatran / kyuremblack / landorustherian / tapufini / weavile (
"z0mOG Lopunny Fini BO - z0mOG Lopunny Fini BO": lopunny / garchomp / jirachi / kartana / tapufini / zapdos (
"Ben Gay Sub Mawile - Ben Gay Sub Mawile": mawile / ferrothorn / garchomp / greninja / landorustherian / victini (
"Xtra HO - Xtra HO": landorustherian / hawlucha / kyuremblack / magearna / medicham / tapukoko (
"Psychic Spam - Psychic Spam": kartana / alakazam / landorustherian / magearna / rotomwash / tapulele (
tyranitar / landorustherian / magearna / manaphy / serperior / tapukoko (
"ABR Sub Zard HO - ABR Sub Zard HO": charizard / kommoo / magearna / mew / serperior / volcarona (
"Will of Fire Diancie HO - Will of Fire Diancie HO": diancie / kartana / kyuremblack / tapulele / thundurustherian / volcarona (
"Ske Rain - Ske Rain": swampert / ferrothorn / greninja / manaphy / pelipper / tornadustherian (
"ABR Sun - ABR Sun": kartana / charizard / heatran / landorustherian / tapufini / weavile (
tyranitar / celesteela / excadrill / kartana / toxapex / zapdos (
latias / clefable / gliscor / heatran / tornadustherian / toxapex (
latias / clefable / gastrodon / heatran / reuniclus / skarmory (
latias / chansey / gliscor / magnezone / toxapex / weavile (
kommoo / ferrothorn / gliscor / latias / tornadustherian / toxapex (
"Roar Tran + Tspike Gren - Roar Tran + Tspike Gren": latias / clefable / ferrothorn / greninja / heatran / landorustherian (
"Mawile Chansey Balance - Mawile Chansey Balance": mawile / chansey / gliscor / kartana / magnezone / slowbro (
"Jomatoes' SLC Team 19th place in Standings (6-2 record) - Jomatoes' SLC Team 19th place in Standings (6-2 record)": zacian / incineroar / indeedeef / kyogre / landorustherian / rillaboomgmax (
"Rinya Sun Variant - Rinya Sun Variant": zacian / charizardgmax / gastrodon / grimmsnarl / groudon / incineroar (
"T32 SLC Palkia Zacian - T32 SLC Palkia Zacian": zacian / amoonguss / incineroar / indeedeef / palkia / porygon2 (
"BANKAI - BANKAI": yveltal / amoonguss / incineroar / landorustherian / regieleki / zacian (
"Alberto's SLC Team 11th place in Standings (6-2 swiss record) - Alberto's SLC Team 11th place in Standings (6-2 swiss record)": calyrexshadow / indeedeef / kyogre / landorustherian / regieleki / whimsicott (
"Top 8 SLC Regionals Dusk Mane Team - Top 8 SLC Regionals Dusk Mane Team": necrozmaduskmane / amoonguss / incineroar / kyogre / mimikyu / regieleki (
"Cybertron's Groudon/Solgaleo Team - Cybertron's Groudon/Solgaleo Team": solgaleo / charizardgmax / groudon / indeedeef / mimikyu / whimsicott (
"double giraffe core - double giraffe core": ragingbolt / chiyu / farigiraf / fluttermane / ogerponwellspring / tornadus (
"@MeteorBeamer - @MeteorBeamer": glimmora / chienpao / entei / fluttermane / landorustherian / ogerponwellspring (
"E force Hoopa & Diancie - E force Hoopa & Diancie": rillaboom / diancie / hoopaunbound / indeedeef / volcanion / zapdosgalar (
"og klifog - og klifog": kingambit / fluttermane / glimmora / incineroar / landorus / ogerponwellspring (
"dlt - dlt": archaludon / fluttermane / landorustherian / porygon2 / rillaboom / volcanion (
"change p2 ivs before game - change p2 ivs before game": incineroar / archaludon / ogerponwellspring / pelipper / porygon2 / rillaboom (
"daunt rain - daunt rain": pelipper / barraskewda / crawdaunt / ferrothorn / seismitoad / zapdos (
"Aurora Veil + Cloy + DD Pult - Aurora Veil + Cloy + DD Pult": ninetalesalola / cloyster / dragapult / garchomp / heatran / scizor (
