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Created May 5, 2017 20:22
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N-Queens Problem in Haskell using Genetic Algorithms
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
-- | N-Queens Problem: Place n queens on a chess board so that neither of them is threatened
-- This program will find a solution using a genetic algorithm
module GeneticAlgorithms where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Vector.Unboxed (ifoldl',update)
import System.Random
main :: IO ()
main = do
(level, fittest, generations) <- nQueens 8 1000 1000
print $ "Fittest: " <> show fittest
print $ "Level: " <> show level
print $ "Gens: " <> show generations
drawBoard fittest
-- Vector Index = column, Vector Cell = row ... e.g. [0 4 2 3 4 5 7 7]
type Board = UVector Int
-- | Solution of N-Queens Problem
nQueens :: Int -- ^ width and height of chess board
-> Int -- ^ size of the population
-> Int -- ^ maximum generations before GA stops
-> IO (Int, Board, Int) -- ^ (fitness level, fittest board, generation of fittest)
nQueens boardSize popSize maxGens = do
boards <- randBoards popSize
(fittest,left) <- evolve maxGens boards
return (fitness fittest, fittest, maxGens - left)
randField :: IO Int
randField = randomRIO (0,boardSize-1)
randBoards :: Int -> IO (Vector Board)
randBoards n = replicateM n (replicateM boardSize randField)
mate :: Board -> Board -> IO Board
mate mom dad = (\f -> take f mom <> drop f dad) <$> randField
evolve :: Int -> Vector Board -> IO (Board, Int)
evolve maxGens pop
| fitness fittest == 0 = return (fittest, maxGens)
| maxGens < 1 = return (fittest, maxGens)
| otherwise = replicateM popSize fitChild >>= evolve (maxGens - 1)
sortedPop = sortWith fitness pop
fittest = headEx sortedPop
fitChild :: IO Board
fitChild = do
momIdx <- (popSize - 1 -) <$> randE (0, popSize - 1)
dadIdx <- (popSize - 1 -) <$> randE (0, popSize - 1)
child <- mate (sortedPop!momIdx) (sortedPop!dadIdx)
oneInThousand <- (1 ==) <$> randomRIO (1,1000 :: Int)
if oneInThousand
then mutate child
else return child
mutate :: Board -> IO Board
mutate board = do
i <- randField
p <- randField
return $ update board [(i,p)]
-- | Fitness of a board (number of threats)
-- c = column, r = row
fitness :: UVector Int -> Int
fitness board = ifoldl' (\acc c r -> acc + straight c r + diagonal c r) 0 board
after c = drop (c+1) board
straight c r
| any (== r) (after c) = 1
| otherwise = 0
diagonal c r
| ifoldl' (\found c' r' -> found || abs (r-r') == (c'+1)) False (after c) = 1
| otherwise = 0
-- | Random number in range calculated with e^x
randE :: (Int,Int) -> IO Int
randE (low,up) = do
x <- randomRIO (0,4) :: IO Double
return $ round (fromIntegral (up - low) * (1.0 - exp(-x)))
-- | Print a board to stdout
drawBoard :: Board -> IO ()
drawBoard board = do
mapM_ (print . col) board
size = length board
col :: Int -> [String]
col r = replicate r " " <> ["#"] <> replicate (size-r) " "
(!) :: (IsSequence seq) => seq -> Index seq -> Element seq
(!) = indexEx
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