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Forked from sixtenbe/
Created January 7, 2012 21:18
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Peak detection in Python
import numpy as np
def peakdetect(y_axis, x_axis = None, lookahead = 500, delta = 0):
Converted from/based on a MATLAB script at
Algorithm for detecting local maximas and minmias in a signal.
Discovers peaks by searching for values which are surrounded by lower
or larger values for maximas and minimas respectively
keyword arguments:
y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks
x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the 'y_axis' list and is used
in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. If omitted the index
of the y_axis is used. (default: None)
lookahead -- (optional) distance to look ahead from a peak candidate to
determine if it is the actual peak (default: 500)
'(sample / period) / f' where '4 >= f >= 1.25' might be a good value
delta -- (optional) this specifies a minimum difference between a peak and
the following points, before a peak may be considered a peak. Useful
to hinder the algorithm from picking up false peaks towards to end of
the signal. To work well delta should be set to 'delta >= RMSnoise * 5'.
(default: 0)
Delta function causes a 20% decrease in speed, when omitted
Correctly used it can double the speed of the algorithm
return -- two lists [maxtab, mintab] containing the positive and negative
peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a tupple of:
(position, peak_value)
to get the average peak value do 'np.mean(maxtab, 0)[1]' on the results
maxtab = []
mintab = []
dump = [] #Used to pop the first hit which always if false
length = len(y_axis)
if x_axis is None:
x_axis = range(length)
#perform some checks
if length != len(x_axis):
raise ValueError, "Input vectors y_axis and x_axis must have same length"
if lookahead < 1:
raise ValueError, "Lookahead must be above '1' in value"
if not (np.isscalar(delta) and delta >= 0):
raise ValueError, "delta must be a positive number"
#needs to be a numpy array
y_axis = np.asarray(y_axis)
#maxima and minima candidates are temporarily stored in
#mx and mn respectively
mn, mx = np.Inf, -np.Inf
#Only detect peak if there is 'lookahead' amount of points after it
for index, (x, y) in enumerate(zip(x_axis[:-lookahead], y_axis[:-lookahead])):
if y > mx:
mx = y
mxpos = x
if y < mn:
mn = y
mnpos = x
####look for max####
if y < mx-delta and mx != np.Inf:
#Maxima peak candidate found
#look ahead in signal to ensure that this is a peak and not jitter
if y_axis[index:index+lookahead].max() < mx:
maxtab.append((mxpos, mx))
#set algorithm to only find minima now
mx = np.Inf
mn = np.Inf
####look for min####
if y > mn+delta and mn != -np.Inf:
#Minima peak candidate found
#look ahead in signal to ensure that this is a peak and not jitter
if y_axis[index:index+lookahead].min() > mn:
mintab.append((mnpos, mn))
#set algorithm to only find maxima now
mn = -np.Inf
mx = -np.Inf
#Remove the false hit on the first value of the y_axis
if dump[0]:
#print "pop max"
#print "pop min"
del dump
except IndexError:
#no peaks were found, should the function return empty lists?
return maxtab, mintab
def peakdetect_zero_crossing(y_axis, x_axis = None, window = 49):
Algorithm for detecting local maximas and minmias in a signal.
Discovers peaks by dividing the signal into bins and retrieving the
maximum and minimum value of each the even and odd bins respectively.
Division into bins is performed by smoothing the curve and finding the
zero crossings.
Suitable for repeatable sinusoidal signals with some amount of RMS noise
tolerable. Excecutes faster than 'peakdetect', although this function will
break if the offset of the signal is too large. It should also be noted
that the first and last peak will probably not be found, as this algorithm
only can find peaks between the first and last zero crossing.
