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Created April 27, 2020 04:16
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
import itertools
import operator
import math
import collections
import os
import types
import re
import sys
import defaultlist
import requests
import PIL.Image
def utf(data):
return data.decode("utf-8")
def lines(data, subparser=None):
return [(subparser(x) if subparser else x) for x in filter(None, data.split("\n"))]
def first(data):
return data[0]
def sv(data, sep):
return data.split(sep)
def csv(data):
return sv(data, ',')
def ints(data):
return [int(x) for x in data]
def get_input(day, *, file="input", parser=utf):
session = os.environ["AOC_SESSION"]
response = requests.get(
cookies={"session": session},
if not parser:
return response.content
return parser(response.content)
class IntCodeComputer:
_opcode_parameter_count = {
1: 3,
2: 3,
3: 1,
4: 1,
5: 2,
6: 2,
7: 3,
8: 3,
9: 1,
99: 0,
def __init__(self, memory, input=None, ip=0, rb=0):
self._memory = defaultlist.defaultlist(lambda: 0)
for idx, value in enumerate(memory):
self._memory[idx] = value
self._input = (input or []).copy()
self._output = []
self._ip = ip
self._rb = rb
self._halted = False
def poke(self, address, value):
self._memory[address] = value
def peek(self, address):
return self._memory[address]
def input(self, value):
return self
def _step(self):
opcode = self._memory[self._ip] % 100
parameter_modes = self._memory[self._ip] // 100
self._ip += 1
parameters = []
for parameter_index in range(self._opcode_parameter_count[opcode]):
parameter_mode = parameter_modes // (10 ** parameter_index) % 10
# raw_value =
if parameter_mode == 0:
parameter = self._memory[self._ip]
elif parameter_mode == 1:
parameter = self._ip
elif parameter_mode == 2:
parameter = self._memory[self._ip ] + self._rb
raise ValueError(f"Unknown parameter mode {parameter_mode!r}")
self._ip += 1
if opcode == 1:
val1, val2, dst = parameters
self._memory[dst] = self._memory[val1 ]+ self._memory[val2]
elif opcode == 2:
val1, val2, dst = parameters
self._memory[dst] = self._memory[val1 ] * self._memory[val2]
elif opcode == 3:
dst, = parameters
if not self._input:
self._ip -= 2
return True
self._memory[dst] = self._input.pop(0)
elif opcode == 4:
src, = parameters
elif opcode == 5:
val, dst = parameters
if self._memory[val] != 0:
self._ip = self._memory[dst]
elif opcode == 6:
val, dst = parameters
if self._memory[val] == 0:
self._ip = self._memory[dst]
elif opcode == 7:
val1, val2, dst = parameters
self._memory[dst] = 1 if self._memory[val1] < self._memory[val2] else 0
elif opcode == 8:
val1, val2, dst = parameters
self._memory[dst] = 1 if self._memory[val1] == self._memory[val2] else 0
elif opcode == 9:
val, = parameters
self._rb += self._memory[val]
elif opcode == 99:
self._halted = True
return True
raise ValueError(f"Unknown opcode {opcode!r}")
def output(self):
return self._output.copy()
def halted(self):
return self._halted
def run(self):
while not self._step():
return self
def solve_day_1():
modules = get_input(1, parser=lambda x: ints(lines(utf(x))))
def fuel_required_for_mass(mass):
return max(math.floor(mass / 3) - 2, 0)
yield sum([fuel_required_for_mass(module) for module in modules])
def total_mass_including_fuel(mass):
fuel_mass = fuel_required_for_mass(mass)
if not fuel_mass:
return fuel_mass
return fuel_mass + total_mass_including_fuel(fuel_mass)
yield sum([total_mass_including_fuel(module) for module in modules])
def solve_day_2():
intcodes = get_input(2, parser=lambda x: ints(csv(first(lines(utf(x))))))
computer = IntCodeComputer(intcodes)
computer.poke(1, 12)
computer.poke(2, 2)
yield computer.peek(0)
for noun in range(100):
for verb in range(100):
computer = IntCodeComputer(intcodes)
computer.poke(1, noun)
computer.poke(2, verb)
if computer.peek(0) == 19690720:
yield 100 * noun + verb
def solve_day_3():
paths = get_input(3, parser=lambda x: lines(utf(x), csv))
def points_between(x1, y1, x2, y2):
for x in range(x1, x2, x2 > x1 or -1)[1:]:
yield (x, y1)
if x1 != x2 and y1 != y2:
yield (x2, y1)
for y in range(y1, y2, y2 > y1 or -1)[1:]:
yield (x2, y)
def get_points(path):
x, y = (0, 0)
for command in path:
yield x, y
operation = {
"D": lambda d: (x, y - d),
"U": lambda d: (x, y + d),
"L": lambda d: (x - d, y),
"R": lambda d: (x + d, y),
delta = int(command[1:])
x_next, y_next = operation(delta)
