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Last active December 9, 2022 11:47
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Advent of Code 2022, day 2
(ns day-2.core
(:require [clojure.string :as str]))
(def rounds
"Return a sequence of all the rounds of the game."
(str/split (slurp "input.txt")
(defn plan-a
(condp = round
"A X" (+ 1 3)
"A Y" (+ 2 6)
"A Z" (+ 3 0)
"B X" (+ 1 0)
"B Y" (+ 2 3)
"B Z" (+ 3 6)
"C X" (+ 1 6)
"C Y" (+ 2 0)
"C Z" (+ 3 3)))
(defn plan-b
(condp = round
"A X" (+ 3 0)
"A Y" (+ 1 3)
"A Z" (+ 2 6)
"B X" (+ 1 0)
"B Y" (+ 2 3)
"B Z" (+ 3 6)
"C X" (+ 2 0)
"C Y" (+ 3 3)
"C Z" (+ 1 6)))
(defn total-score
"Given a scoring PLAN, return the total score for all the ROUNDS."
[plan rounds]
(reduce +
(map plan rounds)))
(def plan-a-score
(total-score plan-a rounds))
(def plan-b-score
(total-score plan-b rounds))
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