"Sticky Barb Clef + Encore Tini - Sticky Barb Clef + Encore Tini": tapukoko / clefable / dragonite / ferrothorn / landorustherian / victini (
"Scarf FSight Lele Heatran BO - Scarf FSight Lele Heatran BO": urshifurapidstrike / heatran / kartana / landorustherian / rotomwash / tapulele (
"KokoTini HStack - KokoTini HStack": tapukoko / bisharp / ferrothorn / landorustherian / slowbro / victini (
"Pads Shifu + Scarf Lele Sand - Pads Shifu + Scarf Lele Sand": urshifurapidstrike / excadrill / ferrothorn / tapulele / tyranitar / zapdos (
"Blaziken Rilla BO - Blaziken Rilla BO": rillaboom / blaziken / garchomp / melmetal / slowbro / tornadustherian (
"Calm Mind Fini Hail - Calm Mind Fini Hail": ninetalesalola / arctozolt / heatran / kartana / landorustherian / tapufini (
"AV Torn + Pads Shifu FSight Offense - AV Torn + Pads Shifu FSight Offense": landorustherian / dragapult / ferrothorn / tapulele / tornadustherian / urshifurapidstrike (
"Storm Zone Mew Sand - Storm Zone Mew Sand": tyranitar / clefable / excadrill / mew / rotomwash / tangrowth (
"gking stall - gking stall": gastrodon / blissey / clefable / corviknight / slowkinggalar / toxapex (
groudon / arceusdark / giratinaorigin / hooh / kyogre / zacian (
groudon / hooh / kyogre / yveltal / zacian / zygarde (
groudon / arceus / hooh / kyogre / yveltal / zygarde (
shuckle / arceus / groudon / necrozmaduskmane / rayquaza / xerneas (
deoxysspeed / arceus / eternatus / marshadow / xerneas / zacian (
dondozo / arceusdark / chansey / eternatus / giratinaorigin / hooh (
"120% Potential - 120% Potential": volcarona / glimmora / hatterene / ironboulder / kingambit / roaringmoon (
volcarona / dragapult / kingambit / landorustherian / ogerponwellspring / primarina (
"Untitled 908 - Untitled 908": serperior / greattusk / hawlucha / heatran / rillaboom / roaringmoon (
"Triple Steel rain - Triple Steel rain": pelipper / archaludon / barraskewda / irontreads / kingambit / ragingbolt (
"Untitled 1574 - Untitled 1574": tinglu / gholdengo / meowscarada / skarmory / toxapex / zamazenta (
"Kyurem + Hex Pult - Kyurem + Hex Pult": kyurem / dragapult / gliscor / kingambit / skarmory / slowkinggalar (
"Volcarona Weavile Fat - Volcarona Weavile Fat": volcarona / clefable / corviknight / dondozo / gliscor / weavile (
"SupaG x Quacc Ice Apple Stall - SupaG x Quacc Ice Apple Stall": hydrapple / alomomola / blissey / clodsire / dondozo / gliscor (
"FWG Offense - FWG Offense": mienfoo / chinchou / glimmet / larvesta / snivy / vullaby (
"Timburr Offense - Timburr Offense": gastly / elekid / glimmet / growlithehisui / timburr / vullaby (
"Untitled 5 - Untitled 5": mienfoo / gastly / porygon / tinkatink / trapinch / vullaby (
"Magby Funnel - Magby Funnel": gastly / glimmet / magby / mienfoo / toedscool / vullaby (
"FooSnubGoth by genisu - FooSnubGoth by genisu": snubbull / gothita / growlithehisui / mienfoo / snivy / stunky (
"XTRASHINE HO - XTRASHINE HO": medicham / hawlucha / ironcrown / kartana / landorustherian / tapukoko (
"4A Mawile - 4A Mawile": dragonite / ferrothorn / landorustherian / mawile / tapukoko / urshifurapidstrike (
"serp gking offense - serp gking offense": zamazenta / ironmoth / landorustherian / scizor / serperior / slowkinggalar (
"Gouging Fire Sun - Gouging Fire Sun": torkoal / alomomola / gougingfire / irontreads / landorustherian / ragingbolt (
"Classy kommo - Classy kommo": ferrothorn / dragonite / landorustherian / medicham / rotomwash / volcarona (
