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Created July 14, 2014 18:45
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Caterpillar Game
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
public class BadCabbage extends Cabbage {
Oval circle;
private ArrayList<Point> body = new ArrayList<Point>();
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits;
* Creates a cabbage in the graphics window
* @param window
* the GWindow this Cabbage belongs to
* @param center
* the center Point of this Cabbage
public BadCabbage(GWindow window, Point center) {
super(window, center);
* Displays this Cabbage in the graphics window
protected void draw() {
int x = (int) center.getX();
int y = (int) center.getY();
// Make sure cabbage does not already exist here
getLocation(); = new Oval(x - CABBAGE_RADIUS, y - CABBAGE_RADIUS,
* Checks for overlapping cabbages
* @param Point
* p
* @return boolean is cabbage overlapping
public boolean isCabbageInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS * 2);
* This cabbage is eaten by a caterpillar
* @param cp
* the caterpillar that is eating this cabbage
public void isEatenBy(Caterpillar cp, ArrayList<Point> body,
ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits) {
// Remove cabbages
int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
"You ate a bad Cabbage! Would you like to play again?",
if (n == 0) {
new CaterpillarGame();
} else {
// exit game
* Is this Point in this Cabbage?
* @param p
* the Point to check
* @return true if p in within the cabbage and false otherwise.
public boolean isPointInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS);
public double distance(Cabbage c) {
return Math.sqrt(( - center.x) * ( - center.x)
+ ( - center.y) * ( - center.y));
* Returns the location of this Cabbage
* @return the location of this Cabbage.
public Point getLocation() {
return new Point(center);
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
* An abstract class that contains all of the basic features of a cabbage. It
* should be derived by any class that represents a cabbage. (complete, but you
* can add other methods if you want)
public abstract class Cabbage implements CaterpillarGameConstants {
// The graphics window this Cabbage belongs to
protected GWindow window;
// The location of the center of this Cabbage in the graphics window
protected Point center;
* Creates a cabbage in the graphics window
* @param window
* the GWindow this Cabbage belongs to
* @param center
* the center Point of this Cabbage
public Cabbage(GWindow window, Point center) {
this.window = window; = new Point(center);
* Displays this Cabbage in the graphics window
protected abstract void draw();
* This cabbage is eaten by a caterpillar
* @param cp
* the caterpillar that is eating this cabbage
public abstract void isEatenBy(Caterpillar cp, ArrayList<Point> body,
ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits);
* Is this Point in this Cabbage?
* @param p
* the Point to check
* @return true if p in within the cabbage and false otherwise.
public boolean isPointInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS);
public boolean isCabbageInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS * 2);
public double distance(Cabbage c) {
return Math.sqrt(( - center.x) * ( - center.x)
+ ( - center.y) * ( - center.y));
* Returns the location of this Cabbage
* @return the location of this Cabbage.
public Point getLocation() {
return new Point(center);
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.*;
//import java.util.concurrent.RecursiveTask;
import java.awt.Color;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import org.w3c.dom.css.Rect;
* A Caterpillar is the representation and the display of a caterpillar
public class Caterpillar implements CaterpillarGameConstants {
// The body of a caterpillar is made of Points stored
// in an ArrayList
private ArrayList<Point> body = new ArrayList<Point>();
// Store the graphical elements of the caterpillar body
// Useful to erase the body of the caterpillar on the screen
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits = new ArrayList<Rectangle>();
// The window the caterpillar belongs to
private GWindow window;
// Direction of motion of the caterpillar (NORTH initially)
private int dir = NORTH;
// Length of a unit of the body of the caterpillar
// MUST be equal to the distance covered by the caterpillar
// at every step of the animation.
private final int bodyUnitLength = STEP;
// Width of a unit of the body of the caterpillar
private final int bodyUnitWidth = CATERPILLAR_WIDTH;
private ArrayList<Cabbage> cabbages;
* Constructs a caterpillar
* @param window
* the graphics where to draw the caterpillar.