keyword arguments:
y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find peaks
x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the 'y_axis' list and is used
in the return to specify the postion of the peaks. If omitted the index
of the y_axis is used. (default: None)
window -- the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer
(default: 49)
return -- two lists [maxtab, mintab] containing the positive and negative
peaks respectively. Each cell of the lists contains a tupple of:
(position, peak_value)
to get the average peak value do 'np.mean(maxtab, 0)[1]' on the results
if x_axis is None:
x_axis = range(len(y_axis))
length = len(y_axis)
if length != len(x_axis):
raise ValueError, 'Input vectors y_axis and x_axis must have same length'
#needs to be a numpy array
y_axis = np.asarray(y_axis)
zero_indices = zero_crossings(y_axis, window = window)
period_lengths = np.diff(zero_indices)
bins = [y_axis[indice:indice+diff] for indice, diff in
zip(zero_indices, period_lengths)]
even_bins = bins[::2]
odd_bins = bins[1::2]
#check if even bin contains maxima
if even_bins[0].max() > abs(even_bins[0].min()):
hi_peaks = [bin.max() for bin in even_bins]
lo_peaks = [bin.min() for bin in odd_bins]
hi_peaks = [bin.max() for bin in odd_bins]
lo_peaks = [bin.min() for bin in even_bins]
hi_peaks_x = [x_axis[np.where(y_axis==peak)[0]] for peak in hi_peaks]
lo_peaks_x = [x_axis[np.where(y_axis==peak)[0]] for peak in lo_peaks]
maxtab = [(x,y) for x,y in zip(hi_peaks, hi_peaks_x)]
mintab = [(x,y) for x,y in zip(lo_peaks, lo_peaks_x)]
return maxtab, mintab
def smooth(x,window_len=11,window='hanning'):
smooth the data using a window with requested size.
This method is based on the convolution of a scaled window with the signal.
The signal is prepared by introducing reflected copies of the signal
(with the window size) in both ends so that transient parts are minimized
in the begining and end part of the output signal.
x: the input signal
window_len: the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer
window: the type of window from 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'
flat window will produce a moving average smoothing.
the smoothed signal
see also:
numpy.hanning, numpy.hamming, numpy.bartlett, numpy.blackman, numpy.convolve
TODO: the window parameter could be the window itself if an array instead of a string
if x.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError, "smooth only accepts 1 dimension arrays."
if x.size < window_len:
raise ValueError, "Input vector needs to be bigger than window size."
if window_len<3:
return x
if not window in ['flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman']:
raise ValueError, "Window is on of 'flat', 'hanning', 'hamming', 'bartlett', 'blackman'"
if window == 'flat': #moving average
return y
def zero_crossings(y_axis, x_axis = None, window = 49):
Algorithm to find zero crossings. Smoothens the curve and finds the
zero-crossings by looking for a sign change.
keyword arguments:
y_axis -- A list containg the signal over which to find zero-crossings
x_axis -- A x-axis whose values correspond to the 'y_axis' list and is used
in the return to specify the postion of the zero-crossings. If omitted
then the indice of the y_axis is used. (default: None)
window -- the dimension of the smoothing window; should be an odd integer
(default: 49)
return -- the x_axis value or the indice for each zero-crossing
#smooth the curve
length = len(y_axis)
if x_axis == None:
x_axis = range(length)
x_axis = np.asarray(x_axis)
y_axis = smooth(y_axis, window)[:length]
zero_crossings = np.where(np.diff(np.sign(y_axis)))[0]
times = [x_axis[indice] for indice in zero_crossings]
#check if zero-crossings are valid
diff = np.diff(times)
if diff.std() / diff.mean() > 0.1:
raise ValueError, "smoothing window too small, false zero-crossings found"
return times
if __name__=="__main__":
import pylab
from math import pi
i = 10000
x = np.linspace(0,3.7*pi,i)
y = 0.3*np.sin(x) + np.sin(1.3*x) + 0.9*np.sin(4.2*x) + 0.06*np.random.randn(i)
y *= -1
x = range(i)
_max, _min = peakdetect(y,x,750, 0.30)
xm = [p[0] for p in _max]
ym = [p[1] for p in _max]
xn = [p[0] for p in _min]
yn = [p[1] for p in _min]
plot = pylab.plot(x,y)
pylab.plot(xm, ym, 'r+')
pylab.plot(xn, yn, 'g+')
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I am a final year engineering student and currently working on my final project. I found this code very helpful and perfect for a project I am doing. I'm just wondering if it is okay for me to include this code in my project. I would certainly give a reference if it is okay to you.

Thank you very much

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