"Untitled 1129 - Untitled 1129": medicham / heatran / landorustherian / ragingbolt / toxapex / weavile (
"Mlop waterpon balance - Mlop waterpon balance": lopunny / heatran / landorustherian / ogerponwellspring / slowkinggalar / tornadustherian (
"ezra venu balance - ezra venu balance": garchomp / corviknight / samurotthisui / skeledirge / tapulele / venusaur (
"Untitled 1138 - Untitled 1138": lopunny / gougingfire / ironcrown / kartana / landorustherian / rotomwash (
"THUG koko zama balance - THUG koko zama balance": skarmory / gliscor / tapukoko / toxapex / tyranitar / zamazenta (
"val balance - val balance": latias / clefable / ferrothorn / ironvaliant / landorustherian / toxapex (
"[Bug] M.Pinsir + SD Lokix Offense - [Bug] M.Pinsir + SD Lokix Offense": lokix / armaldo / buzzwole / pinsir / scizor / volcarona (
"[Bug] Mega Scizor Webs Offense - [Bug] Mega Scizor Webs Offense": araquanid / armaldo / buzzwole / galvantula / scizor / volcarona (
"[Dark] Weavile Balance - [Dark] Weavile Balance": weavile / hydreigon / mandibuzz / meowscarada / sableye / tinglu (
"[Dark] Roaring Moon Balance - [Dark] Roaring Moon Balance": roaringmoon / mandibuzz / meowscarada / mukalola / sableye / tinglu (
"[Dragon] Bulky Offense - [Dragon] Bulky Offense": roaringmoon / altaria / dragalge / garchomp / kommoo / kyurem (
"[Dragon] Goodra-H Balance - [Dragon] Goodra-H Balance": altaria / garchomp / goodrahisui / kommoo / kyurem / latias (
"[Electric] Z-Alolan Raichu + Iron Hands Offense - [Electric] Z-Alolan Raichu + Iron Hands Offense": zapdos / ironhands / raichualola / rotomwash / tapukoko / zeraora (
"[Electric] Z-Zeraora+ Magnezone Offense - [Electric] Z-Zeraora+ Magnezone Offense": tapukoko / magnezone / raichualola / rotomwash / zapdos / zeraora (
"[Fairy] Screens Hyper Offense - [Fairy] Screens Hyper Offense": ironvaliant / diancie / klefki / tapubulu / tapukoko / tapulele (
"[Fighting] Balance - [Fighting] Balance": greattusk / gallade / ironhands / ironvaliant / kommoo / sneasler (
"[Fire] Screens Offense - [Fire] Screens Offense": rotomheat / ceruledge / charizard / ironmoth / torkoal / volcarona (
"[Fire] M. Charizard-Y - [Fire] M. Charizard-Y": charizard / arcaninehisui / blacephalon / cinderace / volcanion / volcarona (
"[Flying] M.Aerodactyl + Z-Galarian Moltres Offense - [Flying] M.Aerodactyl + Z-Galarian Moltres Offense": aerodactyl / corviknight / landorus / moltresgalar / thundurustherian / zapdosgalar (
"[Flying] Balance - [Flying] Balance": celesteela / charizard / dragonite / gliscor / mantine / thundurustherian (
"[Flying] Semi Stall - [Flying] Semi Stall": tornadustherian / celesteela / gliscor / mantine / moltresgalar / zapdos (
"[Ghost] Hazard Stack - [Ghost] Hazard Stack": gholdengo / blacephalon / brambleghast / corsolagalar / mimikyu / sableye (
"[Grass] Standard - [Grass] Standard": rillaboom / cradily / ferrothorn / meowscarada / venusaur / whimsicott (
"[Grass] Z-Celebi Balance - [Grass] Z-Celebi Balance": ferrothorn / venusaur / whimsicott / meowscarada / breloom / celebi (
"[Ground] Sand Offense - [Ground] Sand Offense": hippowdon / clodsire / excadrill / garchomp / greattusk / landorus (
"[Ground] Bulky Offense - [Ground] Bulky Offense": gastrodoneast / greattusk / landorus / mamoswine / steelix / tinglu (
"[Ice] Snow Offense - [Ice] Snow Offense": ninetalesalola / arctozolt / avalugg / cetitan / darmanitangalar / kyurem (
"[Normal] Mega Pidgeot - [Normal] Mega Pidgeot": staraptor / bewear / blissey / ditto / pidgeot / ursaluna (
