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Last active February 19, 2019 21:40
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Generic function question
fn S(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
foo: fn (a: T, b: T) bool,
fn init(foo: fn (a: T, b: T) bool) Self {
return Self {
.foo = foo
fn greaterThan1(a: u32, b: u32) bool {
return a > b;
fn greaterThan2(a: var, b: @typeOf(a)) bool {
return a > b;
fn greaterThan3(comptime T: type, a: T, b: T) bool {
return a > b;
// This works
pub fn main() void {
const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan1);
warn("{}", s);
// ➜ deflate git:(master) ✗ zig build-exe priority_queue.zig && ./priority_queue
// S(u32){ .foo = fn(u32, u32) bool@10c843850 }%
// // No dice!
pub fn main() void {
const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan2);
warn("{}", s);
// ➜ deflate git:(master) ✗ zig build-exe priority_queue.zig && ./priority_queue
// /Users/ error: expected type 'fn(u32, u32) bool', found 'fn(var,var)var'
// const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan2);
// ^
// /Users/ note: only one of the functions is generic
// const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan2);
// Naturally, this doesn't work either
pub fn main() void {
const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan3);
warn("{}", s);
// ➜ deflate git:(master) ✗ zig build-exe priority_queue.zig && ./priority_queue
// /Users/ error: expected type 'fn(u32, u32) bool', found 'fn(type,var,var)var'
// const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan3);
// ^
// /Users/ note: only one of the functions is generic
// const s = S(u32).init(greaterThan3);
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