public Caterpillar(GWindow window, ArrayList<Cabbage> cabbages) {
this.cabbages = cabbages;
// Initialize the graphics window for this Caterpillar
this.window = window;
// Create the caterpillar (10 points initially)
// First point
Point p = new Point();
p.x = 5;
p.y = WINDOW_HEIGHT / 2;
// Other points
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
Point q = new Point(p);
q.translate(STEP, 0);
p = q;
// Show the caterpillar
* Draw the caterpillar in the graphics window
private void draw() {
// Connect with Rectangles the points of the body
Point p = body.get(0);
for (int i = 1; i < body.size(); i++) {
Point q = body.get(i);
// add a body unit between p and q
addBodyUnit(p, q, bodyUnits.size(), Color.RED);
p = q;
* Moves the caterpillar in the current direction (complete)
public void move() {
* Move the caterpillar in the direction newDir. <br>
* If the new direction is illegal, select randomly a legal direction of
* motion and move in that direction.<br>
* @param newDir
* the new direction.
public void move(int newDir) {
// while caterpillar is trying to do anything invalid
while (!isPointInTheWindow(newDir) || isApproachingFence(newDir)
|| !validDirection(newDir) || isCrawlingOverItself(newDir)) {
// if point is not in window
if (!isPointInTheWindow(newDir)) {
int[] directions = { NORTH, SOUTH, WEST, EAST };
newDir = directions[(int) (Math.random() * directions.length)];
// if about to run into fence
if (isApproachingFence(newDir)) {
if (newDir == NORTH || newDir == SOUTH) {
int[] direction = { WEST, EAST };
newDir = direction[(int) (Math.random() * direction.length)];
} else if (newDir == EAST || newDir == WEST) {
int[] direction = { NORTH, SOUTH };
newDir = direction[(int) (Math.random() * direction.length)];
// if attempting to go backwards
if (!validDirection(newDir)) {
// keep caterpillar moving in same direction
newDir = dir;
// if eats self
if (isCrawlingOverItself(newDir)) {
// You lose!;
// If caterpillar eats all good cabbages and leaves window
if (isOutsideGarden() && this.cabbages.size() < 11) {
int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
"You won the game! Would you like to play again?",
if (n == 0) {
new CaterpillarGame();
} else {
// exit game
// If caterpillar eats cabbages
Point head = getHead();
for (int i = 0; i < cabbages.size(); i++) {
Cabbage c = cabbages.get(i);
boolean eaten = c.isPointInCabbage(head);
if (eaten) {
c.isEatenBy(this, body, bodyUnits);
// new position of the head
head = new Point(body.get(body.size() - 1));
switch (newDir) {
case NORTH:
head.y -= STEP;
case EAST:
head.x += STEP;
case SOUTH:
head.y += STEP;
case WEST:
head.x -= STEP;
// Is the new position in the window?
if (isPointInTheWindow(newDir)) {
// update the position of the caterpillar
// Update the current direction of motion
dir = newDir;
// Show the new location of the caterpillar
* Move the caterpillar on the screen
private void moveCaterpillarOnScreen() {
// Erase the body unit at the tail
Rectangle r = bodyUnits.remove(0);
// Add a new body unit at the head
Point p = body.get(body.size() - 1);
Point q = body.get(body.size() - 2);
addBodyUnit(p, q, bodyUnits.size(), Color.RED);
// show it
* Add a body unit to the caterpillar. The body unit connects Point p and
* Point q.<br>
* Insert this body unit at position index in bodyUnits.<br>
* e.g. 0 to insert at the tail and bodyUnits.size() to insert at the head.
public void addBodyUnit(Point p, Point q, int index, Color c) {
// Connect p and q with a rectangle.
// To allow for a smooth look of the caterpillar, p and q
// are not on the edges of the Rectangle
// Upper left corner of the rectangle
int x = Math.min(q.x, p.x) - CATERPILLAR_WIDTH / 2;
int y = Math.min(q.y, p.y) - CATERPILLAR_WIDTH / 2;
// Width and height of the rectangle (vertical or horizontal rectangle?)
int width = ((q.y == p.y) ? (STEP + CATERPILLAR_WIDTH)
int height = ((q.x == p.x) ? (STEP + CATERPILLAR_WIDTH)
// Create the rectangle and place it in the window
Rectangle r = new Rectangle(x, y, width, height, c, true);
// keep track of that rectangle (we will erase it at some point)
bodyUnits.add(index, r);
* Is the caterpillar crawling over itself?
* @return true if the caterpillar is crawling over itself and false
* otherwise.
public boolean isCrawlingOverItself(int newDir) {
// Is the head point equal to any other point of the caterpillar?