yield from points_between(x, y, x_next, y_next)
x, y = x_next, y_next
yield x, y
paths_points = [list(get_points(p)) for p in paths]
intersections = set.intersection(*(set(x) for x in paths_points))
distances = [sum(abs(x) for x in coord) for coord in intersections]
yield sorted(distances)[1]
signal_delays = [
sum(path_points.index(intersection) for path_points in paths_points)
for intersection in intersections
yield sorted(signal_delays)[1]
def solve_day_4():
password_range = get_input(4, parser=lambda x: ints(first(lines(utf(x))).split('-')))
candidates_1 = candidates_2 = 0
for possible_password in map(str, range(password_range[0], password_range[1] + 1)):
if possible_password != ''.join(sorted(possible_password)):
digit_counts = collections.Counter(possible_password).values()
if any(x > 1 for x in digit_counts):
candidates_1 += 1
if 2 in digit_counts:
candidates_2 += 1
yield candidates_1
yield candidates_2
def solve_day_5():
intcodes = get_input(5, parser=lambda x: ints(csv(first(lines(utf(x))))))
computer = IntCodeComputer(intcodes, input=[1])
yield computer.output[-1]
computer = IntCodeComputer(intcodes, input=[5])
yield computer.output[0]
def solve_day_6():
orbit_list = get_input(6, parser=lambda x: [l.split(')') for l in lines(utf(x))])
orbits = collections.defaultdict(list)
for orbit in orbit_list:
def get_orbit_count(name, depth=0):
if name not in orbits:
return depth
return depth + sum(get_orbit_count(child, depth + 1) for child in orbits[name])
def find_path(root, dest, path=None):
if root not in orbits:
if dest in orbits[root]:
yield (path or []) + [root, dest]
for child in orbits[root]:
yield from find_path(child, dest, (path or []) + [root])
yield get_orbit_count("COM")
you_path = list(find_path("COM", "YOU"))[0]
santa_path = list(find_path("COM", "SAN"))[0]
common_prefix = sum(you_path[i] == santa_path[i] for i in range(min(len(you_path), len(santa_path))))
yield len(you_path[common_prefix:-1]) + len(santa_path[common_prefix:-1])
def solve_day_7():
intcodes = get_input(7, parser=lambda x: ints(csv(first(lines(utf(x))))))
output_signals = []
for phase_settings in itertools.permutations(range(5)):
signal = 0
for phase_setting in phase_settings:
signal = IntCodeComputer(intcodes, input=[phase_setting, signal]).run().output[0]
yield max(output_signals)
output_signals = []
for phase_settings in itertools.permutations(range(5, 10)):
signal = 0
computers = []
for phase_setting in phase_settings:
computer = IntCodeComputer(intcodes, input=[phase_setting, signal])
signal =[-1]
while not all(c.halted for c in computers):
for computer in computers:
signal = computer.input(signal).run().output[-1]
yield max(output_signals)
def solve_day_8():
pixels = get_input(8, parser=lambda x: first(lines(utf(x))))
width = 25
height = 6
layer_size = width * height
layers = [''.join(layer_pixels) for layer_pixels in zip(*[iter(pixels)] * layer_size)]
layer_pixel_counts = [collections.Counter(s) for s in layers]
layer_count_with_fewest_0s = sorted(layer_pixel_counts, key=lambda x: x['0'])[0]
yield layer_count_with_fewest_0s['1'] * layer_count_with_fewest_0s['2']
merged_layer = ''.join('(0|1)', ''.join(x)).group(1) for x in zip(*layers))
rows = [''.join(x) for x in zip(*[iter(merged_layer)] * width)]
image ='1', (width, height), color='white')
for y, row in enumerate(rows):
for x, value in enumerate(row):
if value == '1':
image.putpixel((x, y), 0)
image = image.resize((width * 8, height* 8), PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS)
# import pytesseract
# print(pytesseract.image_to_string(image))
yield '\n' + '\n'.join(r.replace('0', ' ').replace('1', '#') for r in rows)
def solve_day_9():
# thrilling
intcodes = get_input(9, parser=lambda x: ints(csv(first(lines(utf(x))))))
yield IntCodeComputer(intcodes, input=[1]).run().output[0]
yield IntCodeComputer(intcodes, input=[2]).run().output[0]
def main():
days = [int(x) for x in sys.argv[1:]] or (x + 1 for x in range(25))
for day in days:
function = globals().get(f"solve_day_{day}", None)
if not function:
retval = function()
if retval is None:
results = []
elif isinstance(retval, types.GeneratorType):
results = retval
results = [retval]
for idx, result in enumerate(results, start=1):
if idx == 1:
print(f"Day {day}:")
print(f"\tResult {idx}: {result}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
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