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Created June 12, 2014 11:33
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@mixin spacer(10px 2em 100vh, margin, 4);
@mixin spacer($val, $type:'padding', $scale: 2) {
// Usage:
// @include spacer(10px 2em 100vh, margin, 4);
// or
// @include spacer(10px 2em 100vh);
@if $val != 0 and $val != false {
$keys: top left bottom right;
$vals: 0 0 0 0;
@if length($val) == 1 {
$vals: $val $val $val $val;
} @else if length($val) == 2 {
$vals: nth($val, 1) nth($val, 2) nth($val, 1) nth($val, 2);
} @else if length($val) == 3 {
$vals: nth($val, 1) nth($val, 2) nth($val, 3) nth($val, 2);
} @else if length($val) > 3 {
$vals: nth($val, 1) nth($val, 2) nth($val, 3) nth($val, 4);
@for $i from 1 through 4 {
@if nth($vals, $i) != 0 {
#{$type}-#{nth($keys, $i)}: nth($vals, $i);
@media (max-width: $small) {
@for $i from 1 through 4 {
@if nth($vals, $i) != 0 {
#{$type}-#{nth($keys, $i)}: nth($vals, $i) / $scale;
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