Point head = getHead();
int x = (int) head.getX();
int y = (int) head.getY();
if (newDir == NORTH) {
y -= STEP;
} else if (newDir == EAST) {
x += STEP;
} else if (newDir == WEST) {
x -= STEP;
} else { // SOUTH
y += STEP;
// Check each rectangle in caterpillar body; if head points are inside
// any rectangle, end game.
for (int i = 0; i < bodyUnits.size(); i++) {
int w = bodyUnits.get(i).getWidth();
int h = bodyUnits.get(i).getHeight();
int bx = bodyUnits.get(i).getX();
int by = bodyUnits.get(i).getY();
if ((x > bx && x < (bx + w)) && (y > by && y < (by + h))) {
int n = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null,
"You ate yourself! Would you like to play again?",
if (n == 0) {
new CaterpillarGame();
} else {
// exit game
return true;
return false;
* Are all of the points of the caterpillar outside the garden
* @return true if the caterpillar is outside the garden and false
* otherwise.
public boolean isApproachingFence(int newDir) {
// Get head; get direction. Find future head.
Point head = getHead();
int x = (int) head.getX();
int y = (int) head.getY();
if (newDir == NORTH) {
y -= STEP;
} else if (newDir == EAST) {
x += STEP;
} else if (newDir == WEST) {
x -= STEP;
} else { // SOUTH
y += STEP;
// If future head overlaps with body
if ((x > 149 && x < 161)
&& ((y > 0 && y < 201) || (y > 299 && y < 500))) {
return true;
if (x > 491) {
return true;
if (y < 11 || y > 491) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isOutsideGarden() {
// Check head
Point head = getHead();
int x = (int) head.getX();
// Check tail
Point tail = new Point(body.get(0));
int x2 = (int) tail.getX();
// If head and tail are outside the garden
if (x < 140 && x2 < 140) {
return true;
return false;
* Is newDir valid?
*@param int newDir
*@returns boolean validity
public boolean validDirection(int newDir) {
if ((dir == NORTH && newDir == SOUTH)
|| (dir == SOUTH && newDir == NORTH)
|| (dir == EAST && newDir == WEST)
|| (dir == WEST && newDir == EAST)) {
return false;
return true;
* Is Point p in the window?
* @ param newDir
* @returns boolean
private boolean isPointInTheWindow(int newDir) {
Point head = getHead();
int x = (int) head.getX();
int y = (int) head.getY();
if (newDir == NORTH) {
y -= STEP;
} else if (newDir == EAST) {
x += STEP;
} else if (newDir == WEST) {
x -= STEP;
} else { // SOUTH
y += STEP;
// Checks to see if point is in the window
if ((x < 1 || x > 499) || (y < 1 || y > 499)) {
return false;
return true;
* Return the location of the head of the caterpillar (complete)
* @return the location of the head of the caterpillar.
public Point getHead() {
return new Point((Point) body.get(body.size() - 1));
import java.util.*;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
* A CaterpillarGame displays a garden that contains good and bad cabbages and a
* constantly moving caterpillar. The player directs the moves of the
* caterpillar. Every time the caterpillar eats a cabbage, the caterpillar
* grows. The player wins when all of the good cabbages are eaten and the
* caterpillar has left the garden. The player loses if the caterpillar eats a
* bad cabbage or crawls over itself.
public class CaterpillarGame extends GWindowEventAdapter implements
// The class inherits from GWindowEventAdapter so that it can handle key events
// (in the method keyPressed), and timer events.
// All of the code to make this class able to handle key events and perform
// some animation is already written.
// Game window
private GWindow window;
// The caterpillar
private Caterpillar cp;
// Direction of motion given by the player
private int dirFromKeyboard;
// Do we have a keyboard event
private boolean isKeyboardEventNew = false;
// The list of all the cabbages
private ArrayList<Cabbage> cabbages;
private String messageGameOver;
* Constructs a CaterpillarGame
public CaterpillarGame() {
// Create the graphics window
window = new GWindow("Caterpillar game", WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT);
// Any key or timer event while the window is active is sent to this
// CaterpillarGame
// Set up the game (fence, cabbages, caterpillar)
// Display the game rules
// ...
