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Last active August 4, 2023 16:01
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Advent of Code 2022, day 1
(ns day-1.core
(:require [clojure.string :as string]))
(defn- calories-per-elf
"The amount of calories each elf is carrying, greatest value first."
(sort >
(map #(reduce +
(map parse-long
(re-seq #"[0-9]+" %)))
(string/split (slurp input-file-name)
(defn- sum-n-greatest-calorie-counts
"Sum the calories carried by the N elves carrying the greatest amount of
( sum-n-greatest-calorie-counts input-file-name 1))
([input-file-name n]
(apply +
(take n
(calories-per-elf input-file-name)))))
;; Testing.
(let [input-file-name "test-input.txt"]
(assert (= 24000
(sum-n-greatest-calorie-counts input-file-name)))
(assert (= 45000
(sum-n-greatest-calorie-counts input-file-name 3))))
(let [input-file-name "input.txt"]
(assert (= 69289
(sum-n-greatest-calorie-counts input-file-name)))
(assert (= 205615
(sum-n-greatest-calorie-counts input-file-name 3))))
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