"[Normal] Mega Lopunny Offense - [Normal] Mega Lopunny Offense": lopunny / blissey / ditto / porygon2 / staraptor / zoroarkhisui (
"[Poison] Semi-Stall - [Poison] Semi-Stall": venusaur / crobat / mukalola / nidoking / slowkinggalar / toxapex (
"[Poison] Sneasler Balance - [Poison] Sneasler Balance": sneasler / crobat / mukalola / nidoking / toxapex / venusaur (
"[Psychic] Balance - [Psychic] Balance": jirachi / gallade / latios / slowbro / tapulele / victini (
"[Rock] Webs Offense - [Rock] Webs Offense": diancie / minior / omastar / shuckle / terrakion / tyranitar (
"[Rock] Bulky Offense - [Rock] Bulky Offense": diancie / coalossal / cradily / garganacl / nihilego / tyranitar (
"[Steel] Z-Gholdengo Balance - [Steel] Z-Gholdengo Balance": scizor / celesteela / ferrothorn / gholdengo / heatran / irontreads (
"[Water] Rain Offense - [Water] Rain Offense": pelipper / barraskewda / greninja / manaphy / swampert / toxapex (
"[Water] Rainless Balance - [Water] Rainless Balance": dondozo / gastrodon / greninja / rotomwash / toxapex / urshifurapidstrike (
"[Water] Rainless Balance - [Water] Rainless Balance": toxapex / gastrodon / gyarados / tapufini / urshifurapidstrike / volcanion (
"[Water] Stall - [Water] Stall": toxapex / azumarill / dondozo / gastrodon / lanturn / mantine (
"Barraskewda + Pawmot Balance - Barraskewda + Pawmot Balance": barraskewda / brambleghast / fezandipiti / hippowdon / pawmot / umbreon (
"Untitled 9 - Untitled 9": donphan / kilowattrel / slitherwing / tinkaton / tyranitar / vaporeon (
"Maus in the Haus - Maus in the Haus": mausholdfour / cyclizar / slitherwing / tinkaton / vaporeon / yanmega (
"Pawmot + Red Card Mimikyu BO - Pawmot + Red Card Mimikyu BO": hippowdon / diancie / mimikyu / noivern / pawmot / umbreon (
"Band Zoroark Balance - Band Zoroark Balance": thundurus / cyclizar / hippowdon / milotic / umbreon / zoroarkhisui (
"Bulky ZoroSharp - Bulky ZoroSharp": zoroarkhisui / bisharp / chesnaught / donphan / milotic / talonflame (
politoed / barraskewda / bisharp / kilowattrel / tornadus / toxicroak (
"Gengar + Maushold Offense - Gengar + Maushold Offense": zoroarkhisui / kilowattrel / mausholdfour / mimikyu / tinkaton / vaporeon (
"potatochan balance - potatochan balance": dragapult / arghonaut / equilibra / garganacl / hemogoblin / venomicon (
"shrimp - shrimp": zamazenta / equilibra / hemogoblin / hoopaunbound / krilowatt / venomicon (
"valiant maw screens - valiant maw screens": samurotthisui / dragapult / ironmoth / ironvaliant / miasmaw / ursaluna (
"BU Tusk HO - BU Tusk HO": samurotthisui / caribolt / greattusk / hatterene / ironmoth / kingambit (
"Sample Sun - Sample Sun": malaconda / greattusk / ironmoth / roaringmoon / venomicon / walkingwake (
"sdfsdfgdgb - sdfsdfgdgb": sandaconda / articuno / dudunsparce / hariyama / magneton / mesprit (
"Untitled 640 - Untitled 640": wochien / floatzel / hariyama / mismagius / sandaconda / sandslashalola (
"subsd glastrier - subsd glastrier": glastrier / decidueye / hariyama / mesprit / sandaconda / skuntank (
"Ceruledge Hazard Stack HO - Ceruledge Hazard Stack HO": ceruledge / azumarill / garchomp / kommoo / moltresgalar / ogerponcornerstone (
"Webs - Webs": ribombee / garchomp / gengar / ironmoth / ogerponcornerstone / terrakion (
"Screens - Screens": grimmsnarl / azumarill / garchomp / moltresgalar / sandyshocks / scizor (
"Veil - Veil": ninetalesalola / ceruledge / irontreads / kommoo / moltresgalar / ogerponcornerstone (
