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Created February 23, 2018 20:51
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Simple ReasonReact Router Example
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("App");
let make = (_children) => {
render: (_self) =>
<div className="app">
(~currentRoute) =>
switch currentRoute {
| Home => <View.Home />
| About => <View.About />
| _ => <View.NotFound />
type routes =
| Home
| About
| NotFound;
let stringToRoutes =
| "Home" => Home
| "About" => About
| "NotFound" => NotFound;
let routeToString =
| Home => "/public/"
| About => "/public/about"
| NotFound => "/public/404";
let urlToRoute: ReasonReact.Router.url => routes =
url =>
switch url.path {
| [] => Home
| ["about"] => About
| _ => NotFound
module WithRouter = {
type state = {currentRoute: Config.routes};
type action =
| ChangeUrl(Config.routes);
let component = ReasonReact.reducerComponent("WithRouter");
let make:
((~currentRoute: Config.routes) => ReasonReact.reactElement) =>
ReasonReact.component(state, _, action) =
children => {
initialState: () => {
ReasonReact.Router.dangerouslyGetInitialUrl() |> Config.urlToRoute
reducer: (action, _state) =>
switch action {
| ChangeUrl(route) => ReasonReact.Update({currentRoute: route})
subscriptions: ({send}) => [
() =>
ReasonReact.Router.watchUrl(url =>
send(ChangeUrl(url |> Config.urlToRoute))
render:({state}) => children(~currentRoute=state.currentRoute)
module Link = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Link");
let make = (~text, _children) => {
render: self => {
let href = Config.routeToString(Config.stringToRoutes(text));
<a href=(href) onClick=(self.handle((event, _self) => {
module Nav = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Nav");
let make = _children => {
render: _self =>
<Router.Link text="Home"/>
<Router.Link text="About"/>
module Home = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Home");
let make = _children => {
render: _self =>
module About = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("About");
let make = _children => {
render: _self =>
module NotFound = {
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("NotFound");
let make = _children => {
render: _self =>
(ReasonReact.stringToElement("404 - Not Found"))
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