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Kenny schlagelk

  • Denver, CO
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sjones6 /
Created August 2, 2018 19:34
How to Merge Target Branch in CircleCI Job

Problem statement: you want to make sure that the PR branch is up-to-date with the target branch before running your CI job against it.

As a secondary concern, you don't want to run the job if there are conflicts with the target branch.


# setup the github user
git config --global $( git log --format='%ae' $CIRCLE_SHA1^! )
git config --global $( git log --format='%an' $CIRCLE_SHA1^! )
spllr / cloudkit-request.js
Last active August 28, 2023 12:04
Setting up an authenticated CloudKit server-to-server request
* Demonstrates how to use Apple's CloudKit server-to-server authentication
* Create private key with: `openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey -noout -out eckey.pem`
* Generate the public key to register at the CloudKit dashboard: `openssl ec -in eckey.pem -pubout`
* @see
* @author @spllr
mtauraso / xcodebuild
Last active November 15, 2023 15:44
Xcodebuild flags in CI

Xcodebuild flag reference for CI:

Required flags:

-project OR -workspace

What xcode project/workspace file we're using. If you specify a project on the command-line and that project has an associated workspace, the project is still aware of its existence within the workspace. As an example, worspace level schemes will be available to xcodebuild even if you specify a project on the command line.


Specify the scheme to use for build. Schemes specify multiple build/test targets along with environment args and command line parameters. Schemes must be marked "shared" in the xcode UI in order to be available to xcodebuild. For any particular build/test action there is a default configuration when you use a scheme from the Xcode UI.

mculp / voices.txt
Created December 3, 2014 00:14
List of voices available by the `say` command on OS X
Agnes en_US # Isn't it nice to have a computer that will talk to you?
Albert en_US # I have a frog in my throat. No, I mean a real frog!
Alex en_US # Most people recognize me by my voice.
Alice it_IT # Salve, mi chiamo Alice e sono una voce italiana.
Alva sv_SE # Hej, jag heter Alva. Jag är en svensk röst.
Amelie fr_CA # Bonjour, je m’appelle Amelie. Je suis une voix canadienne.
Anna de_DE # Hallo, ich heiße Anna und ich bin eine deutsche Stimme.
Bad News en_US # The light you see at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of a fast approaching train.
Bahh en_US # Do not pull the wool over my eyes.
Bells en_US # Time flies when you are having fun.
johnpolacek / .gitconfig
Last active May 8, 2024 04:05
My current .gitconfig aliases
co = checkout
cob = checkout -b
coo = !git fetch && git checkout
br = branch
brd = branch -d
brD = branch -D
merged = branch --merged
st = status
aa = add -A .