"Mono Ais - Mono Ais": ninetalesalola / cetitan / cloyster / frosmoth / mamoswine / sandslashalola (
"Standard BO - Standard BO": latios / amoonguss / ironmoth / irontreads / keldeoresolute / tyranitar (
"Standard BO - Standard BO": keldeoresolute / garchomp / mandibuzz / ogerponcornerstone / scizor / zapdos (
"Pokeaim used this - Pokeaim used this": garchomp / arcaninehisui / metagross / quaquaval / raikou / tornadustherian (
"Latios Scarf Terrak BO - Latios Scarf Terrak BO": amoonguss / azumarill / irontreads / latios / terrakion / tornadustherian (
"Okidogi BO - Okidogi BO": latios / irontreads / mamoswine / okidogi / rotomwash / tornadustherian (
"Enamorus Offense - Enamorus Offense": enamorustherian / irontreads / latios / lokix / metagross / tornadustherian (
"Battle Bond Greninja Balance - Battle Bond Greninja Balance": garganacl / alomomola / greninjabond / hoopaunbound / irontreads / zapdos (
"Hydrapple Garga balance - Hydrapple Garga balance": tornadustherian / garganacl / hydrapple / mienshao / tinkaton / zapdos (
garganacl / amoonguss / greninja / irontreads / scizor / tornadustherian (
"Alomomola + Ursaluna - Alomomola + Ursaluna": alomomola / latios / tentacruel / tinkaton / tornadustherian / ursaluna (
"Semistall - Semistall ": mienshao / garganacl / jirachi / latios / mandibuzz / quagsire (
"Stall - Stall": alomomola / blissey / quagsire / reuniclus / tinkaton / weezinggalar (
"SVNDUU - Kapiushon - SVNDUU - Kapiushon": hydreigon / celesteela / cinderace / swampert / thundurustherian / venusaur (
"sand [Edited] - sand [Edited]": cinderace / celesteela / clefable / excadrill / gastrodon / tyranitar (
"Hipposteela > Hipposkarm CB Azu edit - Hipposteela > Hipposkarm CB Azu edit": latias / azumarill / celesteela / excadrill / hippowdon / reuniclus (
"CM Fairyceus + Specs Calyrex-S Balance - CM Fairyceus + Specs Calyrex-S Balance": arceusfairy / arceus / calyrexshadow / koraidon / tinglu / toxapex (
"Sd Lum Korai + Scarf Mirai + Np Caly + Sd Arceus Balance - Sd Lum Korai + Scarf Mirai + Np Caly + Sd Arceus Balance": arceus / calyrexshadow / koraidon / miraidon / tinglu / toxapex (
"SD Zacian-C + Giratina-O Balance - SD Zacian-C + Giratina-O Balance": zacian / arceus / giratinaorigin / koraidon / tinglu / toxapex (
"Solar Beam Miraidon + Calyrex-S BO - Solar Beam Miraidon + Calyrex-S BO ": miraidon / arceus / calyrexshadow / koraidon / skeledirge / tinglu (
"Scarf Miraidon + Flying Zacian-C BO - Scarf Miraidon + Flying Zacian-C BO": miraidon / arceus / calyrexshadow / tinglu / toxapex / zacian (
"Dual CM Arceus + Scarf Calyrex-S BO - Dual CM Arceus + Scarf Calyrex-S BO": arceus / arceusfairy / arceusground / calyrexshadow / tinglu / toxapex (
"Specs Calyrex-S + Tera Ground Zacian-C - Specs Calyrex-S + Tera Ground Zacian-C": calyrexshadow / arceus / arceusground / skeledirge / tinglu / zacian (
"DD Poisonceus + Kyogre Screens HO - DD Poisonceus + Kyogre Screens HO": arceuspoison / arceus / calyrexshadow / grimmsnarl / koraidon / kyogre (
"Spikes + Screens DD Groundceus HO - Spikes + Screens DD Groundceus HO": grimmsnarl / arceus / arceusground / calyrexshadow / glimmora / koraidon (
"(Dark) Balanced - (Dark) Balanced": sableye / chienpao / greninja / kingambit / mandibuzz / mukalola (
"(Dragon) Choice Specs Kommo-o - (Dragon) Choice Specs Kommo-o": roaringmoon / baxcalibur / dragapult / garchomp / goodrahisui / kommoo (
"(Dragon) Specs Wakey - (Dragon) Specs Wakey": walkingwake / baxcalibur / dragalge / dragapult / kommoo / roaringmoon (