// Rules
+ "To win, you must eat all of the white and psychedelic \n"
+ " cabbage heads and then exit the garden \n \n"
+ " Do not eat the poisonous red cabbages \n"
+ " Do not eat yourself \n \n"
+ " Use 'J' to move left \n"
+ " Use 'K' to move right \n"
+ " Use 'I' to move up \n"
+ " Use 'M' to move down \n \n"
+ " Are you ready to play? \n");
// start timer events (to do the animation)
* Initializes the game (draw the garden, garden fence, cabbages,
* caterpillar)
private void initializeGame() {
// Clear the window
// No keyboard event yet
isKeyboardEventNew = false;
// Background (the garden)
window.add(new Rectangle(0, 0, WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT,, true));
// Create the fence around the garden
Rectangle fence1 = new Rectangle(150, 0, 10, 200, Color.BLACK, true);
Rectangle fence2 = new Rectangle(150, 300, 10, 200, Color.BLACK, true);
Rectangle fence3 = new Rectangle(150, 0, 340, 10, Color.BLACK, true);
Rectangle fence4 = new Rectangle(490, 0, 10, 500, Color.BLACK, true);
Rectangle fence5 = new Rectangle(150, 490, 340, 10, Color.BLACK, true);
// Cabbages
// ...
cabbages = new ArrayList<Cabbage>(N_GOOD_CABBAGES + N_BAD_CABBAGES);
// Initialize the elements of the ArrayList = cabbages
// (they should not overlap and be in the garden) ....
Point center = new Point();
boolean locationIsCabbageFree;
for (int i = 0; i < N_BAD_CABBAGES + N_GOOD_CABBAGES; i++) {
locationIsCabbageFree = false;
while (!locationIsCabbageFree) {
int x = (int) (Math.random() * 310) + 170;
int y = (int) (Math.random() * 460) + 20;
center.setLocation(x, y);
locationIsCabbageFree = true;
for (Cabbage cabbage : cabbages) {
if (cabbage.isCabbageInCabbage(center)) {
locationIsCabbageFree = false;
if (i < N_BAD_CABBAGES) {
Cabbage c = new BadCabbage(window, center);
} else if (i < (N_BAD_CABBAGES + (N_GOOD_CABBAGES / 2))) {
Cabbage c = new GoodCabbage(window, center);
} else if (i < N_BAD_CABBAGES + N_GOOD_CABBAGES) {
Cabbage c = new PsychedelicCabbage(window, center);
// Create the caterpillar
cp = new Caterpillar(window, cabbages);
* Moves the caterpillar within the graphics window every ANIMATION_PERIOD
* milliseconds.
* @param e
* the timer event
public void timerExpired(GWindowEvent e) {
// Did we get a new direction from the user?
// Use isKeyboardEventNew to take the event into account
// only once
if (isKeyboardEventNew) {// if user presses keyboard, store key that is
// pressed
isKeyboardEventNew = false;
} else
cp.move();// always keep moving until key is pressed
* Moves the caterpillar according to the selection of the user i: NORTH, j:
* @param e
* the keyboard event
public void keyPressed(GWindowEvent e) {
switch (Character.toLowerCase(e.getKey())) {
case 'i':
dirFromKeyboard = NORTH;
case 'j':
dirFromKeyboard = WEST;
case 'k':
dirFromKeyboard = EAST;
case 'm':
dirFromKeyboard = SOUTH;
case 'q':
System.exit(0); // abruptly ends the application
// new keyboard event
isKeyboardEventNew = true;
* The game is over. Starts a new game or ends the application
private void endTheGame() {
// messageGameOver is an instance String that
// describes the outcome of the game that just ended
// (e.g. congratulations! you win)
boolean again = anotherGame(messageGameOver);
if (again) {
} else {
* Does the player want to play again?
