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Created May 3, 2014 17:41
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  • Save schikulski/11502389 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save schikulski/11502389 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A Pen by Simen.
var gulp = require('gulp'); // Gulp!
var sass = require('gulp-sass'); // Sass
var prefix = require('gulp-autoprefixer'); // Autoprefixr
var minifycss = require('gulp-minify-css'); // Minify CSS
var concat = require('gulp-concat'); // Concat files
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); // Uglify javascript
var svgmin = require('gulp-svgmin'); // SVG minify
var imagemin = require('gulp-imagemin'); // Image minify
var rename = require('gulp-rename'); // Rename files
var util = require('gulp-util'); // Writing stuff
var browserSync = require('browser-sync'); // BrowserSync
// Compile all CSS for the site
gulp.task('sass', function (){
'bower_components/foundation/scss/normalize.scss', // Gets normalize
'bower_components/foundation/scss/foundation.scss', // Gets foundation
'assets/scss/app.scss']) // Gets the apps scss
.pipe(sass({style: 'compressed'})) // Compile sass
.pipe(concat('main.css')) // Concat all css
.pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) // Rename it
.pipe(minifycss()) // Minify the CSS
.pipe(gulp.dest('assets/css/')) // Set the destination to assets/css
.pipe(browserSync.reload({stream:true})); // Updates BrowserSync
util.log('Sass compiled & stored.'); // Output to terminal
// Get all the JS, concat and uglify
gulp.task('javascripts', function(){
'bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js', // Gets Jquery
'bower_components/fastclick/lib/fastclick.js', // Gets fastclick
'bower_components/foundation/js/foundation.js', // Gets Foundation (includes ALL foundation js, change to only include the scripts you'll need)
'assets/js/_*.js']) // Gets all the user JS _*.js from assets/js
.pipe(concat('scripts.js')) // Concat all the scripts
.pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) // Rename it
.pipe(uglify()) // Uglify(minify)
.pipe(gulp.dest('assets/js/')); // Set destination to assets/js
util.log('Javascript compiled and minified'); // Output to terminal
// Copy bower components to assets-folder
gulp.task('copy', function(){
gulp.src('bower_components/modernizr/modernizr.js') // Gets Modernizr.js
.pipe(uglify()) // Uglify(minify)
.pipe(rename({suffix: '.min'})) // Rename it
.pipe(gulp.dest('assets/js/')); // Set destination to assets/js
util.log('Files copied') // Output to terminal
// Minify all SVGs and images
gulp.task('svgmin', function() {
gulp.src('assets/img/*.svg') // Gets all SVGs
.pipe(svgmin()) // Minifies SVG
.pipe(gulp.dest('assets/img_min/')); // Set destination to assets/img_min/
util.log('SVG images minified'); // Output to terminal
gulp.task('imagemin', function () {
gulp.src(['assets/img/*', '!assets/img/*.svg']) // Gets all images except SVGs
.pipe(imagemin()) // Minifies
.pipe(gulp.dest('assets/img_min/')); // Set destination to assets/img_min/
util.log('Images minified'); // Output to terminal
// BrowserSync Proxy (for live reload) -
gulp.task('browser-sync', function() {
browserSync.init(null, {
proxy: ""
// Default gulp task.
gulp.task('default', ['sass', 'javascripts', 'copy', 'svgmin', 'imagemin', 'browser-sync'], function(){"assets/scss/**/*.scss", ['sass']); // Watch and run sass on changes"assets/js/_*.js", ['javascripts']); // Watch and run javascripts on changes"assets/img/*", ['imagemin', 'svgmin']); // Watch and minify images on changes
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