"(Electric) - (Electric)": zapdos / ironhands / magnezone / regieleki / rotomwash / sandyshocks (
"(Fairy) Hyper Offense - (Fairy) Hyper Offense": klefki / azumarill / clefable / fluttermane / hatterene / ironvaliant (
"(Fire) Scarf Infernape - (Fire) Scarf Infernape": ogerponhearthflame / heatran / infernape / talonflame / volcanion / volcarona (
"(Flying) Balanced - (Flying) Balanced": corviknight / articuno / dragonite / enamorus / gliscor / zapdos (
"(Ghost) Sinistcha - (Ghost) Sinistcha": zoroarkhisui / fluttermane / gholdengo / sinistchamasterpiece / skeledirge / spectrier (
"Eject Button Amoonguss Grass - Eject Button Amoonguss Grass": brambleghast / abomasnow / amoonguss / meowscarada / ogerponhearthflame / torterra (
"(Ground) Choice Specs Ursaluna-Bloodmoon - (Ground) Choice Specs Ursaluna-Bloodmoon": quagsire / clodsire / greattusk / irontreads / landorus / ursalunabloodmoon (
"(Ice) Snow Offense - (Ice) Snow Offense": ninetalesalola / baxcalibur / chienpao / frosmoth / mamoswine / sandslashalola (
"(Normal) Bulky Offense - (Normal) Bulky Offense": cyclizar / braviary / ditto / snorlax / ursalunabloodmoon / zoroarkhisui (
"(Poison) Balanced - (Poison) Balanced": sneasler / amoonguss / mukalola / salazzle / toxapex / weezinggalar (
"(Rock) Sand Rush - (Rock) Sand Rush": tyranitar / coalossal / glimmora / kleavor / lycanroc / ogerponcornerstone (
"(Steel) Balanced - (Steel) Balanced": corviknight / empoleon / gholdengo / heatran / irontreads / kingambit (
"(Water) Balanced - (Water) Balanced": empoleon / greninja / quagsire / quaquaval / samurotthisui / toxapex (
"(Water) Community Create a Team - (Water) Community Create a Team": ogerponwellspring / quagsire / quaquaval / samurotthisui / toxapex / walkingwake (
"(Water) Rain - (Water) Rain": pelipper / barraskewda / gastrodon / samurotthisui / toxapex / urshifurapidstrike (
"specs hoopa - specs hoopa": hoopa / copperajah / florges / gligar / scyther / tatsugiri (
"cm dudun knock salazzle - cm dudun knock salazzle": dudunsparce / electrodehisui / gligar / klefki / salazzle / scyther (
"some wonderful offense - some wonderful offense": persianalola / bruxish / goodra / klefki / piloswine / scyther (
"Meta is broken season 3 - Meta is broken season 3": scyther / bronzong / electrodehisui / gligar / goodra / heracross (
"new sun attempt - new sun attempt": uxie / goodra / jolteon / taurospaldeablaze / victreebel / volbeat (
"Ogerpon-Hearthflame Bulky Offense - Ogerpon-Hearthflame Bulky Offense": landorustherian / kingambit / necrozmadawnwings / ogerponhearthflame / palkiaorigin / zacian (
"Solgaleo Balance - Solgaleo Balance": solgaleo / deoxys / greattusk / kyuremwhite / palkiaorigin / zacian (
"Ninetales + Kyurem-White Screens - Ninetales + Kyurem-White Screens": ninetalesalola / kingambit / kyuremwhite / landorustherian / magearna / necrozmadawnwings (
"Suspect TR - Suspect TR": necrozmadawnwings / arceusfire / dialga / kingambit / magearna / ursaluna (
"Ape - Ape": annihilape / chiyu / cyclizar / dialga / lugia / magearna (
"Palafin Kyurem Balanced - Palafin Kyurem Balanced": necrozmadawnwings / arceusdark / greattusk / kyuremwhite / magearna / palafin (
"Triple Dragon Sun - Triple Dragon Sun": torkoal / gougingfire / greattusk / ragingbolt / solgaleo / walkingwake (
"Stall DLC2 - Stall DLC2": necrozmadawnwings / arceusdark / blissey / giratina / skarmory / toxapex (
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