private boolean anotherGame(String s) {
int choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, s
+ "\nDo you want to play again?", "Game over",
if (choice == JOptionPane.YES_OPTION)
return true;
return false;
* Starts the application
public static void main(String[] args) {
new CaterpillarGame();
* Interface that lists useful constants for the caterpillar game
public interface CaterpillarGameConstants {
// Possible directions for the motion of the caterpillar
public static final int NORTH = 1;
public static final int EAST = 2;
public static final int WEST = 3;
public static final int SOUTH = 4;
// Distance covered by the caterpillar in one move
public static final int STEP = 10;
// Number of body elements added to the caterpillar when it grows
// (after eating a good cabbage)
public static final int GROWTH_SPURT = 5;
// Thickness of the caterpillar
public static final int CATERPILLAR_WIDTH = 6;
// Number of good cabbages
public static final int N_GOOD_CABBAGES = 10;
// Number of bad cabbages
public static final int N_BAD_CABBAGES = 10;
// Radius of a cabbage head
public static final int CABBAGE_RADIUS = 10;
// Size of the graphics window
public static final int WINDOW_HEIGHT = 500;
public static final int WINDOW_WIDTH = 500;
// Period of the animation (in ms)
public static final int ANIMATION_PERIOD = 100; // change back to 30
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class GoodCabbage extends Cabbage {
Oval circle;
private ArrayList<Point> body = new ArrayList<Point>();
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits;
* Creates a cabbage in the graphics window
* @param window
* the GWindow this Cabbage belongs to
* @param center
* the center Point of this Cabbage
public GoodCabbage(GWindow window, Point center) {
super(window, center);
* Displays this Cabbage in the graphics window
protected void draw() {
int x = (int) center.getX();
int y = (int) center.getY();
ArrayList<Point> centerPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); = new Oval(x - CABBAGE_RADIUS, y - CABBAGE_RADIUS,
* Checks for overlapping cabbages
* @param Point
* p
* @return boolean is cabbage overlapping
public boolean isCabbageInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS * 2);
* This cabbage is eaten by a caterpillar
* @param cp
* the caterpillar that is eating this cabbage
public void isEatenBy(Caterpillar cp, ArrayList<Point> body,
ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits) {
this.body = body;
this.bodyUnits = bodyUnits;
Point p = body.get(body.size() - 1);
Point q = body.get(body.size() - 2);
cp.addBodyUnit(p, q, bodyUnits.size(), Color.RED);
* Is this Point in this Cabbage?
* @param p
* the Point to check
* @return true if p in within the cabbage and false otherwise.
public boolean isPointInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS);
public double distance(Cabbage c) {
return Math.sqrt(( - center.x) * ( - center.x)
+ ( - center.y) * ( - center.y));
* Returns the location of this Cabbage
* @return the location of this Cabbage.
public Point getLocation() {
return new Point(center);
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.util.ArrayList;
public class PsychedelicCabbage extends GoodCabbage {
private ArrayList<Point> body = new ArrayList<Point>();
private ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits;
//psychedelic cabbages
Oval circle;
Oval circle2;
* Creates a cabbage in the graphics window
* @param window
* the GWindow this Cabbage belongs to
* @param center
* the center Point of this Cabbage
public PsychedelicCabbage(GWindow window, Point center) {
super(window, center);
* Displays this Cabbage in the graphics window
protected void draw() {
int x = (int) center.getX();
int y = (int) center.getY();
// Create and draw cabbage points
ArrayList<Point> centerPoints = new ArrayList<Point>(); = new Oval(x - CABBAGE_RADIUS, y - CABBAGE_RADIUS,
this.circle2 = new Oval(x - CABBAGE_RADIUS / 2, y - CABBAGE_RADIUS / 2,
* Checks for overlapping cabbages
* @param Point
* p
* @return boolean is cabbage overlapping
public boolean isCabbageInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS * 2);
* This cabbage is eaten by a caterpillar
* @param cp
* the caterpillar that is eating this cabbage
public void isEatenBy(Caterpillar cp, ArrayList<Point> body,
ArrayList<Rectangle> bodyUnits) {
// Remove cabbages
this.body = body;
this.bodyUnits = bodyUnits;
Point p = body.get(body.size() - 1);
Point q = body.get(body.size() - 2);
// Make psychedelic colors
for (int i = 0; i < bodyUnits.size(); i++) {
Color c = new Color((float) Math.random(), (float) Math.random(),
(float) Math.random());
cp.addBodyUnit(p, q, bodyUnits.size(), Color.WHITE); // color
* Is this Point in this Cabbage?
* @param p
* the Point to check
* @return true if p in within the cabbage and false otherwise.
public boolean isPointInCabbage(Point p) {
return (p.distance(center) <= CABBAGE_RADIUS);
public double distance(Cabbage c) {
return Math.sqrt(( - center.x) * ( - center.x)
+ ( - center.y) * ( - center.y));
* Returns the location of this Cabbage
* @return the location of this Cabbage.
public Point getLocation() {
return new Point(center);
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