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Created March 6, 2020 15:21
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SafetyNet Attestation Example Implementation for Validating Device Authenticity on Android
import android.content.Context
import android.util.Base64
import inject.AppContext
import inject.modules.GoogleServicesModule.GoogleContext
import io.reactivex.Single
import javax.inject.Inject
interface SecurityHelper {
fun verifyDevice(nonceInfo: String): Single<Result<String>>
class GoogleSecurityHelper @Inject constructor(
@AppContext private val context: Context,
@GoogleContext private val appKey: String
) : SecurityHelper {
override fun verifyDevice(nonceInfo: String): Single<Result<String>> =
Single.create<Result<String>> { emitter ->
try {
SafetyNet.getClient(context).attest(createNonce(nonceInfo), appKey)
.addOnCompleteListener { taskResult ->
if (emitter.isDisposed.not()) {
val jwsResult = taskResult.result?.jwsResult
val exception = taskResult.exception
val deviceValidationResult = when {
jwsResult != null -> Result.success(jwsResult)
exception != null -> Result.failure(exception)
else -> Result.failure(IllegalArgumentException())
} catch (e: Exception) {
if (emitter.isDisposed.not())
private fun createNonce(nonceInfo: String): ByteArray = ByteArrayOutputStream()
.apply {
write(/* some nonce bytes */)
}.run {
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